I only get a glimpse of my mother’s killer before he and Sinclair leave the bar. I have no recollection of seeing his face when he attacked me. I must have squeezed my eyes shut out of fear but I’ve seen countless surveillance photos of him. His face will be forever etched in my brain, yet I find he differs from the way I’ve visualized him. He appears … human, not at all the monster I’ve come to imagine.

It’s closing time and neither Thane nor Sin have returned. I’d hoped the pair would come back so he might introduce me to his father. I’m anxious to embark this ship of deception that will bring me into the Breckenridges’ inner circle.

I’m walking home when Sinclair’s black sedan eases alongside again. “Get in.”

He doesn’t get to give me orders like I’m one of his Fellowship members. “No.”

“I said get in.”

“And I said no.” It’s my job to teach him how to treat me early on.

“Please, Bleu. I’d really like to take you home.” He’s almost making this too easy.

I look at him for a moment, as if I’m considering his proposition, but I already know I’ll get in. “Okay, but only because you asked nicely.”

I wait for him to lead the conversation but he says nothing—so I don’t, either—during the two-minute drive to my flat. We’re angry at one another. Well, he’s mad and I’m pretending to be.

I’m the first to speak when Sterling parks in the usual spot. “Thanks for the lift.” Sinclair doesn’t reply as he opens his door to get out. “What do you think you’re doing?”

I sit in the car with folded arms like a juvenile. He opens my door and puts his hand inside to help me exit. “I’m coming in with you.”

I take his hand and allow him to help me out. “What makes you think that?”

“We were interrupted earlier, and I’d like to finish where we left off.” Yeah, I’m sure he would.

I stop him at the door, placing my hand on his chest to let him know it’s a no-go. “We want two different things, and I won’t settle for less than everything I deserve.”

“What if I told you I thought about it and changed my mind? What if I want to try it your way?” He’s coming around but not quite there. He needs more time to simmer so he can see things my way. Completely.

“Mmm … no.” I say it like a spoiled brat.

“What do you mean, no?” He sounds like a brat too. I think he’s truly shocked he isn’t getting his way.

“You don’t get to … try me out. That’s not how this works.”

“Then how would you like this to go?”

“You told me earlier that you only do what pleases you, so you’ll need to convince me that you want to make it good for me.”

“You want this to be all about your pleasure.” He laughs.

“Mmm … not completely. Just mostly.”

“My God, woman. You’ve enchanted me. Now I’m desperate to find out what being with you is like.”

Fucking perfect. “You’ll have to work for it. And after you do, I might not agree if I feel you didn’t work hard enough to suit me.” Wow. I sound like a total bitch. I may have taken it too far.

“All right. I agree to your terms.” I cannot believe he just agreed to those stipulations.

What have I gotten myself into? I knew there was a possibility I might have to get into bed with the enemy, but I had no idea I’d be this electrified about doing so.

It makes me feel dirty. But I like it. And I shouldn’t.

* * *

Two days have passed since Sin’s been into the bar. Nor has he come by to give me a ride home. I’m afraid playing hard to get isn’t the way to go since it seems to be backfiring.

He’s accustomed to a quick fuck with a willing Fellowship groupie. He never takes anyone to his home or a hotel. I had hoped something fresh and different would catch and hold his attention. I thought a girl from the outside, untainted by the members of The Fellowship, would be the key. I guess I was wrong. Maybe I need to consider another approach.

It’s closing time and I go to the back to get my things. Upon opening my locker, I find a single red rose accompanying a folded note on top of my bag. I sniff the rose and read the message.

I’m taking you out tomorrow night. Seems I have something I must work for. Be ready at 7:00.


Oh, wow. He’s been at the bar and I didn’t even know. Maybe my plan isn’t dead in the water after all.

One problem. I’m supposed to work tomorrow night. Has he taken care of this with Leith?

I stop by the office on my way out. The door is open, Leith sitting at his desk working on the computer. “Hey, boss. You got a minute?”


I feel sort of weird asking about a change in my schedule when we haven’t discussed it. “Am I still working tomorrow night?”

“No. Sin moved Greer to work in your place.”

“Hmm.” I’m not at all surprised by this, but I make an expression as though I am. “Then I guess you know he’s taking me out.”

“I suspected as much since he’s making changes to your shift.”

“I don’t want it to be a problem.”

“It’s not.” He returns to punching numbers into the computer. “I’m used to Sin getting whatever he wants and saying to hell with everyone else.”

Yup. He’s bitter. Probably best I don’t say anything else. “Umm … I guess I’ll see you Sunday, then.”

“Bleu, Sin is one of my best mates but he can be a son of a bitch. You’re a nice lass and I’d hate to see him hurt you.”

That’s not a possibility but I can’t tell him that. “Thanks, Leith. I’ll be careful.”

I’m not surprised when the black Mercedes creeps alongside me. “Good evening, Miss MacAllister. It would be an honor to take you home, but the real question is would it please you for me to do so?”

This is going to be a fun game. “Your company would please me very much.”

We arrive at my place in a matter of minutes. “May I come in?”

I ponder what an invitation to come inside will mean to him after our last conversation. “Bleu, if I’m to earn the privilege of taking you to bed, I must be given the opportunity to perform your prerequisites for proving myself.”

He’s got me there. I can’t back out or I’ll lose my footing. “Yes. I’d love for you to come in.”

Once inside, I kick off my shoes by the door. “God, that feels so much better.” I pull the tie out of my hair and shake it until it flows freely, my scalp sore from wearing my hair up all day. “I’m gonna change into something more comfortable. Help yourself to a drink. You know where the whisky is.”

I opt for tight black yoga pants and a fitted white T-shirt. It’s one of those outfits that isn’t intentionally sexy, yet it is.

I return to the living room and find that Sin has poured JW for two. Tall and neat, waiting for me on the end table.

I sit in the spot he’s chosen for me since I figure there’s motive, but he completely surprises me when he moves to the floor at my feet. “Hard day, Bonny Bleu?”

It seems I have a nickname. It’s sweet. Score: one, Sinclair.

“It was rough but it’s much improved since you did whatever you did to make the grabby hands leave me alone.”

“No one’s bothering you?” He reaches for my right foot and rubs.

Shit, that feels good. I think I may orgasm.

I shake my head. “Not anymore.”

“I could do a better job if I had lotion or oil. Do you have any?”

“Umm … yeah. I think it’s on the bathroom counter.”

He disappears down the hall, then reappears with my favorite body lotion and sits at my feet again. He squeezes a generous amount into his hand and begins his sweet seduction of gliding his palms over my feet. “You were telling me about your day.”

I can barely concentrate enough to put a coherent sentence together. “It was okay.”

“Just okay?” He sounds a lit

tle disappointed.

“It got better once I found a beautiful red rose and invitation for a date tomorrow night. Thank you, by the way. It was a lovely surprise.”

“Is that an affirmative?”

Really? He’s asking after he rearranged my work schedule? “I don’t recall there being a question anywhere on the note. Only instructions to be ready at seven.”

“Please, bear with me, Bleu.” He stops massaging, so I open my eyes. “This is new to me.”

He looks so sweet sitting on the floor … serving me. “I can see that and I also know you’re trying. Please know it doesn’t go unnoticed. I appreciate your effort.”

“Let me try this again because I want to get it right.” He clears his throat. “Will you please join me for dinner tomorrow night and perhaps dancing afterward?”

How in the world can I say no to that? “Yes. I’d be happy to.”

He applies more lotion to his hands and works his way up my calves.

“You haven’t been to the bar in a couple of days.”

“I’ve been working on a really important case.”

“Oh.” I’m glad to know his reason for not coming wasn’t his choice.

“Did you think I wasn’t showing up because I wasn’t interested in seeing you?”
