'Ah, you!' Kaithria wipes her hair out from her face and slaps Gavina angrily. 'You must get out of my way when you see me coming!'

'I am sorry, Lady,' Gavina apologizes again. 'But I did not see you coming.'

'It does not matter! You must always see me when I am around,' Kaithria shrieks.

I walk faster and reach them.

'Why are you so rude with the girl, Kaithria?' I ask. It is only then that I notice how angry she looks – her long black hair is all over her shoulders, her eyes are burning with rage, and her nostrils are flaring. It seems to me that Kaithria is in a horrible mood.

'You!' She shouts at me. 'Playing the nice girl in front of the maid, making me look like the bad one?'

'You are the bad one, and it does not matter what I make you look like,' I reply calmly. 'You are evil, and everyone can see that.'

Gavina nods and walks quickly away, leaving me and Kaithria alone, as she probably decides to keep out of the fight that is probably going to start soon.

'Ah, that is what you and your silly sister think,' she says angrily. 'But here is what I will tell you,' she adds. 'You will pay dearly if you do not think before you act, you, tart! You better stay out of my fiancé's bed, otherwise you will be sorry! He belongs to me, and no one can deny it! Stop trying to steal him from me!'

I feel hot burning sensation sweeping up my face. I am sure I am red in the face right now. I am full with desire to slap Kaithria, but I do not do it, knowing that Sloan will eventually learn about that.

'I do not seek the favors of the laird,' I say angrily. 'I will not let you threaten me in that way. I am not weak, and I know how to defend myself. If you are the future wife of the laird, it does not mean that you have the right to speak to me like that.'

'Don't you think that it is obvious that you want my future husband? I can see it clearly, and I am sure that everyone can see it,' Kaithria says, making me even angrier. 'I will make sure you get married with someone, just to keep my fiancé alone. Every time I am looking for him, it turns out that you are with him. It is too obvious that you are running after him.'

'You have no right talking to me like that, Kaithria,' I say. 'You have no real proof of what you are saying. You are just jealous that the laird is kind to me and my sister. You are also jealous that all the people in this castle like me and my sister, but do not like you or your mother. That is the truth. You can ask anyone you like.'

I turn and walk away quickly. I do not want to speak with her anymore. Speaking about Sloan made me nervous, and on top of that, the things she was saying about me wanting him made me angry. I do not want to see her again. It is too bad that our bedrooms are on the same hallway.

'You will pay the price, just wait for it!' I hear Kaithria shout after me. I try not to hear it, but it gets to my ears. I run the rest of the way to my bedroom, enter and lock the door from the inside. It is only then that I realize I am panting. I cannot believe it just happened to me. How can that girl talk such things about me? Why is she so evil? Why can't Sloan see how evil his future wife is? Sloan… I remember our conversation in the yard before Kaithria came and interrupted us. He was saying how everyone liked me and Elsie. I smile. The way he said it felt like he also liked us. The idea of him liking me gives me a feeling of happiness. Though I do know that he is getting married with Kaithria soon. He belongs to her. He is her fiancé.

I do not know how long I am sitting on my bed, remembering our conversation with Sloan, then with Kaithria, thinking about them getting married soon, thinking about my future, when there comes a knock on my door.

I jump up, interrupted from my thoughts. 'It is Kaithria,' is the first thought that crosses my mind. Filling up with rage again, I go to open the door, this time determined to make her go away from my sight forever.

'If you have anything to say, say to your fiancé!' I say loudly, as I open the door, only to find Elsie in front of it, looking wide-eyed at me.