I never knew I could love and be loved like this.

“Right!” Apollo yells loudly enough to get everyone’s attention, even though everyone is already silent and watching Lynette and me. I can’t take my eyes off of her. Can’t believe she’s mine. “It’s my pleasure and my honor to be standing here in front of my son, your VP, and his beautiful bride today.” Lynette looks at Apollo and giggles, and he winks at her.

I squeeze her hands, and she turns her head to look at me again.

The mumbles finally die down when Apollo yells for everyone to shut their holes. He’s as charming as ever.

“Looks like my boy has a few words he’d like to say to Lynette.”

Lynette and I decided to write our own vows. It didn’t take me too long to write mine; I knew what I wanted to say to her.

Apollo nods at me, and I bow back, take a deep breath, and smile at Lynette. She’s looking at me with her big green eyes sparkling as she smiles. “Lynette, it’s never really been a secret that I had a thing for you long before I finally grew a set and claimed you.” That gets me a laugh. “It’s true that you were just a little girl when I met you. A little girl, pregnant with her own little girl.” I look over at Willow, still sitting on my mother’s lap, and she giggles at me. I wink at her, and she blows me a kiss. I fuckin’ love that kid.

I turn back to Lynette. I notice she was watching the exchange between Willow and me, and she’s smiling so widely because of it. “I watched you through the years grow into the beautiful woman I see before me. The woman who took my kids into her heart and loved them like her own.” This time, Lynette is smiling at Tate, who’s standing to my right a little behind me. “When Nova disappeared, you were the one who held me up, took care of my son, made sure he knew that he was loved. That you love him.”

“More than anything,” She smiles. I will never doubt a day in my life how much she loves Tate.

“I told myself plenty that I wasn’t good enough for you, hell, no man could ever be good enough for you, but I couldn’t fight this any longer. I fell in love with you, and I was done fighting it. You’re my best friend, my soulmate,” I stroke the tear from her cheek with my thumb. “I love you like I ain’t never, and will never love another woman. In a few minutes, you’ll be my wife, and I’m never letting you go.”

I want to kiss her right now, but my dad would smack me upside the head if I kissed Lynette before it was official.

“You are the love of my life, and so, I make you these promises. I promise to be by your side for the rest of our lives, no matter where we are. I promise to cherish you, to support your hopes and dreams. I promise to be the best father to our kids, and the best husband to you that I can be. Nothing in this world will ever come before you, Lynette, and I promise, I will love you for all eternity.” She smiles wide. I see the sweet emotion in her eyes.

“Now, Lynette has a few words to say to Shepard. Go ahead beautiful girl.” Apollo winks at my girl. He has a soft spot for Lynette, always has. He knows she hasn’t had an easy life, and I don’t know if he knows why, I know I don’t, no one does. However, I do know he tried to find her family. If he ever found them, he never said anything. He just told me one day, that it was better for Lynette to be here with us, with the Snakes so that we could take care of her and her child.

“I’m a little lost for words after what you just said. However, Vince,” Lynette swallows hard; she has nothing to be worried about, she can call me whatever the fuck she wants. Even in front of all these people. This is our wedding day; she wants these vows to be as real as they can be. I don’t blame her for that. “You are my world. You always have been. From the moment I came to town, you have been my best friend. You took me into your family, treated my little girl like your own, and you never asked me for anything in return. You’ve protected Willow and me since before she was born. No amount of thanks could ever cover it. I was there for you and Tate when you both needed me the most because there was nowhere else I’d rather have been. The two of you, along with Willow, make my life complete.”

She has tears in her eyes, and I have a smile on my face. Any minute now this beautiful woman with the purest soul will be my wife. I’m fucking anxious for it to get to the I do’s.

“I make you these promises, Vince. I promise to be by your side every day for the rest of our lives, through the good times and the bad. I promise to be true to you, to listen and understand when you need a friend the most. I promise to be the best mother and wife that I can be, and I promise to love you for all eternity.”

Fuck, I love her!

“Without further ado, because I can see my boy is itching to kiss the hell out of his woman,” Bastard! But I can’t help laughing along with everyone else. “By the power vested in me by God and the state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss your bride, son.”

Kiss her, I do.

I grab her waist and pull her against me, our lips crashing together, her hands sliding around my neck. I don’t give a shit about the cat calling going on behind us; this woman is my wife!

Shit, she’s my wife.

Lynette moans against my lips before pulling out of the kiss and resting her forehead against mine. She laughs at how loud the cheers are coming from behind us. “I love you, Vince.”

“I love you, too, beautiful. Think we can sneak away soon?”

“No, this is our wedding day.” She laughs. “We can be alone tonight, just you and me and a huge bed.”

I growl while rocking her from side to side. “I'm gonna fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

“You always do.” True. “Let’s go enjoy the rest of our day, and then we can go home and spend the night making love as man and wife.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

And we do just that. We dance our first dance as man and wife. I dance with Willow while Lynette dances with Tate. I dance with my mother, and Lynette dances with my father. We eat till we can eat no more, we drink, we laugh, and the day couldn’t have gone any better.

Once we’ve said goodbye to the kids for the night, knowing they’ll be safe with my parents, I ride my wife home on the back of my Harley. I take her home and make love to her for the first time as Mrs. Vincent Jackson, and it’s the most perfect moment of my whole life.

I know life can’t always be this perfect, but this right here is perfect. Ain’t nothing can take this away from us, and there won't be a day that goes by for as long as I live will I forget this feeling.

As I pull my wife onto my chest after hours of making love as man and wife, I kiss her head and let the smile stay on my face.

“I love you, husband.”

“I love you, wife.” As her breathing evens out, letting me know she's fallen asleep, I tell myself everything will always be this perfect.

I can dream, right?

Chapter Six


We've been together six months already, Vincent and I, married for the past

four months. Things have been amazing between us, and the kids couldn't be happier. It seems they'd wanted us to get together for a while. They had a blast at our wedding. I hadn't seen Tate smile that much in months. Willow and I moved in with the boys a short while before the wedding. Shepard said it made more sense that we live together, we were getting married, after all.

Yes, Apollo was right, the man I love asked me to marry him, after spending a while trying to organize the perfect proposal. It may not have worked out the way he planned, but it was perfect to me. I'd already said yes, but Shepard made a good point; we love each other, we're soulmates, neither of us doubts that fact. Why shouldn't we get married? I mumbled yes against his lips, and told him how much I loved him. He then kissed me hard and made love to me all over again.

My handsome man surprised me with the wedding of my dreams. Sure, we weren't married in a church, but the clubhouse and the people in it, are home to me. I love them all and having them there for my wedding to the man I love meant everything to me.

I will never forget how perfect it was. How beautiful my little girl looked in her dress, nor how handsome Tate looked in his suit, standing right by his father's side, watching me walk down the makeshift aisle, Apollo had set up for us smack in the middle of the clubhouse, hand.

The whole day was perfect, and the evening was even better. Shepard made love to me in ways no one else ever could or will again. Not that any other man will ever be touching me the way my man does, hell no, I am his for all eternity. I am his wife, and he is my husband, and I honestly never thought that would happen. But it did, and I couldn't be happier.

I wear my leather jacket with the words: Property Of Shepard written across the back in white stitching with more pride than I could tell you. I'm also branded with his mark, a tattoo that shows everyone I belong to him. I had Property Of Shepard written between my shoulder blades with the club's banner below the words. Two snakes wrapped around two pistols.