Page 20 of Unravel Me

Before she could open the email and hit print, Brad had vacated his chair and moved behind her. He reached around her shoulders, his right arm trapping hers, and took control of the mouse. His cologne played havoc on her senses. The close proximity of his face, however, stripped her of conscious thought. The sensual contours of his mouth drew her in. All she had to do was turn her head…

Cassie swallowed hard and swiveled her chair around to offer Brad some privacy. “Want me to step out?”

“Nah, we’re good. Nothing I can’t share in here. That’s why I had you all-caps the statement his response would come to you, not me.”

Nodding, Cassie looked back at her computer. Miles Cooper’s email filled up her monitor. He agreed to the standard components, but to keep things moving forward, he would waive his immediate concerns about Jennifer retaining legal custody as well. Though he felt strongly it would be in Anna’s best interests to be relocated, entirely, to New York.

Cassie held in a disgusted snort. Considerate bastard.

The bottom half of his email, however, made her frown. It included a vague reference to a status update on terms he’d mentioned to Brad. They’d discussed all the terms numerous times. Cassie tapped a nail on the screen. “What’s this?”

Brad’s groan was quiet, but present never-the-less. He closed the email and returned to his seat. “I was going to email you last night. But then…”

The way his gaze slowly roamed across her breasts made her want to squirm. The familiar ache began in her womb again, and to her shame, her nipples pebbled beneath her blouse. Approval glinted in his eyes.

“Anyway,” he continued, “Miles wants to revisit the holiday terms.”

Unable to work a word past her closed throat, Cassie nodded. They could revisit them all they wanted; Jennifer wouldn’t budge. Anna was all the family she had.

“Evidently, Miles’ parents want to experience some of the holidays with…what’s her name…Anna? He has rejected the proposal your client submitted.” Reclining in the chair, he folded his arms behind his head. “I have revised terms I’m to propose to you and Mrs. Cooper.”

Cassie blinked. “Not going to happen.”

“Cassie, wait, hear me out. They aren’t unreasonable. They are—”

“You were just going to drop this on me with Jennifer present?” Cassie’s voice rose as anger surged through her veins. “No heads up, no nothing? And you expect my client will just concede to Miles’ wishes? When it’s not even him who wants to see Anna, but his parents?” Picking up her phone, Cassie punched in Jennifer’s number. “You should prepare yourself for a long afternoon, counselor.”


As Cassie spoke to her client, Brad let the sound of her voice sink into his awareness. It was so very different from her whispered impassioned words, and yet, so very similar. Despite her barely concealed anger, he loved the musical cadence, the roughened smoky edges to warm and friendly tones.

Her mouth was every bit as fascinating. As he watched full lips move, no matter how illogical it might be, all he wanted to do was drag her out of that chair, into his lap, where those soft curves could meld around him. Their present disagreement mattered little; he’d win and he would have her all over again.

What drew him in was his ever-deepening respect for the attorney who sat behind that too-big desk. She knew her job, was no meek representative when it came to her client’s wishes. Even if she didn’t have a powerful reputation, an earlier phone call that had come in from counsel who obviously opposed her—let alone this call—told Brad all he needed to know about Cassie’s professional abilities. He could honestly say if she were in New York, he’d be honored to work with her on a case.

Which went a long way for him. He seldom encountered attorneys who stirred his respect. Much less attorneys he didn’t mind working with.

But she wasn’t in New York, and they’d never work together. And as for all the other things he’d like to do to her, she’d made it clear—no matter what her body wanted, she wouldn’t cross professional boundaries. They were opposing counsel, and he couldn’t fault her for her ethics. Still, he wanted one more kiss. One more stolen moment to indulge in all her heavenly sweetness. It wasn’t impossible, just…tricky. They’d have to be extra careful and extremely discreet. Just once more.