“Vin!” I called, as he pushed through the dispersing group.

Fixing his attention on me, he hurried toward me, hand over heart. “Ms. Lucia… I’m speechless…” he said, clearly in awe, then a huge smile spread on his face.

“I’m real happy with it too. It’s my best work yet.”

Vin looked to me, his pale eyes kind. “And Elpidio?”

I blushed, thinking of Axel, and replied, “I’m hoping to show him the display tonight.”

Vin smiled sweetly. It was then I knew he knew we were an item. I wondered if Axel had told him.

“Maybe he’ll finally see the light, hmm? Finally realize that he’s worth all this effort,” he said hopefully. I took a deep breath, silently sharing Vin's hope.

I hoped that seeing all his work displayed in such a beautiful setting would help him come clean to his brothers about what he’d been doing… about everything...

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I turned to Vin. “I gotta go, Vin. I’ll see you in a couple of days for the opening, yes?”

Vin patted my hand, but he was too lost in the exhibition to reply. As he walked forward, he suddenly glanced back to say fondly, “From the first time I was sent a picture of his angel sculpture, I knew he was special. I knew that he wasn’t just a gang member serving time.” Emotion welled up in me as I saw Vin’s eyes glisten. “He was so closed off when I met him, so broken and angry with the world. His sculptures were so sad, so heartbreaking… but the man I saw earlier today, carving marble outside my studio overlooking the Sound, well, he was changed. I might even stretch it to say he was peaceful… perhaps even happy.”

Vin smiled at me to signal that he knew I was the reason for Axel’s emotional change… the sentiment brought a lump to my throat.

“Did you see what he was carving? He refuses to tell me. He keeps it hidden outside the studio under a padlocked tarp so I can’t even take a peek,” I asked.

Vin’s watery smile spread into a wide grin. “I saw it… but my lips are sealed.”

I groaned in frustration and threw Vin a wave as I grabbed my purse and ran out the door.

I made it to Axel’s studio in record time.

From the moment I entered the studio, I felt a chill in the room. The open doors led to the patch of grass overlooking the water. I could hear Axel chipping at the marble. I was desperate to go outside, but he’d asked me not to. As a curator I respected his creative process and his need for privacy. But as his girlfriend, I couldn’t stand it!

Axel walked through a second later dressed in a long black sleeved shirt with a padded vest over the top. His black oversized beanie smothered his head. And, as always, a Marlboro cigarette balanced between his lips.

He was so damn sexy.

Walking over to me, he moved the cigarette from his mouth so I could kiss his lips. “Mmm… that’s better,” I murmured when we broke away. Playfully, I returned his cigarette between his lips.

Waving my keys, Axel took a long breath and nodded his head. That was him telling me he was ready to go, but the at the same time he really wasn’t.

Levi had a game today for the Huskies. Axel had been desperate to see his brother play. We knew he was the star player. Unsurprisingly, Levi hadn’t ever asked Axel to go watch. I’d decided that was bullshit.

I was making Axel go today. He wanted to see Levi play, so I’d made damn sure it would happen… with just a little help.

I could see the apprehension flaring on Axel’s face. Tracing my fingers down his cool cheek, I said, “In the end, he’ll appreciate that you went.”

Axel turned his cheek into my hand, but his eyes stayed on mine. “He won’t, he’ll hate that I was there, but we’ll go anyway. Nothing else has worked.”


The stadium was packed when we arrived at the gates. Axel was tense and kept his head down as we pushed through a throng of excited fans. He hated crowds, practically panicked whenever we had to be around this many people. I led the way. Unknown to Axel, I’d arranged for us to sit in the family section.

Seeing a small crowd gathered around two people, I waved my hand at Lexi. She was standing beside Austin as he signed autographs for the Husky fans.

Axel, seeing me wave, lifted his head. His fingers squeezed mine in a death grip when he saw that Austin and Lexi were waiting for us.

Without glancing back at him, I pushed through to where they stood. Lexi cast me a nervous smile. Austin nudged his chin at me, then at his anxious older brother.

“Hey, guys!” I greeted, Axel’s hand refusing to let go of mine as he hovered by my side. Lexi stepped forward and pressed a kiss on my cheek.

Axel dipped his head at Lex, then his gaze wandered to Austin who was still signing autographs. He suddenly inhaled and his dark eyes softened. My heart thumped faster at his reaction to Austin who was now speaking to the fans, with a kind smile on in face. Axel was so proud of him. I knew how to read Axel's slight changes of expression by now. They were subtle, but they were extremely revealing.

Austin met eyes with Axel and smiled wider, asking his fans to wait a second. Austin approached Axel and threw his arms around him. Awkwardly, Axel hugged him back with one hand. Austin drew back. “Happy to see you, fratello. You ain’t been answering my calls since the hospital the other night.” Austin then looked to me and his eyes tensed. It was as though he was working out how I’d gotten to be with his brother.