I couldn’t grab Shepard’s attention as I walked past him, he was too busy laughing at something CueBall was saying.

Apollo closes the door behind us, and I smile at him as he takes a seat on the edge of his massive desk in this smart looking office.

Apollo is an intimidating man. He’s incredibly tall, well-built, and strong. He looks the typical biker with his super long hair that he braids down his back, the scars he bears on his face and hands, and the usual biker clothing with the chains hanging all over the place. He always carries his gun in his holster at his waist, and he’s as dangerous as they come. He looks so scary upon first meeting him, but he’s a pussycat underneath all that aggression.

“Do you know why I called you in here?” I nod my head, and he folds his arms across his big body. I’m not afraid of him, he’s my man’s father above the biker, the man my little girl calls papaw, and I know that he wants nothing more than to see his son happy. Not that I’m cocky, but Shepard could do much worse than a girl like me. “You and my son,”

“Can I just say something?” He raises his eyebrow at my audacity to interrupt him. Apollo isn’t the kind of man who likes to be interrupted, its beyond rude in his opinion. However, I need to get this out. I need him to understand that both Shepard and Tate mean the world to me.

I smile at the rough and tough man in front of me and take his hands in mine. “I love your son more than I have ever loved anyone in my life except for my daughter. I love your grandson as if he were my own.” He’ll never know just how much I love that boy.

“I know this is probably not what you want for Vince and Tate. I’m not what you want for them, but I swear to you that no one else could love them the way I do. I will always be there for both of them, I will never leave them, and I won’t stop until we find Nova and bring her home to us. I will love her just as much as I love Willow and Tate.”

I swallow hard.

“Shepard, Tate, you and Myra, even this club, you are the only family Willow, and I have, the only family my daughter knows. Please don’t get me wrong, that’s not the reason I’m with your son, but for the fact, he is the most amazing man I have ever known.”

I smile at him. “Your son is a wonderful man, and that’s thanks to you and Myra. He’s kind, compassionate, smart, funny, strong...” I look up at the ceiling for a second and smile so wide. I’m so overcome with happy emotions right now.

I look at Apollo and tell him, “There are so many words I could use to describe your son, but they wouldn’t do him justice, Apollo. He’s amazing, and you did that. You raised him to know right from wrong, and to protect those he loves. I know the things he has to do for his club, I know what you expect of him, and I will never stand in the way of club business. You have my word on that, Apollo. However, he is my man, and I don’t want to lose him now that I have found him. You might be a scary old man to most,” He laughs, which cuts me off for a second because I have to smile. “But my daughter thinks the world of you, so do I.”

Apollo smiles at me and tells me, “Sweet girl. I didn’t call you in here to tell you that I didn’t want you with my son, nor in my grandson’s life.”

“You didn’t?”

“No, you silly girl, I called you in here to thank you.” Thank me? “I knew you were the woman for my son. I’ve been telling him for years to claim you.”

He has? I never once thought Apollo would have done any such thing. He wanted his son with me? I'm so touched, I could kiss him!

“Both my son and my grandson are lucky to have you. Little Willow is just as lucky to have them both in her life.” That I agree with, Shepard is fantastic with her. We’re all lucky. “You never have to explain yourself to me, Lynette, not to anyone. One day, you’ll be this club’s, First Lady. However, before that day comes, you’ll be my son’s wife.”

“I will?” Fuck yes, I will. I have dreamed of being Shepard’s wife since the day I met him. No joke, nor exaggeration. “

He’d be stupid to let a woman like you go, Lynette. A man makes a woman like you his wife, the mother of his children. I’d be damn proud to call you my daughter-in-law.”

I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. He hesitates for a second before hugging me close to him. I don’t care what people say about this man. Sure he’s mean and rough, tough and aggressive, but he loves fiercely, just like his son.

“Thank you,” I tell him with a kiss to his cheek, which draws a smile from his lips, and a kiss to my head.

I’ve never really had the love of a father. Not the conventional kind of love, at least, and I’m not saying Apollo is the kind of father I would have wished for as a child. However, for all his faults, all the wrong doing’s he does as President of this club, he’s a wonderful father to Vince. A fantastic grandfather to Tate, to Willow also because he’s never treated her any differently than Tate. I know he’ll be a tremendous father-in-law.

Now all I have to do is wait for Shepard to propose to me. Because I know if Apollo is telling me this stuff, then Shepard has told him that he wants me as his wife.

God, I’m so excited I could scream!

Chapter Five


I’m nervous as fuck. Nothing in my life has ever made me nervous like this before. I asked Lynette to marry me a month ago. We’d been together a few weeks by that point. I’d wanted to make the proposal perfect for her. I was going to take her to Lovers Lake, and ask her to marry me by moonlight. Things don’t always work out the way we plan them though, and I ended up asking her to marry me after making love one evening. Lynette smiled at me, then she kissed me, and mumbled yes against my lips.

The clubhouse looks amazing. Everyone looks amazing. Tate in his young man's suit and tie of gray, Willow in her little bridesmaid dress of blue, her favorite color, so she told my mother, who took her out to buy the dress.

I watched her earlier twirling around and around, giggling happily. Willow is always happy. I swear she used to smile in the womb. I watched her holding Hammer’s hand, swinging their joined hands back and forth. She adores Hammer, Titus’ eldest kid. She's the same with Haiden, but with Haiden and Tate, she sees them as her brother’s. Hammer, I’m not sure what she sees him as. I’m wondering if she has a little crush on him.

I’m not going to worry about it; she’s twelve, Hammer’s nineteen, almost twenty, he loves her like a sister. That’s all it will ever be.

My dad is officiating my wedding today. He was ordained a while ago, he likes to be the one to marry anyone belonging to the club. Some weird obsession he has because he's the man in charge.

My mom looks beautiful in her cream dress and matching wedding hat. Willow is now sitting in her lap, my mom’s arms around Willow’s waist, and baby girl is smiling. She’s so excited to see her mother and I get married.

My boy is standing up with me today. I could have asked either of my best friend’s to stand with me, but last week, Tate sat with me and asked if I thought of him as more than just his son. I looked at him curiously; he seemed a little nervous. Then it hit me just what he meant. My boy wanted to know if I saw him as a friend as well as my son.

We were sitting on our porch watching the sun go down. Willow was asleep in her newly decorated room. Her room at my house because I want them both living with me. Willow has a nice sized room now, and she loves it. Lynette was asleep in our room because she was exhausted from the move.

‘We’re buds, right?’ I told my boy.

‘Yeah,’ He wrung his hands together nervously. I couldn’t help but smile. ‘Have you decided who’s going to be your best man?’

‘I have,’ I nodded.

'BlackJack or Titus?'

‘Tate Jackson,’ I said with a shrug, acting like it was nothing. I watched Tate from the corner of my eye with a smirk on my face; his mouth was hanging open. I turned to look at him. ‘That all right with you?’ He nodded. ‘Think you can handle it?’

‘Why me?’

I clasped his shoulder and g

ave it a gentle squeeze. ‘Because you're my son, and I like to think we're friends.’

‘The best,’ He told me with a huge smile before throwing his arms around my neck. It seems he wasn't too old just yet to hug his old man. I hugged him tight and kissed his head. ‘I love you, Dad.’

‘Love you, too, my boy.’ Always fucking will.

Tate did a damn good job showing everyone to their seats today, making sure everybody was ready for when Lynette walked down the makeshift aisle. God, she looks more beautiful than I have ever seen her. Lace white dress that covers her arms but sits on her knees, white heels on her feet, hair in a thick braid with daisy's looped through. I’ve never seen anything so perfect in my life than Lynette.

I’m not going to lie; I had a tear in my eye as she walked towards me. My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was about to have a heart attack. I still feel like that, holding her hands in mine, smiling at the beautiful woman who is about to become my wife. She’s smiling at me with such love in her eyes.