Stepping forward, I hugged Austin. A fan appeared beside him and asked, “Austin, is that your brother?”

Axel stiffened as the fan looked upon him. The fan backed away as soon as Axel automatically switched to his 'normal' intimidating expression.

“Yeah, he’s my big brother,” Austin replied proudly. Axel’s cheek twitched. He was getting emotional.

The fan’s eyes narrowed on Axel. “Does he play football?”

Austin stopped in signing her shirt. “Nah.”

“Then what does he do?” she asked excitedly and Austin’s eyes widened. Axel cussed under his breath and looked away.

Just when I thought Axel would turn and walk away, Lexi stepped forward and laid her hand on Austin’s arm. “Baby, we need to go.”

Axel and Austin both relaxed as the fans moved away after a few last minute pictures. We walked through the gates into the huge stadium.

Axel stopped dead as we reached the side of the field and drank in the atmosphere, the crowd, the music, the chants… the students and fans wearing the name ‘Carillo’ on their backs.

“Shit…” Axel said quietly and when I looked to my right, Austin and Lexi were watching Axel. I could see the happiness in their eyes that he was finally witnessing this. His baby brother playing at this level.

“Crazy, huh?” Austin said, but Axel didn’t look at his brother. Instead, his face took on a regretful expression and he whispered, “I should have watched you at the Tide.”

I sucked in my bottom lip just to try and keep it from quivering. Axel’s hand was iron tight in mine and I knew that it had cost him his pride to admit that to Austin.

I was so proud of him. Austin was dumbstruck. He too was wearing a look of disbelief… but there was real emotion in that stare. For Austin, I knew that Axel saying anything about the past was a surprise.

Lexi’s green eyes appeared huge on her pixie face and her mouth was slightly apart. Obviously feeling my stare, she met my eyes and her lips widened into a shaky but thankful smile.

Austin released his arm from around his wife and stepped up to Axel. I tried to shake off Axel’s hand, but he kept his grip. Knowing he needed this time with Austin, I squeezed my fingers in support and lifted to press a kiss on his cheek. “Talk to Austin,” I whispered so only he could hear. Closing his eyes in defeat, Axel opened them again and reluctantly let go.

Austin laid his hand on Axel’s shoulder. “I would’ve loved you there, Axe,” he rasped.

Axel’s head dropped. Austin stepped forward and put his hand on Axel’s face. “But you can see me play now, Axe. You’ll get to see Lev play too. That’s all that matters.”

Unable to stop a tear slipping from the corner of my eye, I turned and pretended to check our ticket to see where we were seated.

A slim arm threaded through mine. When I glanced to the side, Lexi was looking up at me. She leaned in and pressed her cheek against my bicep. I held my breath. Lexi never let anyone get this close to her except for Austin and, occasionally, Levi.

It only served to make the situation that much more special.

“Darlin’?” I managed to push out as Lexi and I began walking to our seats, Axel and Austin following behind.

Lexi tightened her hold on my arm and said, “I’m not gonna pretend to understand you and Axel, but then, I ain’t one to talk. God knows Austin and I had our secrets when we fell in love.” Looking up at me, she sniffed and said, “but… just… thank you…”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but Lexi said no more.

Arriving at our seats, I motioned to sit beside Lexi when Axel reached out and took my hand. “No, you sit beside me,” he said in a gruff curt voice.

Lexi looked at him in alarm. I knew it was because of his sharp demand. But only I knew Axel was uncomfortable in crowds… only I knew that he needed me to sit beside him to help him relax.

Austin pushed himself back against his chair as I passed him to sit by Axel’s side. I could see in his expression that he was furiously trying to work out my close relationship with Axel, but I ignored it.

As I stood in front of Axel, I saw his shoulders sag in relief. Just as I went to sit beside him, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine.

I could feel Lexi and Austin’s attention fixed on us, but I didn’t care. Nobody knew what we shared. No one knew what we meant to each other.

Sitting down next to Axel, he put his heavily muscled arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. I loved it. I loved how he needed me… I just loved him—more than even I could comprehend.

As the cheerleaders and band finished their pre-game show, Austin asked, “So, Axe, how’s the work on the market?”

Axel’s muscled tensed. I kept my gaze forward. I hated that he was about to lie to his brother.

“Good. Busy. Keeping my head down,” Axel replied keeping things vague.

I risked a glance to Austin whose head was tipped to the side and his eyes narrowed. I panicked that he knew something was up with Axel’s cover story. Axel barely went home; Austin had to figure that more than strange.

“Good to hear it, fratello,” Austin replied and sat back in his seat. I almost laughed as Austin and Lexi kept watching us like we were a couple of caged animals in a damn zoo.

“How’s Molly today, Ally?” Lexi asked, leaning over Austin to do so.

“Better. She’s already marking term papers from her bed. Rome’s not happy with that, but we both know he’ll give her anything she wants. She’s on stronger medication. I'd say that she's already feeling like her old self.”