Page 30 of Dominate

“You see, with me running for Governor, I simply can’t risk any past discretions coming out. Thank heavens, I’ve already ridded myself of that drug-head mother of yours.” His confession about my mother’s death doesn’t surprise me. I’d come to that conclusion, a long time ago.

Broderick prowls closer, gently lifting my chin with his finger. “So, my beautiful girl, that only leaves you in the picture.” My stomach churns at the feel of his repulsive touch. I close my eyes, refusing to give him the satisfaction of my gaze. He squeezes my chin hard, jerking me up to make me look at him.

“Such a shame, really. We could’ve been quite the happy family, you and I.”

I grit my teeth and glare at him. “You’ve never been my family! You never will be.”

“We’re already family. We’re parents, my beautiful girl, or have you forgotten about our son.”

“My son! He is mine!” I scream.

Broderick raises his hand and slaps me across the face. Payne’s muffled frustration echoes across the room as he fights the rope. I spit the blood out on the floor in front of me.

“Go ahead. What are you waiting for? Kill me! No matter what you do, he’ll never be yours.”

Broderick runs his hand down my chest. “I must say, sweetheart, I do love this feisty woman you’ve become. In fact, it’s really turning me on.”

Once again, Payne’s screaming is muffled through his gag. I turn and see the fury in his eyes. It’s obvious that he wants to kill Broderick, but that job is already spoken for.

That job is all m



Using my middle finger, I inch the line down my hand and clench it tightly in my fist. Right now, this little piece of string is my only hope of saving us.

Before I surrendered at the door, I’d taken a risk and concealed a long strand of clear, braided fishing line up my long-sleeved nylon shirt. I’d known it would be missed on the initial pat down. Thankfully, my gut instinct had paid off. Like always, Tango had been too hyped up on the action to see the obvious clues in front of him.

Broderick jerks Devyn by the chin, forcing her to look at him.

Just the sight of his hands on her is enough to fuel my murderous rage.

“I think it’s time we have a private discussion. There’s too many distractions in here. Cut her free, Tango.”

NO! NO!! I can’t let him get her alone.

Biting down hard on the rag in my mouth, I scream out my frustration. Each time I lean my body backwards into the pipe, I manage to loosen more of the rope around my hands.

Come on… just a little bit more and I’m free.

“What do you want me to do with him, Sir?” Tango asks, pointing back at me. I feel my hands slip free from the rope.

“Kill him,” he orders, but then stops and looks back before continuing. “But, take your time and do it slowly. I want him to be able to hear how loud she screams when a real man fucks her.”

“With pleasure.”

Winding the clear string around my hand, I prepare myself for the takedown. I can’t fuck this up. Since my legs are still bound, I’m only going to have one shot at this.

Come on fucker. Just come a little closer.

“Well, well, Foxfire. How long has it been since we’ve crossed paths? Three years? You were damned good. One of the best, I’d say. But, look at you now. You’ve turned into-a weak, pathetic loser. All over a piece of pussy. It must be damn good to go through all of this. I guess I’ll have to sample it for myself.”

I scream my frustrations into the gag. Tango laughs and places his hand up to his ear.

“What’s that? Speak up! Cat got your tongue?”

Tango steps forward and tucks the gun behind him, opting instead to pull his long tactical knife out of the sheath on his hip. Shooting me is not his style. It’s too quick and easy for his taste. He likes the thrill of drawing the kill out as long as possible.

“Don’t worry, Foxfire. After the Senator’s had his fill of her, I’ll be sure to fuck your girl so good, you’ll be able to hear her moans all the way from hell.” With a cocky smirk plastered on his face, he closes the distance between us. There it is, the last step I needed him to take.

You’re dead, motherfucker. You just don’t know it yet.

Catching him off guard, I swing my arm out and knock the knife out of his hand, before quickly lunging forward and wrapping the clear braided string against his neck. With his back to me, he gasps and franticly reaches for his throat. Over and over, he thrashes in my hold, while desperately trying to get his hand underneath the string. I tighten my grip, biting through my own pain as the clear line cuts into the flesh of my hands.

Just a little bit longer.

Soon, his broad body begins growing limp against me. Just to make sure the job is done, I hold on tight for a few more seconds before letting him go. He must die. When I release him, his tall, heavy body hits the concrete floor with a hard, loud thud. I slide down the pole and stretch my arm out to retrieve the tactical knife from off the floor beside of Tango’s body. Wasting no time, I cut my legs free and remove the tape from my mouth. I kick his body over and pull the gun out from behind his back. Rushing across the warehouse floor, I grab hold of the metal staircase and take the stairs two by two. I’ve got to get to her before it’s too late.

Chapter Thirty-One



The familiar clicking sound of the lock sickens me. Being alone with Broderick is the last fucking thing I want. I know he’ll try most everything he can to make me talk, but it’s not going to work. I’ll die before I’ll ever give up my son.

“This time, you’re boyfriend won’t be interrupting us.”

Payne can go straight to hell. I don’t need him. I never did. Trusting him was my mistake; a mistake I’ll never make again.

Broderick hastily pulls me toward the center of the room and slings me around to face him. I try to jerk myself away from his hold, but he ruthlessly digs his nails deeper into the flesh of my arm, successfully preventing me from breaking free. My eyes immediately focus on the tightness of his jaw. I know that look.

He’s pissed.

Gritting his teeth, he unleashes his wrath by violently shaking me.

“I’m done playing games with you, Devyn. Do you understand? It ends now. I will not be disrespected! You, of all people, should know that.”

Of course I fucking know, but it doesn’t matter. Everything is different now. I’m not the scared, young girl I once was. Instead of cowering down to him, like I normally would, I straighten my back and look him square in the eye, refusing to show him an ounce of fear.

“Respect is earned.” I snarl. I prepare for the repercussions. I don’t care if he hits me. He’s already done everything else. What’s one more slap?

Surprisingly, a sickening smile forms across his face; his dark eyes dance with amusement. Tightening his grip, he pulls me closer, until my chest is pressed firmly against his. As he speaks, I can feel the warmth of his breath on my mouth.

“How right you are, my love. And I’ve more than earned it.”

He releases me, shoving me backwards into an old wooden desk. I zone in on his hand and my world immediately slows down. The leather belt makes a loud whoosh, as he slides it free from his pants. With a satisfied smirk, he drops it beside my foot. My eyes are inadvertently drawn to look at it. That goddamn buckle taunts me, making the vomit rise, higher and higher, up the back of my throat.

Fight it! Stay in control! Fight.

“As much as your fiery attitude is turning me on, I believe it’s time I remind you of a few things. If you can’t give me the respect I deserve, then I’ll take it. You know I can. It’s your choice”

My inner voice coaches me.

Yes, you have a choice. You’re stronger now. You know what’s coming. Fight!

“Very well, then. Have it your way.” He smiles, while beginning to unbutton his dress shirt.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, mustering up all my strength.

I will not surrender. I will not lose myself.

“Remember, you had a choice.” I close my eyes.

Just fucking say it.

“On your knees.”

Those three words used to own every part of me, but not anymore. Now, I’m the one in control. As I stare down into the shiny silver buckle laying beside of me, every single horrific encounter I’d endured hits me. Like a slideshow, I’m forced to relive each painful memory, as they flash, one by one, before my eyes. I try like hell, but I can’t stop them.

God, please make them stop!

The poignant anger that surges through my body is overwhelming, too overwhelming. In a blink of an eye, something inside of me snaps. I become who I need to be. With my mind racing, I drop to my knees, smiling inwardly at my plan.

He wants respect? I’ll show him the meaning of respect.

In one forceful yank, I jerk his dress pants to the floor, exposing his naked manhood. Just the sight of it makes me want to slice it off and feed it to him.

“Eager now, aren’t we?”

If only he knew that my eagerness holds a completely different outcome than he’s anticipating.

I place my hands on his bare thighs and cringe at his sharp intake of breath. The twisted son of a bitch won’t be enjoying this for long. Overcome by anger, I use my weight and push into his legs. The force of it catches Broderick off guard, causing him to fall back into the old swivel chair behind him. I use the distraction wisely and grab the leather belt

from off the floor, discretely pulling it behind me as I stand.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Devyn?”

“Getting revenge.”

The exhilarating power coursing through me is beyond satisfying. Without hesitation, I raise my arm high into the air, savoring Broderick’s shocked expression as realization sets in. Gritting my teeth, I sling the belt in his direction. In that instant, everything seems to slow down, allowing me to revel in the victorious moment. It’s priceless, more priceless than I could’ve ever imagined.