The answer to that was simple. He was a somewhat attractive, eager, and willing male body. It didn’t matter that Viper probably didn’t know the guy’s name, and if he did, wouldn’t remember it tomorrow. Tonight was about pure physical pleasure—that much I was painfully aware of.

I tried to turn my attention back to the girls, but I kept catching glimpses out of the corner of my eye of what was happening only a few feet away.

Downing the rest of my vodka, all I could think was: Please God, let me get drunk off my ass tonight.



FUCK. YES. THIS is exactly what I need, I thought, as Brett—I think his name’s Brett—parted his lips and I slid my tongue deep inside his mouth. With the strong taste of tequila on his lips, he was the exact poison I needed to get my mind off the man who was sitting a few feet away from me, surrounded by ready, willing, and likely wet pussy.


From the second I’d walked into the bar tonight, my eyes and dick had searched the angel out like a damn laser finding its target, and as I sat there now, it was taking some very heavy convincing from Brett to keep it occupied.

As a hand landed on my thigh and inched its way up toward the hard-on I’d been packing since I’d spotted Halo, I had to remind myself for the millionth time that he wasn’t sitting there waiting for a moment with me.

“Shit.” Brett groaned against my lips, his eyes wide with that familiar starstuck look in them. He licked his lips as he scooted in so close to my side that I could feel his cock pressing up against my leg. “You’re so damn sexy.”

Yeah, that worked for me. I gripped his tie a little harder and nipped at his lower lip, making him tremble. “Why don’t you come up here and tell me that.”

“Up…there?” Brett asked, his eyes dropping to my lap and then coming back to meet mine.

“Straddle me,” I suggested, tugging him a little closer, and it didn’t take any more convincing than that.

Brett shifted up on the couch and lifted one knee over the top of my thighs, and when he was hovering above my legs, I tossed a crooked smile his way and ran a hand up his thigh. As my fingers dug into his hip and I drew him closer, Brett bit into his lip and squirmed against me, rubbing his erection up against mine.

“Oh fuck,” he whispered, as I licked my lower lip. “This is—” Before he could finish his thought, I yanked on his tie, bringing his mouth into contact with mine, hoping that would silence him for the time being, because honestly, we both knew why he was there, and I didn’t need him to kiss my ass to get into my pants tonight—it was already a foregone conclusion.

I’d known that from the second my dick had taken over all logical thinking, back at Killian’s place this afternoon, that I needed to get laid tonight, and fast, and with the way Brett’s hands were now trailing down my chest, I was positive that was about to happen really fucking soon.

Brett began to nip his way up my jaw line as his fingers continued south, and when I glanced over his shoulder to the opposite side of the couch, expecting to see Halo in a somewhat similar position—but more…breasts in face and hands up skirts—I drew up short when I saw his eyes locked on me.

Well, well, well, would you look at that. It seemed the angel was preoccupied tonight. And it made my stupid cock throb that he seemed preoccupied with me.

As Brett’s fingers found the button of my jeans and his lips found my ear, I aimed a wicked smirk in Halo’s direction.

Halo’s jaw clenched, and I could’ve sworn he ground his teeth together, as Brett chose that moment to rock forward on his knees and rub his entire body up against my front. I grunted, the pressure against my cock feeling really fucking good, and let go of Brett’s tie to finally reach around and grab a handful of each of his ass cheeks. Brett moaned in my ear as I thrust my hips up off the couch, my eyes still locked on Halo’s as the blonde on his right began kissing her way down his neck.

Fuck, he was gorgeous, with his jean-clad legs spread apart, cradling a now-empty glass in his hand like it was a damn lifeline. He had a scowl on his face I’d never seen before, and I didn’t know what it said about me, but that irritated expression was making my already hard dick even harder.

Maybe it was because Halo was always so affable? I had no clue. But seeing him look like he wanted to shove the girls off him, and maybe tell me to go fuck myself, was really pushing my buttons.