Page 31 of Dominate

The moment the shiny metal buckle strikes the side of his face, something inside of me feels free.

Again! Make him pay!

Drunk on the empowerment, I bring my arm up high into the air and strike him again, this time harder than the time before. The brutal impact sends his head slinging backwards in the chair. As his head slowly drops down, I notice his eyes are closed.

I want him awake to witness my wrath.

“Open your eyes and face your punishment, you fucking piece of shit!” Breathing hard, I pause and tighten the hold on the end of the leather belt, watching and waiting for him to move. A thick flow of bright red blood seeps from his gaping head wound, soaking the collar of his crisp white designer dress shirt.

“Come on. You’re making this too fucking easy.”

His eyes slowly blink open, but he is too disoriented to respond.

As I walk behind him, I look down at the belt in my hand and think back to all the times I’d been on the receiving end of it. I promised myself that there would be a day that I would hang the son of a bitch by it. A broad smile spreads across my face. The day has finally come. With a forceful yank, I jerk the belt against his neck, causing him to tilt back in the swivel chair.

The sudden lack of air sends him into panic, instantly making him begin to struggle. He frantically reaches for his throat and slaps at the belt, unable to get his fingers beneath the leather. The burst of adrenaline, combined with my anger, drives me to keep my hold steady. Using every ounce of my weight, I bear down and hold on with all my might. Broderick’s body thrashes beneath me, but he’s unable to gain enough leverage to fight me back.

The beautiful gasps coming from his body are beyond satisfying. I’ve waited so long for this moment. For once, I’m the one in control, I’m his judge and jury. His fate has already been decided… DEATH!

I hear the sudden commotion at the door, but I don’t bother looking up. I don’t care if God himself is coming inside this room; no one is stopping me from doing this.

Today, Broderick Masterson is going to die.


Loud screams and scuffling can be heard all the way down the long, narrow hallway. Damn it! They’re so many fucking doors that I have no way of knowing which is the right one. I tilt my ear to the side and close my eyes, trying to focus on the direction of the sound. Door by door, I quickly eliminate each room, until I finally reach the last one on the right. Wasting no time, I reach for the handle, but find it locked. I take a step back, lift my foot, and kick the center of the wooden door, with all my might.

Once it flies open, I’m shocked to see the horrific sight in front of me. Broderick’s tilted back in a chair; his legs kick and thrash beneath him as he tries to gain enough traction to fight back. Devyn’s hands grasp the leather belt tightly around his throat. I hear his frantic gasps as his bloody hands reach for his neck.

I know how much she wants to do this, but there’s no way I can let her. Wanting to kill someone and actually doing it are two very different things. Once you cross that line, there’s no coming back from it. She has enough things haunting her, I won’t let this be added to it.

She’s not a killer… but I am.

“Let go,” I urge, quickly stepping towards her.

Devyn finally looks up in my direction. Her beautiful eyes are full of fierce determination. She’s so consumed with her own pain and anger that I only hope I can talk her down.

“NO! He raped me… stole my innocence. He sold my body to other men. He deserves to die.”

“Yes, baby, you’re right. But killing him isn’t going to make you feel any better. Trust me, you’re not a killer.”

“How do you know what I am?” She snaps through gritted teeth.

“Because, I know your heart. You don’t need to do this. It won’t change anything.”

“Y-you don’t understand. I…I have to.” Her voice suddenly weakens, along with her grip on the belt. With Broderick’s lethargic movements, I don’t have much time. I have to intervene now before it’s too late. I inch my arms around her, pressing my chest against her back. I gently slide my hands up her arms and grab hold of the leather.

“Shh. It’s okay. Let go,” I whisper into her hair. I feel her let out a long breath and relax against me. Slowly, her arms drop to her sides, releasing the belt into my hands.

Broderick leans forward in the chair, gasping and coughing, as he struggles to regain air into his lungs. I will deal with him myself. I return my attention to Devyn. There’s so much I need to explain to her.

“Damn you! Why did you stop me! He has to die!”

“Baby-,” I reach out for her but she slaps my hand away.

“Don’t you fucking touch me! You’re just like him.”

Witnessing the immense pain in her eyes is like taking a gash out of my heart. She’s right. There was a time where my soul was as dark as his, but that was before the brightest light came into my life.


“Please, you have to listen to me.” I beg.

“NO!” She screams, hurriedly backing away.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Masterson stagger to his feet and hurriedly pull up his pants. I’d been so concerned about trying to make Devyn listen to me, I hadn’t even notice him move. His eyes narrow on her. With her back turned, she is oblivious to the danger she is walking straight into.

“Look out!” I warn.

“You fucking bitch!” Masterson grabs hold of her arm, catching her off guard. Devyn manages to jerk free, but loses her balance and falls backwards. Her head slams into the edge of the wooden desk. I watch helplessly as her limp body collapses onto the concrete.

“DEVYN!” I scream.

She doesn’t move.

Oh, God. Why isn’t she moving?

Full of rage, I charge at Masterson, grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him down onto the desk. I reach around my back for my gun and place the barrel in the middle of his forehead. I push harder, pressing the steel deeper into his skin.

“Do it. You’ll never run from this one. My men will hunt you down.”

I want to laugh in his face. There’s no one coming to his rescue. I know exactly how to make people disappear. One pull of the trigger is all it would take to end this. But shooting him is way too easy. It would make his death quick and painless. After everything he’s done to her, he deserves to suffer. I release the pressure off his head and hastily toss the gun across the room.

“You’re not getting off that fucking easy.” I warn.

He tries to fight me, but I lean in closer, pinning him with my weight and sinking my fingers into his open head wound. He screams out in pain. I drop my free hand down and pull the knife from my side. When he sees the long, jagged blade of Tango’s knife, horror flashes before his eyes.