She said fun stuff. That much I understood. I think that sounds reassuring. Maybe. I wouldn’t expect her to use the word fun if she wasn’t seeing a live baby. Unless she hasn’t taken notice yet. She’s a professional. She’d look before saying anything like that, right?

I’m nervous so I’m rambling to myself. Shut up, Bleu. You’re making it worse.

Sin is still holding my hand. He gives it three rhythmic squeezes so I turn away from the monitor to look at him. He winks and mouths, “I love you.”

I make smoochy lips at him and mouth the same in return.

It takes forever to do the technical stuff—twice as long as I would expect.

“Okay. Got the measurements out of the way so here we go.”

The tech angles the probe upward and presses. My bladder feels like it’s inflated with a gallon of water so I could pee myself at any moment. “Hmm,” I groan. “That’s not pleasant.”

“Okay?” Sin asks.

“Yeah.” I’ll only have to bear it for a few minutes. The discomfort is worth what I’m about to see.

She points to the screen. “Right there. Do ye know what this little circle is that we’re looking at?”

“We’re hopeful it’s a baby.”

“Aye. And how many babies do ye see? One.” She moves her finger slightly to the left. “Two.”

“Well, fuck me. Twins.” Sin grins and then looks at the tech. “Pardon me.”

She giggles. “No problem. I’ve heard worse.”

He leans forward for a better view. “I was afraid to hope for two. It seemed greedy when I knew we’d be damn lucky to get one.”

It doesn’t feel real. “Are you sure?”


I immediately go into worry mode. I suppose it’s natural. “Both babies look healthy?”

“Both heartbeats are strong and each is measuring right on schedule. They look perfect as far as I can tell.”

Sin leans forward to kiss me. “Did you hear that, Bonny? She says they look perfect.”

Twins. Two babies. I knew there was a high probability but I’m still surprised.

My head is spinning. I may even be a little short of breath. I pray it’s not because I’m about to have a panic attack.

What am I going to do with two babies? I wasn’t really even sure I was ready to mother one.

“All done, Mrs. Breckenridge. Ye can change back into yer bottoms.”

I get up from the exam table and go into the bathroom with Sin following behind me. I’m holding a sheet around my waist when he lifts me and kisses my mouth like crazy. When he finishes, he returns my feet to the floor. “Bonny. This is the best and most frightening news I’ve ever gotten in my life. I’m terrified and overjoyed at the same time.”

It’s a ginormous relief to know I’m not alone. “I’m scared too, but very happy.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being afraid.” He puts his arms around me and squeezes. “We can be scared together.”

* * *

“Mary predicted this, you know.”

“Who’s Mary? And what did she predict?” I hear the confusion in his voice.

“How can you forget Mary the medium? She did a reading on us. Said you would be married with children soon.” I touch my abdomen. “She was right. You’ll be getting children soon. I’d say she hit the nail on the head.”

“Aye, I suppose she did. I recall her saying I would find joy with my family. She was right about that as well.”

Sin opens the door to our flat and enters first. He enters the series of numbers to turn off the security system.

He stops in the living room and stands with his hands on his hips looking around. “There’s a lot to be done before they get here.”

He sounds as though he thinks they’re coming tomorrow. “I’m six weeks pregnant. We have time.”

“We need to be more aggressive in the search for a house. Two babies will require twice as much space.” He looks at the door leading out to the patio. “I want them to have a fenced outdoor area so they can safely play outside.”

He’s putting the cart before the horse. “They won’t come out needing a yard to play in.”

“I know, but I want to bring them home from the hospital to our family house. Not this.” He laughs. “I know. I’m just excited. This is the first time I’ve ever found out I was going to be a father to twins.”

“I hope it’s the first time you’ve ever found out you were going to be a father at all.”

We’ve never discussed that before. “This is your first time to be a father, isn’t it?”

“I don’t have other children.” He reaches out and takes my hands. He pulls me close, pressing my back against his front. He overlaps his hands over my tummy. “Only these.”

I can’t help being relieved by his confirmation.

“I want my parents to know.”

I’d like them to know as well but I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time. “Can we have them over instead of going out?”

“We’ll do it however you’d like. The choice is yours, but do you feel up to cooking?”

I’m already anemic so I’m often tired, but the supplemental iron has helped. “I’m fine, Breck. I feel great. I’d love to have them over tonight if they’re free.”

“I’ll tell them to drop everything.”

“That’s not necessary. We can do it another night if they’re busy.”

“No. They’re getting two grandchildren instead of one. It’s wonderful news. They’ll want to know as soon as possible so let’s plan to have them over tonight.”

“I think we’ll have glazed salmon. Maybe parsnips and a green vegetable.”

“Can you have fish?”

I love the way he looks out for our safety. “Salmon is safe. It’s low in mercury. I’ve already checked.”

“Sounds good.”

He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. I can predict what’s coming next. He has to leave. “I need to go in for a while.”

“I know.”

“I’ll call if dinner plans change.”

“Please do so earlier rather than later. We need groceries if I’m going to cook so I’ll need to make a run to the market.” I really don’t want to go to the trouble if they aren’t coming.

“Do you need Sterling to drive you?”

“I don’t think so. I won’t be picking up much—just enough for dinner.”

“You shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting.”

“I don’t think fish fillets and parsnips qualify as heavy lifting.”

“I suppose not, but do call if you need a ride.”

“I’ll be fine. The walk will be good for me.”

“You’re used to pushing yourself but your body is changing. You’re going to need to learn how to rest. Promise me you’ll lie down if you get tired.”

He’ll get no argument from me. “Promise.”

“Are you going to call Ellison the second I’m out the door?”

He knows me well. “Of course.”

“Then I’ll be on my way. Tell her I said hello.”

As predicted, the door barely hits his ass before I’m on my phone making the call that will cause my sister to flip the fuck out. Then I may lose it because she’s going to insist on being here for all of it. That’s going to present a problem.

“Tell Aunt Elli how photogenic her beautiful little niece was today while having her picture taken.”

Yeah. My sister makes no bones about it. She wants a girl to spoil.

“I don’t know, Aunt Elli. I couldn’t tell much. All I could see was two little dots. But they were both pretty adorable to me.”

“Oh, Bleu!” she squeals. “Twins?”

“It is.”

“You must be so excited.”

The idea is beginning to soak in a little. “Yeah. We’re happy to be getting two since we weren’t sure we’d even be able to get one.”

“You’re going to need a

lot of help with two babies.”

I know where she’s going with this. “Sin is going to be a wonderful father. I have no doubt he’ll help me as much as possible. Isobel will be a huge help too so you shouldn’t worry about us. And Sin says I can have a nanny if I want one. I won’t be alone.”