She falters, opens her mouth, then closes it again. She sighs. “No, that’s not why I’m here.” She turns back to Keenan. “But I can’t stay silent any longer.” She suddenly starts and stares at Maeve sitting right here before her. Maeve gives her a gentle smile. “Maeve,” she says softly, so softly I’m not sure anyone else can even hear. “Don’t you remember me? I didn’t know you were still here.”

Maeve stands, reaches for Alice’s hand, and gives her a gentle squeeze.

“Aye, love,” Maeve says, her green eyes shining at Alice. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am to see you. The day you came to visit your daughters, I kept away out of respect for you.”

McKenna looks to me, confused. I shake my head. I have no idea what’s going on either.

Alice drops her voice. “I’ve come to make amends.” She raises her eyes back to Keenan, who’s watching her with interest.

“You have to understand, I… I was forced not to tell anyone.”

It’s as if the room itself holds its collective breath. Though her cheeks blaze and she still looks wild and unpredictable, there’s a clarity to her voice I haven’t heard before. “I was the woman who had an affair with the former Scottish chief how many years ago?” She sighs and shakes her head. “It was different then. There was no separation of the Clans. You remember, Maeve, your fondness for the Welsh Chief as well?”

Maeve nods. “Aye. I do. I’ve told my sons of that as well, as it seems the attack now was from the north. An old axe to grind, then, is it?”

Alice nods. “It is. And I wouldn’t have noticed if not for Patrick.” She looks to McKenna. “He came to me. Asked about you. And when I wouldn’t tell him any more, he went off on his own. He’s under the pay of the men of the north, I’m sure of it.”

Keenan nods. “Thank you for telling us,” he says. He raises his voice and addresses the rest of us. “I want an inner circle meeting of the Clan members immediately.” He looks to Alice. “Mum, I’ll have you secure Alice here at the mansion. She’s not safe outside these doors.” He looks around at everyone assembled. “None of you are. No one leaves here without permission. No one comes, and no one goes. Am I clear?”

Murmurs of assent go up around us. I hold McKenna’s hand. She’s safe here with me. I’ll see to it she isn’t harmed.

I hate that I have to join my brothers in a meeting, but we’ll plan our act of war. I leave her with Maeve and Alice.

“I’ll be back soon, lass,” I whisper in her ear. “Stay strong, like I know you can.”

She hugs me. “Thank you, Tully. I’ll be waiting for you.”

And with those words lacing us together, a promise of the good that’s yet to come, I join my brothers in our meeting.

* * *

Chapter 19


It takes a while for us all to figure it out, but the women of the Clan are fierce and determined. Caitlin leads us all to the sitting room and instructs the staff to bring tea. Maeve, in her graceful, friendly way, makes my mum comfortable by inviting her to sit in an armchair.

“Here, Alice,” she says. “Have a drink, will you?”

She winks at one of the staff. “Bring us something stronger than cream for the tea.”

A few minutes later, we’re all drinking strong tea laced with Irish cream, and nibbling on buttered scones and thick slices of hearty soda bread. A fire burns in the fireplace, and I’m nearly mesmerized by the flicker of flame and heat that radiates from it. It’s been such a long day, and I can’t wait to curl up next to Tully, with his big, broad arm around me, and get some sleep.

“Now, then,” Maeve says, addressing us all. “Let’s talk, girls.”

I sit beside Caitlin. With her calm presence and gentle eyes, I feel immediately at ease. My adopted older sister, as it were. She smiles in her placid way, and I smile back.

“You alright?” Caitlin whispers in my ear. I nod. There’s been so much to handle the past few days, but I feel calm and at ease among the women of the Clan. However, I’m curious what my mother has to say. I go to sit near her, but Maeve sits between us, giving us a little distance. I appreciate her for that. I didn’t know that I really do need that space.

Still, even after the traumatic events of the past few days, my heart sings.

Tully loves me.

He loves me.

How could I not love him back?

“Back when we were as young as you lovely women, Alice and I were good friends.”

“And I ruined it,” Mum says.

Maeve shrugs. “They were tricky times, indeed,” she says. “You girls have to understand, my marriage to Seamus was arranged. Because it wasn’t planned, I had feelings for another man.” We all know this, but I haven’t heard her speak of it.