Page 32 of Dominate

“I think it’s time you pay for your sins.”

I take the knife and place the tip of it at the fly of his pants. His eyes grow large as he realizes my intent.

“You won’t be needing this.”

With a wicked smile plastered on my face, I shove the knife down, allowing the razor sharp blade to slowly sink through the flesh of his manhood. I don’t stop pressing down until I feel the tip scrape against the wood of the desk beneath him. Masterson’s agonizing screams only feed the darkness inside of me. I savor them as he begs and pleads for me to end his pain.

It’s sick and twisted, but I revel in every part of his suffering. He deserves every ounce of pain I can render. I tighten my grip around the handle, taking immense pleasure as I gradually twist it towards me. His body convulses in pain as I continue ripping his manhood to shreds. Never again will he hurt anyone else.

In one hard movement, I jerk the knife free, holding the handle tightly as I watch the thick blood seep from his injury.


“No, Masterson, may God damn you!”

In one quick movement, I effortlessly slide the sharp steel blade across his throat,

instantly slashing his flesh open. Spurts of bright crimson liquid gush out of his neck, splattering its warmth onto my forearms and coating my skin. There it is… The kill; the satisfaction. With a wicked grin plastered on my face, I stare into his disgusting eyes and witness him drowning in his own fucking blood. I don’t look away until it’s over.

May you rot in Hell for what you’ve done to her.

As reality sets back in, I quickly divert my attention to Devyn. The sight of her trying to sit up sends a wave of relief over me. Thank God, she’s okay. She leans her body against the wall for support and grabs her head, wincing in pain. She needs to see a doctor. Concerned, I rush towards her, but I am halted by the horrified look on her face. Devyn’s large eyes are locked firmly on my right hand.

I glance downward, only to discover the bright, red blood dripping from my arm, down to the floor. I’d been so caught up in everything, I hadn’t even realized I still had the knife in my hand. Instantly, I release my grasp on the handle and allow it to fall to the ground beside of me. She shifts her gaze to Masterson’s dead body behind me, tilting her head in confusion.

In one blink, she seems to grow lost in the sudden magnitude of emotions. I cautiously squat down in front of her. Even though she’s looking straight into my eyes, she doesn’t see me. I reach out, but refrain from touching her. I’m horrified, ashamed. Devyn’s just seen the one thing I never wanted.

She’s seen the monster that lives inside of me.

Chapter Thirty-Two



“Baby, talk to me. Please.” Payne falls beside of me on the cold concrete floor and pulls me against him, wrapping his strong arms around me; the same arms I thought could protect me from the world. My pounding head is making it difficult for me to focus clearly. Nothing is making sense. Nothing.

“Look at me. It’s okay. It’s over, baby. You’re safe.”

Safe? No. I’m not safe from you. All along, you were the person I needed to watch out for. You led the evil to my doorstep.

I blink hard trying to clear my double vision. When I look down, I see the bloody knife lying beside of us. I can’t be near him, not after what he’s done.

How could I have been so stupid to fall in love with him?

“Get the fuck away from me!” I push him away with my hand and shove myself back with my feet. Once I reach a nearby table, I use it to pull myself up to stand. The pain in my head is steadily growing more and more unbearable.

“You were going to kill me. You were going to take me away from my son.”

“Please, I can explain.”

“Stay the hell away from me! I don’t want an explanation. Just give me your keys!” I demand, my voice growing weaker. I can feel the rushing blood pounding in my ears.

“You’re hurt. You need to see a doctor. Please, let me take you.”

Why does he look so concerned? If only he knew the beatings I’d taken in the past.

“No! I’m fine! All I need is my son. Give me the fucking keys, Payne. Now!” I shout, using the last of my strength. I’m so drained, so weak. I’ve got to snap out of this. I’ve got to get out of here.

“I swear to you that Kason and Kyra are safe. We’ll call them on the way to the doctor.” He urges as he steps closer.

“No! I don’t need a doctor!” The room begins spinning, faster and faster. I try to blink away the blurriness, but it’s only getting worse. The stabbing pain in my head is just too much to bear. As I step forward, my trembling knees give way beneath me. Everything begins to fade.

As I fall into Payne’s arms, I hear him cry out.


I hate hearing that name fall from his lips. It only reminds me of the evil that had followed me. I fight to keep my eyes open, but the darkness is too comforting, too inviting for me to stay awake much longer.

“It’s alright. I’ve got you. Everything is going to be okay.”

How can he say that? It’s never going to be okay again.

Unable to fight it any longer, I allow myself to be enveloped into the dark.

Chapter Thirty-Three



“But she’s been back there forever. Isn’t there someone who can tell us something?” I’m ready to bust through those double doors and find her myself. I can’t handle not knowing what’s going on. I’m afraid this waiting game is not going to end well for me.

“Sir, I’m sure there will be someone out to speak with you soon. Just please try to be patient.”

Patient? Did she just seriously tell me to be patient?

“I demand to speak to someone. Now!” The nurse jumps at the gruffness of my voice and quickly heads back down the hall.

“Payne, calm down. I’m sure it won’t be long now.” Kyra tries to calm me, as she pulls out the buzzing phone from her pocket. Thankfully, I was able to reach her before she’d gotten too far out of town.

“Shit. My parents are blowing up my phone. I’m going to go give them a quick update without revealing too much. I’ll be right back, all right?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m not going anywhere.” She nods and heads down the hallway to make her call.

With my hands behind my head, I pace the long hallway, back and forth, trying to tame the worry and guilt that’s coursing through my body. She looked so weak and helpless when I carried her in here. I hate myself for not being able to keep Broderick away from her. Even in my hardest efforts to keep her safe, I’d unknowingly brought the evil back into her life. Overwhelmed with anger, I turn and slam my fist into the cement block wall behind me.

“Payne, stop it.” Kyra places her hand on my back, preventing me from taking another swing at the wall.

“I can’t lose her.” I press my head against the cool surface.

“What are you talking about? She’s not hurt that badly. She’ll be fine.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. She hates me, Kyra. She won’t let me explain. Now that she knows, she’ll never forgive me. I’m going to lose her.”

“Knows? Knows what? What are you talking about?”

“Are you two with the Andrews girl?” A slender doctor approaches, interrupting our conversation.

“Yes, Doctor. How is she?” Kyra asks, stepping forward.

“Well, I have to say, to have been in a bad car accident, she’s a very lucky girl. There are no broken bones or internal injuries, but she does have a mild concussion, so we’d like to keep her here overnight, just out of precaution.”

Thank God!

I had to lie about the car accident. If they suspected she was assaulted, they’d involve the police. There’s no way I can risk that happening.

“When can we see her?”

“They’re getting her moved into a room now. As soon as they have her settled, I’ll have someone take you up.”

“Thank you, so much, Doctor,” Kyra says, shaking his hand. Turning, she nudges me in the side with her sharp elbow. “See? I told you. She’s going to be fine. Whatever it is that’s going on between the two of you, I’m sure you can work it out.”

I turn and walk over to the large window in the waiting room without answering her. As I stare out at the city lights, I find myself wishing for some way to make this right, but I know there isn’t.

The fact is, I don’t deserve her. I never did and I never will.

I hang back and let Kyra walk ahead of me into the dimly lit room.

“Hey, there,” Kyra says, giving her a careful hug.

“Hey,” I hear Devyn’s weak voice reply. I cringe when I see her gorgeous face. It’s swollen and covered in dried blood. Her head gradually turns in the direction of Kyra’s stare.

Her brows furrow as she tries to sit up in the bed. “Get out!” She demands, giving me a murderous look.

Kyra places her arms on her, urging her to lie back. “Honey, don’t. He’s the one who brought you here. He saved you from them.”

; “I don’t fucking care! I want him out!” She reaches over and grabs the water pitcher off the cart, weakly tossing it in my direction. “Get the hell out!”

After everything she’s been through, I certainly don’t want to make her any more upset. With a heavy heart, I back out of the room, leaving Kyra alone to try and calm her. The volume of their argument spills out into the hallway. Her spiteful words strike me like a dagger to my heart.