I sample the drink and discover it’s exactly as I expect—sickeningly sweet. It’s definitely a cocktail for a lass, so I push it back in her direction. “You don’t like sex on the beach?”

“I like the actual thing very much, but not this drink.”

“Would something tall, dark, and neat be more preferable?”


“You’re going to put your trust in me again?” she asks.

“Allow me to be clear about one thing, Bleu.” I motion for her to lean forward and I do the same until we’re nearly nose to nose. “I trust no one until they’ve proven themselves to be trustworthy.”

“I get the distinct feeling we’re no longer talking about choosing a brand of whisky.” If I didn’t know better, I’d think that was a challenge.

She’s a smart one, this lass, so I don’t wish to get into a battle of wits. “I’m the only customer you’re serving. I shouldn’t be thirsty.”

Bleu goes to fetch my drink and Leith slips into one of the chairs next to me. “Lorna told me what you ordered her to do. Why the hell are you claiming Bleu as your own personal barmaid while Lorna takes a double load?”

“Someone has to validate this lass’s motives since you were too careless to do so.”

“You’re going to tell me that monopolizing her as your own is a way of investigating her purpose for being here?”

“Having her one-on-one so we can talk does a far better job than your hands running up and down her arse every time she walks by.”

“Don’t worry, Sin. No one’s putting their hands on her now.”

He acts as though he’s a toddler and I’ve taken away his favorite toy. “She didn’t like the way she was being manhandled.”

“And you know this how?”

“She told me.”

“When?” he asks.

“Last night.”

Leith looks pissed off, which means he’s putting the pieces together. “Then I guess it’s safe to assume you didn’t have this conversation at the bar?”

“No.” As his superior, I don’t owe him any explanation. “I needed to do a sweep, to be sure Bleu is who she claims to be. I was going through her things when she came home and found me inside, so I had to act as though I was there to talk.”

“How very convenient.” He’s right. I could’ve sent my people to do the search but I wanted her to come home and find me there.

“What’s your verdict?” he asks.

She’s clean as far as I can tell. For now. “I believe she’s telling the truth.”

He slaps his hand on the table. “I fucking knew it.”

“You didn’t know shit, Leith. Like always, I’m the one out doing the dirty work.”

“Sure. Keep telling yourself that being alone with Bleu at her flat is dirty work and maybe you’ll eventually believe it.” He’s calling bullshit, and we both know he’s right. I wanted to spend time with her.

Bleu returns with a glass of something much more preferable and Leith leaves without another word. “Something wrong with him?”

“He has business to tend to.”

She places the drink in front of me. “Johnnie Walker. Black Label.”

“Seems you are capable of making good choices.”

“See? I can be trusted.” That still remains to be seen but we’re off to a good start.

“Are you having a better day?”

“Absolutely.” She’s beaming. “Almost all the ass grabbing has stopped.”

Almost? “There’s still men in this bar putting their hands on you?”

“Yeah. There’s one guy who won’t leave me alone.”

I put out an order to not touch Bleu and one of the brothers isn’t heeding my word. That’s outright defiance, something I don’t tolerate. “Lorna looks overwhelmed. Maybe you should take your customers back.”


I stop her before she gets up from the table. “Do you remember when you told me you wanted to break grabby hands and I told you it wasn’t a good idea?”

“Yeah.” She laughs.

“I’ve changed my mind. Do as you please if he touches you again. Bring him to his knees if you like.”

Bleu returns to work and I stay put to see which brother will reveal himself as her harasser. I don’t have to wait long before a young member, Duff, reaches out to run his hand up the back of her thigh. He’s forearm-deep up her skirt so there’s no way he’s not touching her knickers. Plus some.

She’s bent over serving drinks at the neighboring table when his hand assaults her from behind. Mother. Fucker.

She whirls around and places her hand on top of his, the one reaching up her skirt. Without a moment’s hesitation, she hyperflexes his wrist, pushing his hand down toward his inner forearm. He immediately comes out of his chair onto his knees.

“Aww … fuck! Let go, bitch!” he yells.

Bleu is enraged when her eyes meet mine but she manages to maintain self-control. I can’t say I’d be able to do the same. Kudos to her for that, but I know what she wants to do to the little bastard. She’s questioning me with her expression, looking for my approval. But I can’t give it to her. My brothers will see that as choosing her over them. I’m already flirting with disaster by allowing her this sanction.

I get up from my chair and go to her in case Duff has it on his mind to attack when she releases him. “That’s enough.”

Bleu does as I tell her and steps away before I place my hand on her shoulder. “No one touches her again. No. One.” I announce it loud enough so everyone can hear and there’s no confusion.

I look at Leith across the bar and the fury flashing across his face can’t be mistaken. But he won’t question or defy me. I’m his superior.

“Penance was carried out by the wronged individual,” I announce. “Continue as you were.”

Drinking, talking, and laughing resumes. The escapade with Duff no longer captures the attention of the crowd so I lean over and whisper in Bleu’s ear. “I want you to come with me.”

I lead her to Leith’s office since I figure it would be in poor taste to take her to the room where she found me with Geneen on her knees only a couple of days earlier.

I shut the door and say nothing as I look at her. I’m trying to figure her out. “Did I do something wrong … or misunderstand your directions?”

“No, you were perfect.” I move closer and capture her face with my palms. “Tell me how it made you feel when you brought a man to his knees in pain after he wronged you.”

I feel her trembling beneath m

y hands. “Powerful.”

“Do you feel guilty about it?”

She shakes her head. “Should I?”

“No. Not at all.”

“How did you feel watching me do it?” she asks.

“I liked it. A whole-fucking-lot.” I step closer and graze my mouth along her jaw until my lips are next to her ear. “A total turn-on.” I lower my hands from her face and skim them down the sides of her body until I reach her perfect arse. I cup both cheeks with my hands and crash her body against mine as I suck her earlobe into my mouth.

“What happened to no one touching me?”

Does that mean she doesn’t want me to touch her?

I release her and straighten to look at her face. “Do you want that to apply to me as well?”

“I want things to be very clear so there’s no misunderstanding between us. I won’t give my body to someone who’d fuck me in a storage room or on a desk in the office of a bar. I want to enjoy the pleasure that goes along with great sex, so I will only sleep with a man who is eager to please me. I must be able to trust that you aren’t in it only for yourself. I’ll demand more of you than any other woman ever has, and for that, I’m completely unapologetic.”

“Allow me to be clear with you. I only do what pleases me and that, Bonny Bleu, is what you can trust.”

I’m still holding her so close, we’re nose to nose. “Then I believe we’ve come to an impasse that will bring neither of us any pleasure.”

There’s a loud knock at the door but our eyes remain locked. “Go the fuck away.”

“Sin,” Leith calls out from the other side of the door. “Your father is here to see you.”

The timing couldn’t be worse.

“Fuck!” I yell loudly. I release her and move away to adjust my cock. “We’ll finish this later.”

She whirls and starts for the door. “Not likely.”

I beg to differ. I don’t believe for a second that either of us will be satisfied with an impasse.

Chapter Five

Bleu MacAllister