Twisted? Maybe. But hell if I could help it. There was only one reason I could think of why Halo looked pissed off at me, and it had nothing to do with the threesome on his lap and everything to do with the fact he was finding it just as hard to look away from me as I was from him.

Just as that thought entered my head, Brett sat back on my thighs, blocking my view of Halo, and glanced down at the erection I had no hope in hell of hiding. He fingered the top of the zipper and gave me a coy look from under his lashes.

“Can I?”

I was close to saying, Yes, as long as you move so I can see the guy behind you, but considering how good he felt on my lap, I wasn’t about to piss Brett off until we’d both gotten what we wanted from this moment.

Him: his twenty minutes with Viper.

Me: some kind of release from the lust that had been riding me from the moment I’d laid eyes on Halo.

I nodded and leaned forward to flick my tongue across the corner of Brett’s mouth, and when he lowered his head to the task at hand, I looked at the man across from us.

Halo’s eyes were on the fingers I was digging into Brett’s ass, and when I squeezed to pull him closer, Halo’s gaze flew up to mine and I winked. A flush spread up Halo’s neck until it reached his face, and with the way he’d tied his hair back at the nape of his neck tonight, I could see every inch it covered.

I leaned back against the couch as Brett’s hand found its way inside my jeans, and then he lowered his head and began to kiss his way down to the open neck of my shirt. Farther and farther he moved down my body, and with the way his tight fist was now milking my cock, I couldn’t have kept my hips still if I’d wanted to. As his ass scooted back to the edge of my knees so he could suck a spot under one of my nipples, my eyes found Halo’s again.

His lips were parted now, his legs were spread even farther apart, and blondie was rubbing her hand over his dick as he continued to watch us. I wasn’t even sure Halo was aware what he was doing until Brett bit down on one of my nipples, and a groan escaped my throat.

Halo’s hips shoved up from the couch against blondie’s hand, and as his eyes roved up to my face, I grinned and mouthed, Like what you see? Halo blinked as though I’d snapped him out of some kind of trance, and when Brett flicked his tongue over my tingling nipple, I lowered my eyes back to his.

Brett smiled up at me, and I forced a smirk—the one I knew would drive him fucking wild—and then leaned down and pressed my lips against his. “You have a talented fucking mouth.”

Brett’s eyes shone with pleasure as his lips curved against mine.

“Why don’t you show me just how talented it can be?”

Brett nodded eagerly as he slid off my thighs, lowering to the ground on his knees. When he reached for my open jeans to pull them down around my hips, Halo jackknifed to his feet, as though someone had goosed him on the ass.

My eyes flew up to his, and the annoyance and confusion swirling in them made it crystal clear Halo was fighting whatever it was he was feeling—and judging by the hard cock in his jeans, that was a whole fucking lot.

Before I could say anything—what, I didn’t exactly know—Halo put his empty tumbler on the table and, without a thought to the women he’d left on the couch, made a beeline for the VIP restrooms.

Fuck. What the hell just happened?

As Halo disappeared out of sight, I glanced back to Brett and put a hand to his shoulder.

“Wait,” I said, and then ground my teeth together, indecision warring. I knew I should just forget about Halo, let him do his thing. That was why I was here, but— Oh, fucking hell. “I’ll be right back.”

“Wh…what? Did I do something wrong?” Brett pursed his lips in a pout I knew would feel really good around my cock, but—

“No,” I said as I zipped up and ran a hand through my hair. “You order yourself whatever you like, and I’ll be right back.”

Before Brett could say anything else, I shoved up to my feet and headed in the same direction Halo had run to, and when I saw the back hallway was empty, I shoved open the door to the men’s room.

The deep blue light shimmered off the black tiles on the floor, and there was a wall of mirrors where the glass sinks were reflecting the opulence of the room. Off to one side was a vanity with a crystal vase with every size condom known to man, and beside that, a second one holding a variety of flavored lubes.