“We had an enormous argument because I told her she couldn’t be the one to carry out penance against her mother’s killer.”

I rub my temples where my brain is threatening to explode. “Bleu is unaware but I made a promise to her father before he died. He made me swear I would take the burden of killing from her. He didn’t want her to carry that kind of darkness for the rest of her life.”

And I readily agreed because I can’t bear the thought of her being tormented by something she’s done.

“Bleu isn’t like me. She’s good. I’m afraid the guilt would eventually destroy her.”

“I think her father knew what he was talking about. Bleu has no business killing anyone,” Dad says.

“Even more so now that she’s expecting. Motherhood brings changes you don’t expect, even for women within the circle.”

If Abram did this, his actions are affecting my life and marriage. I need to know the truth so we can put this behind us.

“Bleu enlisted Debra’s help because being with the women of The Fellowship consumes so much of her time. I’m hoping that will expedite this situation coming to a head.”

I’m not sure how my father would react to finding out his brother killed the woman he loved. “If he did this, are you prepared for him to die?”

“After the first betrayal, there is no other.” That’s a yes.

It could take awhile to get the answers we want. In the meantime, Abram has to leave Bleu alone. “I can’t let him continue lashing out at Bleu.”

“Agreed. That has tae come tae an end immediately,” my mum says.

“So I have your blessing to handle him the way I see fit?”

“Certainly, but I’d like myself and the other council members to be present so there’s no mistakes. I’ll call a formal meeting for the morning so everyone is on the same page.”

“I was going to suggest that due to how I plan to handle him.”

“You have my attention,” Dad says.

Bleu believes it’s time I replace Abram for the good of The Fellowship. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. I was afraid she wasn’t ready but I have her support. Nothing is holding me back. I’m ready to take my rightful place. “It’s time Abram steps down.”

My father’s smile is proof enough that he’s pleased. “You feel prepared to take your place?”

“It’s time. I’m finished with my traineeship. I have a wife and a baby on the way. There’s no reason to put it off any longer.”

“You have no idea how proud I am, son. I’ve waited years to hear these words from you. I’ve imagined how proud I might feel but the reality is so much better. We’ll make it official first thing in the morning.”

* * *

Bleu is in bed when I arrive home. Her breath is slow and steady. She’s asleep—or pretending to be so she doesn’t have to talk to me.

I undress and slide in next to her. She startles awake when I move behind her to drape my arm over her waist.

She places her hand on top of mine. At first I think she’s going to lace our fingers but instead she shoves it away. “You can go to the couch.”

“Bonny. Don’t be that way.”

No reply.

I move my hand back into place over her stomach and hold her hand tightly as she attempts to pull it away again. “I had to leave. I only know one way to fight—win by whatever means necessary. I don’t fight a fair game.”

She stops trying to pull away from me. That’s promising.

“We’re still new. I haven’t figured out how to argue with you. I only know I must be careful. Leaving felt like the only thing I could do so I’d be certain to have no regrets.”

I feel her twist toward me in the dark. “I would never put this baby in danger, especially by acting against Abram while I’m pregnant. It hurts me that you think I would.”

She fails to see my concern for her after the baby is born. “Putting yourself in danger after you deliver still endangers the baby.”

“I disagree.”

“What if you went after Abram and he killed you? Our child would be motherless. It would be a tragedy for him to never know his mother. So see? You’re potentially harming our baby by endangering yourself.”

She doesn’t respond. I don’t mistake it for an agreement but at least it’s not an argument.

“Abram’s out. I’m officially taking my place within The Fellowship in the morning.”

She twists the rest of the way so we’re face to face. “The brotherhood will be very pleased. They respect you.”

“You’re right. I have to consider what’s best for our people. And he’s not it.”

After hearing what he instructed Linsey to do, I’m certain he only has his own well-being in mind. She’s a good woman. I don’t think she would have done what he told her unless she felt threatened.

Abram isn’t the only one I’ve considered while thinking about taking my place. “I think it’s better to make the change early on in our marriage rather than try to transition into it later after the baby comes.”

“You’re going to hand Abram his ass, aren’t you?”

Ah, my wife knows me well.

“Aye. I wanted to at dinner tonight but I decided it wasn’t wise to act out while I was so angry. It’s better to counterattack after thought and contemplation.” Retaliation isn’t the only thing best served cold.

My wife need not worry. Abram will get what’s coming to him in the morning. And I don’t expect it to go over well.

* * *

Everyone has taken a place around the table for the emergent leadership meeting. They’re probably expecting to hear news of retaliation by The Order. Wrong. It’s a counterattack but has nothing to do with our nemesis.

My father stands and the room silences. When he speaks, people listen. “My son has come to a decision that pleases me greatly. He has decided he’s ready to take his place. Abram, you will be relieved of your duties—effective immediately.”

I sit back in my chair as shock forms on Abram’s face.

He leans forward, taking on the concerned uncle expression I know so well. “Sin. You have a new wife. Your first child is on the way. I fail to see why this is the right time for you to do this.”

He chooses now to acknowledge that my wife is expecting my first child. He’s singing an entirely different song from last night.

“It’ll be easier to make the change now, rather than try to transition after the baby is born. But that’s not the only reason. You’ve given me no choice. I can’t tolerate you badgering my pregnant wife.”

“I have not badgered your wife.”

Fucking liar. “A brother must never violate the wife or children of another member. I’m doing you a favor by giving you this warning. Do it again and be prepared to face penance.”

Abram’s face is blood red. He’s furious. “Thane, you’re going to let him talk to me like this?”

“The things you said to Bleu and Sinclair last night were inexcusable.”

“Anything I said was out of concern for The Fellowship.”

“Your goal was to upset my wife. You succeeded. That disturbs me greatly.”

“All of this is her doing. You can’t see she’s here to sabotage us.”

“Have you considered that there are better ways for her to sabotage The Fellowship than to marry one of us and become pregnant with the future leader?”

He doesn’t reply.

“We made this agreement when I

was twenty-one. You agreed to be an interim until I was ready. It’s the role and duty I was born into. You knew this day was coming. Stepping into my role has nothing to do with Bleu.”

“Your marriage to her is a sham. The Fellowship gained nothing from your union. Westlyn should be your wife. Your coupling would’ve strengthened The Fellowship, not divide it.”

“My marriage to Bleu was never intended for gain but don’t mistake it for a weak union. My wife is a force. Her strength is incredible and contagious. I’ll be a stronger leader with her by my side. The younger women within the brotherhood are lucky they’ll have her guiding them.”

“Make no mistake, Sin. You may have initiated her into the brotherhood and then married your bonny American but she’ll never be Fellowship.”

Abram gets up from the table and points his finger in my direction. “And she’ll never lead either of my daughters. I’ll see to that.”

Chapter Nineteen

Bleu Breckenridge

It’s been three weeks since Sin became secondary leader of The Fellowship. I knew it was coming when I agreed to marry him. I had hoped it would happen later in our marriage. I wanted time with my husband before he was taken from me but it wasn’t possible. Abram has given him no choice.

It hasn’t been awful but he’s still new to his role. He comes home late every night, although he did that anyway. He’s managed to get away long enough to be with me for my first ultrasound today. I suppose I can’t complain too much.

“You’re going to feel some pressure.” I’m lying on my back with my legs slightly parted when the ultrasound tech inserts the condom-clad probe inside me. I look at Sin and scrunch my nose.

He reaches for my hand. “Are you all right?”

“I’ll make it.” It’s not the first time I’ve had this done. I’ll never get used to it but I can tolerate it a lot better knowing the ultimate goal: to ensure there’s a heartbeat and a growing baby. Or babies.

“I’ll take measurements of yer uterus first. I know yer anxious but we’ll get tae the fun stuff in just a minute.” Her accent is thick; I have to listen carefully. Sometimes it takes a little deciphering to figure it out.