Mum frowns. “She’s right. I was pregnant with a man from the Scottish Clan.” She turns to look at me. “Mary was born of that Clan, but as a bastard child it was kept quiet and hidden.”

I feel my brows rise. “Oh?” That would explain why they’ve taken her in as their own.

“And I was in love with a man from Wales,” Maeve says quietly. “The men warred, and it seemed we’d put everything to rest. But now that isn’t what’s happened at all. It’s hard to imagine someone so vindictive this many years later, but there’s no question that’s what’s happened.”

“Aye,” Alice says. “And I’ve proof of it. None of this made sense until Patrick came around. He dated McKenna, and has never been able to let things go. He wanted more information, and I wouldn’t give it to him.”

“Good!” Maeve says, patting Mum’s hand.

“But I followed him.”

“Mum, you didn’t!”

“Of course I did. I suspected something was awry, didn’t I? Especially with Mary come to visit.”

I blink in surprise, still shocked with all the information.

“And I saw he was in touch with the Welsh.”

“I’m confident they’ve framed the Scottish,” Maeve says. “Confident of it.”

“And that’s why we’ll be going to war,” Caitlin says with a sigh. “The Welsh made it seem it was the Scottish that attacked, but we know based on what Mary’s said and the lack of identifying tattoos that they were framed, weren’t they?”

Maeve nods. “Absolutely.”

“What does this all mean?” I ask, still confused. “What does it mean when Clans go to war?” I’ve seen how fierce these men can be. I’m assuming war brings out a level of ferocity unlike anything I’ve seen.

Maeve sobers. “What it means will be up to Keenan as Clan Chief. Our attackers are responsible for the death of my brother-in-law, and in Clan life such deeds don’t go unpunished.”

“Certainly not,” Aileen says. She’s on her feet, pacing the room. Her voice wavers when she speaks. “It’s so sad that it’s come to this, but Keenan can’t allow a family member to be killed without retribution.”

Maeve sighs out loud. “But when does it end? The bloodshed. The battles. When does it all end?”

My mother looks to me. “This is why, McKenna,” she says, shaking her head. “Joining yourself to a man of the Clan is foolish. I’ve regretted it.”

I’m out of patience. She has the nerve to come here, to criticize these people, to take their money, and then warn me against them when they’ve only been nice to her? My temper snaps like a twig underfoot.

“Shut it.” My eyes narrow on her. “I won’t have you disrespect them again.”

She blinks in surprise. “Only trying to warn you, McKenna.”

She has no idea what I’ve even been through.

“I don’t need the fucking warning, thank you.”

My mother pushes herself up from the chair and marches toward the door, muttering to herself.

Maeve’s eyes are sad when she looks at me. “Let her go, lass. I’ll see that she gets home safe.”

She pulls out her phone and makes a call.

It’s the first time I’ve seen her weary and tired. I swear she looks older than she has in ages.

“I don’t know,” Caitlin says sadly. “Since I’ve been wife to the Chief, we’ve seen battle after battle. Rival clans that attacked, old grudges still held. And though I’d not criticize how my husband handles any of this… well, one does grow weary over time.”

Maeve nods. “Especially when one raises children in the Clan.”

I have a feeling it’s unlike either of them to question anything about the Clan at all, but I see before me two women who’ve held things together for over so long.

“How long have you been wife to Keenan, Caitlin?” I ask.

“Over a decade.”

“And I’d bet you’ve seen so much in that time.”

“Aye, McKenna, we have. And now that my own children are nearly old enough to attend St. Albert’s, it makes me wonder. Is this the life I’d have chosen for them?”

Aileen still paces, rubbing her hands together. “I agree, Cait, you know I do. My children are younger, but I still wonder if Clan life is what I wish for them.”

“Now, girls,” Megan says. She stands, her pretty eyes pleading with everyone to listen. “I hear what you’re saying, I do. How many of us would wish no harm to come to our children? There’s no question, is there?”

Caitlin nods.

“But the men of the Clan avoid violence and bloodshed unless absolutely necessary, don’t they?”

Not sure I agree with that. Tully would rip the arm off anyone who’d touch me, I know that for certain. Still, I see her point.

“It’s because of the Clan peace reigns in Ballyhock.”

No one speaks for long minutes. Lachlan’s Fiona worries her lip, and finally she stands as well.

“I know how wearying this must be for all of you,” she says, looking to Maeve and Caitlin. “But it’s because of the Clan that I have a home. It’s because of the Clan that I feel safe and protected.”