Page 29 of Dominate

“Oh, I think you know exactly what this is about. I want my son. It’s that simple. I’m sending you the directions now. You have one hour to deliver him to that address. If you fail to do that, I’ll have to finish the job I hired you to do in the first place.”

“I’m going to take pleasure in killing you.”

He laughs at my threat. I clench my hand around my phone, wishing like hell it was his neck.

“One hour. Oh, and you might want to hurry. My cock’s aching to do some reminiscing.” The line goes dead just as the text with the address is coming through.

“Goddamn it!” I shout into the phone. Scrolling over my contacts, I hurriedly redial Kyra’s number. It’s not safe to stay where she is. She’s got to get Kason out of town. Now.

To my relief she answers on the second ring.

“Payne! What’s going on? Is she okay?”

“Listen to me. I need you to take Kason and get out of town. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going, do you understand?”

“Y-yes. Honey and I already had a plan if this ever happened.”

My heart pulls hard in my chest. I should’ve known my smart girl would already have something planned.

“Good. Take him and go.”

She shouts to get my attention. “Wait! What about Honey?”

“Broderick has her. Just say a prayer that I can get to her in time. Now, go!” I end the call. The less she knows about what I’m about to do, the better.

Chapter Thirty



The thunderous slamming of a steel door immediately causes me to regain consciousness. I’m sitting against a cold metal pole with my hands tightly bound around my back; still slightly disoriented from the earlier blow to my head. I blink away the blurriness in my eyes and slowly look up, bravely daring a glance around the large open space. I’m alone in what looks to be some sort of old warehouse. I carefully scan the room for any clues as to where they’ve taken me, but I don’t recognize anything I see.

I straighten my body to alleviate the strain on my forearms and test the tight binding around my hands. Each twist of my wrists causes the heavy glue from the tape to forcefully tug at my skin. Unless someone cuts me loose, there’s no way of escaping this.

The sudden sound of approaching footsteps heightens my awareness. Dropping my head back down, I listen closely to their intense conversation.

“It’s been well over an hour, Senator. I don’t think Foxfire is going to show.”

“Trust me, he’ll be here.”

Foxfire? Who’s he talking about? What the hell is going on?

Through the corner of my eye, I see Broderick’s feet turn in my direction. Step by step, he comes closer and closer, stopping right in front of me and dropping down to face me. His hand reaches out, slowly sliding up the side of my hip.

“Besides, I can wait. It gives me time to catch up on some long, lost time.” He hisses at the feel of my bare thigh.

Full of disgust and rage, I raise my head and spit in his face. Broderick angrily lunges forward, grabbing a fistful of my hair with his hand.

“Fucking bitch!”

“Get your goddamn hands off her, Masterson.” Payne’s deep voice booms throughout the large space, interrupting my punishment.

At first I’m overcome with relief, but then confusion immediately hits me.

Wait. How does Payne know him?

Broderick winks and gives me a satisfied grin before releasing me, motioning for Payne to come forward. Tango immediately steps behind him and places a gun against his back. Payne holds his hands up to surrender and allows himself to be thoroughly searched for weapons. Once he’s been cleared, Tango shoves the barrel of his gun into his back and urges him in our direction.

Broderick claps his hands, seemingly delighted to have him here. “Ah, Foxfire, so good of you to finally join us.” He looks behind him and crosses his arms. “It seems you’ve forgotten the most valuable part of the deal.”

Foxfire? Why is he calling him that?

“I don’t believe any introductions are needed. I think the two of you are already well acquainted with one another. Am I right?” Broderick addresses Payne and I, in a snide tone.

“Payne? What’s going on? How does he know you?”

None of this makes any sense.

“I-,” Payne starts to explain, but Broderick interrupts him, clapping his hands together in amusement.

“Ah, that’s right! She doesn’t know, does she? Well, then, shall I be the one to enlighten her?”

“Masterson! Don’t!” Payne warns. Broderick flashes him a crooked smile and then comes closer, running his hand up my cheek.

“You might say that we’re business associates.”

“Business associates? I…I don’t understand.”

“Baby, don’t listen to him.” Payne begs.

“I must say, Foxfire, you disappoint me. You’re supposed to be one of the best. I wouldn’t have guessed that you would fail a mission over a little taste of her pussy, even as sweet as this one.”

“You motherfucker!”

Payne lunges forward but is quickly shoved back against the concrete wall behind him. Tango reaches for the vinyl rope and quickly ties Payne’s hands around his back, securing his body against the heavy metal pipe attached to the wall.

Even though it’s a struggle, I manage to maneuver my body up off the floor.

“Mission? What is he talking about, Payne? Please, tell me what’s going on!”

I’m terrified. I don’t know who or what to believe. Out of desperation, I search Payne’s face for the truth, but the shame in his eyes only frightens me more.

“Baby, trust me. I can explain everything.”

Explain? What is there to explain? Dear God, what is going on?

“You were the mission, my love. One, he failed miserably at, I might add. Your boyfriend is one of the best-known assassins in the country. His credentials are immaculate. He loves the kill, don’t you, Foxfire?”

“Goddamn it, Masterson!”

Payne fights against the restraint. To quiet him, Tango lands two more hard blows to his stomach. Payne gasps for air, gagging on blood and spit.

“Shut him the fuck up!” Broderick demands. Nodding, Tango quickly shoves something into Payne’s mouth and then tapes it shut.

My eyes dart back to Broderick, who’s slowly circling me as he proceeds to tell his story.