“Is everything okay?” Hope asks.

Goddamn, just the simple sound of her voice has the power to soothe me.

“Yeah, come here, baby doll.”

She snuggles up to me and surprisingly runs her hand under my cut, up over my chest in a possessive way she usually reserves for when we’re alone.

I glance down at her. “You seem frisky tonight.”

She peeks up, a teasing smile playing over her lips. “What can I say, this president’s patch gets me hot.”

I rumble with laughter and squeeze her tighter. “Good thing I’m the only one wearing one, then.”

She hums in approval and leans up as if she has a secret to share. “I like a man in charge.”

I bend down and brush my lips against her ear. “You should let the president fuck you. I hear he’s packing.”

Soft laughter flows out of her, abruptly cut off when she slides her hand over the front of my jeans. “Oooh. Packed and fully loaded.”

I growl against her throat. “Someone’s feeling bold.”

“Are you planning to give us a show?” Z asks, completely ruining our game.

“They’re getting more obsessed with each other the longer they’re married,” Wrath adds. “Not less.”

Z rolls his eyes. “Look who’s talking.”

“Pregnancy hormones,” Heidi says.

Murphy glances at her sideways, and she shrugs. “What? It’s a medical fact.”

I can’t stop the grin spreading across my face. Murphy holds up a hand. “Please. Don’t.”

Teller coughs and sits forward. “I’m going to add my vote here that you two keep your sex life to yourselves.”

“Wait a minute,” Z says. “What are these pregnancy hormones you speak of?”

“For fuck’s sake,” I mutter.

Heidi blushes and mouths, “Sorry” to Hope. She clears her throat and sits up straighter. “Well, there are a number of factors that make a mother friskier when she’s pregnant,” Heidi says. “But the increased levels of estrogen and progesterone are one of the major factors. Plus, there’s an increase of blood flowing to that area that ramps up desire and makes, you know… orgasms… much more… intense.” She blushes and sits back.

“So glad I made sure to send you to college,” Teller says.

She grins at him. “I got an A in Biology last semester.”

Wrath looks about ready to spew all over. “So, a couple months of slightly enhanced sex to compensate for eighteen years of misery. No thanks.”

Trinity falls against him laughing and slaps his chest. After a second, she whispers something in his ear, and he nods.

Ravage glances around slowly as if he’s confused. “What’s wrong, Rav?” Z asks.

“I don’t know. I blacked out while Heidi was explaining that whole orgasm thing.” He glances my way. “I don’t think I signed up for all this baby stuff, Prez.”

“You sure practice enough,” Z quips.

Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, or maybe I’ve finally succeeded in thoroughly corrupting my wife, but she grins at the guys.

“That’s what you get for teasing me, Ravage,” she says. “Biology lessons.”

“If I’d wanted to learn biology, I would’ve paid better attention in school.”

“Maybe that’s why you can’t please a woman,” Murphy suggests.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Ready for tonight?” I ask Z, trying to put as much enthusiasm as I can into my words. I’m proud of him for this new venture for the club, but not exactly excited about attending.

“Yeah, girls are all gettin’ dressed up and shit.” He smiles, but he still seems to have something weighing on his mind.

“I know you think I have too much going on, but I’m always here for you, brother,” I offer, giving him the opening I think he needs to tell me what’s weighing him down.

He nods to the war room, and we step inside. After pacing for a few seconds, he runs his hands through his hair. “I’m only talking to you about this because I know you won’t be a dick.”

“Okay, so spill.”

“I like Stella. Probably more than I should. She reminds me of Lilly.”

Well, I wasn’t expecting such a heartfelt admission from him. I raise an eyebrow because—

“Yeah, yeah, I know they don’t look a lot alike physically. I mean the way they talk about things. Stella’s really passionate about stuff. I don’t know. She’s interesting. And smart.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“I feel like a fucking asshole for saying it. The movies don’t bother me. If it’s in her past. But I don’t think I can date her if she’s still making films, you know?”

I hold back my shock at the thought that Z wants to “date” anyone. “Yeah,” I answer slowly. “I can understand that. How old is she?”

“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine?”

“If she started at eighteen, that’s a long time to be in the business. She might be thinking of retiring soon.”

He rubs the back of his neck for a few seconds before continuing. “I don’t want to be that asshole telling her to give up her job because I might want to start something with her. That’s a dick thing to do.”

People might be surprised at Z’s depth and the amount of thought he’s given this situation. Hell, Z himself is probably surprised. I’m not. He’s always been a complex sort of caveman.

“Why don’t you talk to her and see where she’s at?”

“I might. Fuck, I’m pretty sure Sway’s dipped into her, though, and I don’t know if I need that complication in my life.”

I snort. “You sure can pick them.”

“No fucking kidding.”

“If it makes you feel better, he ‘reassured’ Hope they didn’t have a relationship.”

“I heard. Still, he’s way too up in her business. He’d probably be pissed thinking I was trying to steal his commodity.”

“True. When you been spending all this time talking to her anyway?”

“Setting up for our event. I went down to Brooklyn to see one of her shows too, and we went out after.”

That’s news to me. Shit, maybe Z really is serious. There aren’t many women he’ll ride that many miles for.


Z’s big night is here, and I’m so nervous I can barely function. Rock says he has some things to take care of at the clubhouse, but honestly, I think the way I’m tearing through all the clothes in my closet is stressing him out more than any pressing club business.

A few minutes after he leaves, Trinity appears in my doorway.

“Shit! You scared me.”

“Rock asked me to come over and help.” She scans the mess I’ve made in the bedroom. “No wonder he tore ass out of here.” She laughs and bends over to start picking up clothes.

“Stop, Trin. You don’t have to do that.”

“Quiet.” She sets everything on the bed in a pile and starts picking up outfits one by one.

“Nope.” I shake my head, vetoing the first outfit.


“No way.”

She holds up a black dress with sheer bell sleeves that I loved wearing last summer. “This has a stretchy middle.”

“Not stretchy enough.” I pluck at the purple dress I’d been planning to wear. “This sucks. I look like a hippo in everything.”

Trinity—wench that she is—rolls her eyes at me. “Your man is crazy for all those new curves, so shut your yap and try this on.”

“I’d say he’s just being nice, but you’re right.” I laugh a little harder. “I can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Believe me, I know.” She flashes a devious smile. “He had some very specific requests for this month’s bump photos.”


“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise. Let’s just say, it will be a closed set.”

“Oh my gosh. Knock it off.”

No matter how hard I ple

ad, I can’t pull any more details out of her.

“Come on, let’s show off that baby bump that gets your husband so worked up. His opinion is the only one that matters anyway.”

“What about mine?”

“Your view of yourself is skewed right now,” she says gently. “So, sorry, it doesn’t count.” She cocks her head. “You really are all glowy and pretty, Hope. You know I’d never tell you that unless I thought it was true. I’d just nod and say, ‘Aw, you look great, girl!’ and then run away.”

I sniff and nod. “Thank you.”

She tugs on the ends of my hair. “Your hair’s all bombshell sexy, your boobs are enormous, your belly’s still that cutesy-bump size.” She tilts her head to the side and pretends to check out my butt. “You finally have an ass.”