Page 98 of Essence (Nectar 3)

“But I got my period!”

He looked at her blankly and then it dawned on him.

“I’m not pregnant,” she mumbled, absolutely fucking crushed. The tears fell faster and he moved to her and kissed them away.

“Maybe you ovulated while you were catatonic. I didn’t know, princess. But maybe I’ll know next time. And we’ll make love every day, every single day, so we won’t miss next time. Okay?” He caressed her cheeks with both thumbs, his fingers woven into her hair.

She nodded and buried her face in his chest, hiccoughing.

He caressed her back and then tapped her bottom, “Let’s go get cleaned up and then we’ll change the bed.”

She nodded and sniffled.

As irrational as she knew it was, she felt like her world was on the verge of ending.

~~~She was a miserable bitch all day. She wanted to swim in the pool on the terrace and she had wicked cramps and her flow had gotten so heavy she didn’t think the tampons would even help for swimming so she pouted.

Kyle came over and they had lunch and played video games for a while but she was being a sore loser because he whooped her ass at everything so she made an excuse that she wasn’t feeling well and went for a nap.

She ate dinner alone, delivered by Sam. Kyle left with him.

The dinner had grape pop and she didn’t want it. She was miserable about not having the ability to choose her beverage. Miserable about absolutely everything.

She found the pop had tasted off ever since tasting Tristan’s blood. Her favourite beverage now tasted dirty.

His blood, though, it tasted like the grape she craved.

So she drank water, begrudgingly.

Then, Tristan came in that night after she was asleep, and she yelled at him for being all up in her bloody business like a fucking bloodhound. He woke her up by going down on her.

“That’s disgusting. Stop!”

She had clamped her knees shut on his head and was pretty sure her kneecaps had hurt him because his head came up and she’d cracked them again, his head right in the middle and the motion so forceful that her knees were radiating pain.

“It’s not disgusting,” he told her, “It’s amazing. Be a good girl or I’ll give you a spanking.” It was an empty threat, or just an erotic one, because he didn’t look angry. He looked like he was super- duper horny.

“Ew. Yuck. Get away from me!” She scampered out of the bed, pulling up her underwear, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

He was in there with her a minute later. Naked.

She saw him throw a tampon into the toilet. He flushed it.

Gross. He must’ve yanked it out while she’d been sleeping.

She pointed at him, still soaping up her vajayjay, “No. Out!”

He chuckled and shook his head, ignoring her request for him to leave. He got in, reached up to grab the detachable shower head, then dropped to his knees with it and grabbed the soapy sponge out of her hand and chucked it aside. He twisted it and put the now pulsing shower head right against her clit.

“Holy fuck!” she gasped and grabbed a handful of hair at the top of his head, going weak in the knees.

He rinsed all the soap off and then his tongue went deep. He kept the pulsing showerhead angled upwards, right on her clit, and she went absolutely mental with sensation. Her legs gave out on her but he caught her and then carried her back to the bed and she didn’t say a thing when he lifted her legs to put a towel under her bottom, and then went to town on her with his tongue.

She didn’t say anything as she fisted the blankets with her mouth open in a big O but she also didn’t look down because … ewwww.

When he was done she stuffed a big overnight pad in her undies before going to sleep.~~~Kyla woke up alone but it was still night. She could hear voices so she got up and listened at the bedroom door. She could hear Tristan and Sam’s voices.

“We caught her breaking past security at the dormitory. She didn’t kill Hunter, she put him under her orders. He came in and debriefed me but left out those details. Because he didn’t remember them. I didn’t know she’d influenced him so he was in the dorm, talking to Leonard, and then he got to her and pulled the dagger. He was carrying her out, she wasn’t yet conscious, so I stopped them, locked Hunter down, but think he’s oblivious since he was just following her orders. But bad news is that the dagger is missing and so is Jackson. Jackson was on duty in the dorm. I’ve dropped Taryn here so you can deal with her and I’m gonna go help Jeff, Leonard, and the others find him and shut this shit down.”