‘They are lonely,’ Kaithria says flatly, giving her voice a tone of sympathy. ‘They are lonely, which is getting on their nerves, so they are becoming mad and sad.'

'What do you mean, Kaithria?' I ask, looking into her deep black eyes. 'What do you mean by saying that they are lonely?'

'Today I saw the younger sister, Elsie, ruining several sacks of flour in the pantry,’ she says, shrugging. 'She dropped the sacks down on purpose, while shouting that she cannot live like this anymore. She tried to help the maids, I know, poor girl, but she cannot control her emotions. Her emotions got to her. The sacks got ripped, and the flour spilled out, making everything white. I was walking by the pantry and saw it myself. It was such a sad scene. I guess it is because of nerves,' she continues, giving her voice a serious tone. 'I think that both of the sisters need to get married soon, otherwise they will become too old and no one will want them anymore. Maybe we can find men to marry them until it is too late?'

I stare at her. She is waiting silently. I totally understand her – she is going to be my wife, and she most probably does not want two beautiful sisters living in the castle. On the other hand, I cannot think about that. I cannot imagine Megan going away from my castle. I have got used to them in my castle. Also, I am sure I will miss Megan. Imagining her getting married with another man makes me feel bad. But I know that it is not fair for me to think like that, because I am getting married with another woman. Kaithria is going to be my wife, and Megan has a right to live her life, get married and have children. Megan has a right to be happy, too, be it with me or another man. And if I am getting married with Kaithria, then Megan has no chance to get married with me. I am sure that Kaithria will never let them stay in the castle when she becomes my wife. Yes, imagining Megan marrying another man makes my hair stand on end.

'A couple of sacks of flour will not make us poor, Kaithria,' I say. 'I hope Elsie did not get injured.'

'No, she did not get injured, of course,' Kaithria says, with a noticeable discontent in her voice. 'But what do you think about that? About the sisters getting married soon? That is the main problem that they are facing now, Sloan. What do you think about that?' She insists and looks into my eyes, trying to see what I feel while talking about it.

'Kaithria, I do not want to talk about them now,' I say, trying not to show her that I am in a very bad mood.

'Why? Why are you always avoiding talking about the sisters, especially Megan?' Kaithria asks, opening her eyes widely. 'Why are you always getting mad at me when I speak about them? Last time, when I saw you with Megan, she left and you became very defensive and angry when I asked why you were together. What is going on?'

'Kaithria, stop talking. You do not understand. I am in no mood for speaking with you, especially when you are set against the people who live in my castle,' I say, getting Bracelet out of its stable. I mount Bracelet and storm out of the stables, leaving Kaithria watching me disappear.


The hallways of the castle are empty and calm, especially at this hour of the early evening, when everyone is either in their bedrooms or outside, enjoying the light breeze. I love to walk through the semi-dark hallways when I am all alone – it makes it easier for me to concentrate on my thoughts and feelings.

I straighten the wrinkles of my dark brown earasaid as I walk slowly, noiselessly, remembering my afternoon in the castle. Their people and I became good friends while they were telling funny stories, and we were laughing. I felt loved there. I smile now, as I remember. Everyone is so kind and nice in this castle. This is a very nice place to be.

As I slowly walk along the hallway, I hear footsteps. I see a maid a bit far from me, walking about her business, with a laundry basket in her hands. From the corner appears Kaithria and runs into the maid. Both of them fall down, surprised by the encounter. I recognize the maid – she is Gavina, a beautiful young maid that is really nice to everyone. They both get up as fast as they fell down.

'I apologize, I did not notice you coming, Lady,' Gavina says, looking scared and ignoring her knee that seems to be hurting.