Page 97 of Essence (Nectar 3)

“Glad you had a good night, princess.” He cuddled closer.

“Sorry you didn’t.” She twirled her finger around his chin cleft.

“I can handle anything if I’ve got you to come home to.”

My heart.

“You do. I’m all yours.”

“I don’t want you to have nightmares tonight, baby. All day I kept thinking about you dreaming that last night. And it fuckin’ kills me. I talked to Sergey and he told me his mother would dream shit when his Dad was tweaked, too. His dad found a way to keep her blocked from the ugly. I don’t wanna lie to you but I also don’t want you to face that shit. So I’m gonna learn how to do that. And I won’t burden you with details you don’t need to know so when I ask you not to push on a topic, you need to give me that, alright? Some people down in the dorm will be turned, some will be relocated after being wiped. We have to see about that but I don’t want you pushing when I ask you not to push. Okay?”

“No,” she said firmly, “Absolutely not.”

He let out a sigh.

“Tristan, I’m not gonna be the mousey little lady here. You might as well get used to it. We’re in things together.”

“Fuck,” he grumbled, “I don’t want you to be the mousey little lady, Kyla. I didn’t fall in love with a Stepford wife. I fell in love with you. But shit is ugly right now and I’m giving you fucking nightmares!”

“I’ll deal.”

“You shouldn’t have to…”

“But I will. Don’t compartmentalize your life with me, Tristan. That’s not okay. Would it be okay if I did that to you?”

“No. It wouldn’t.” he answered quietly.

“Yeah. It wouldn’t. So forget that idea. I’m tired. Goodnight.” She turned away.

He hauled her back, “Snuggle.”

“You’ve pissed me off! I don’t feel very snuggly right now.”

“Well I do, so suck it up.” He held her tight.

A long while passed. She knew he was awake. She had her cheek against his chest and he had her wrapped up with both arms.

She was starting to drift but fought it, “Wait. We haven’t had sex today. You haven’t fed. And I only got a little.”

“I know,” he muttered.

“I’m pissed at you.”

“I know that.”

“But we can still do that,” she said.

He laughed a big belly laugh and rolled her onto her back and then blew a big raspberry on her belly.~~~Kyla woke up hearing a groan, Tristan’s groan. She felt sensation below. A joltingly beautiful sensation.

She opened her eyes and saw sparkling dark blue eyes.

Dark blue?

His mouth was between her legs.

“Kyla, baby, you’re bleeding.”

“Hmm?” she tried to shake off the sleepiness.

He groaned and his tongue went deep, making her back bow.

“Bleeding?” she breathed.

“Yeah. Fuuuuck…” His eyes rolled back and he fisted the sheets next to her hips. He was white knuckled, devouring her, and she was rocketing into fucking outer space with a massive orgasm washing over her.

She let out a loud gasp when she came.

He leaned up and licked his lips and then was on her and in her before the orgasm had even ended.

“That’s fucking amazing…” he said, “So fucking good.”

He rammed hard, to the hilt. But he didn’t just ram. He got a slow but powerfully hard rhythm going and every time he hit that hilt he rotated his hips, making Kyla whimper like a puppy.

Lost in sensation, she threw her arms over her head and he leaned forward and sank his teeth into the inside of her bicep, making her whimper louder. He let go of her bicep, bit into his own, and then covered her mouth with the bleeding bicep and she latched on while he kept slamming, gyrating, and groaning.

She hit another peak, his blood in her mouth, his mouth drinking her blood, and his cock hitting her g-spot.

He slammed and slammed until he exploded inside of her and then collapsed on top of her.

Her hands went into his hair and she yanked it back and went for his mouth, kissing him hard.

“I fucking love you,” she said, feeling kind of drunk, and then it dawned on her that she’d kissed his mouth after he’d gone down on her while she was having her period.

Her period.

She burst into tears.

He moved back and cupped her face with his hand, “What’s wrong?”

“My period.” She started to sob.

It felt like her world was ending. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Tristan rolled them so he was on his back and pulled her close. She felt wet between her legs and knew that blood with his semen was coating the inside of her legs.

“That’s so fucking gross. I need to brush my teeth, and a…a sh-shower,” she mumbled, choking on a sob.

“Okay, baby. You okay?”

“No! I got my period.”

He nodded, “But I’m me. I’m not hurting you. I’m not dangerous. That blood is amazing. And you’re not in danger.” He caressed her face, “I feel whole, princess. I’m not the grey hulk.”