
“Well, that’s what I was discussing with the contractors last time. I need to make sure we can install the rigging she needs.”

“We’re gonna wanna up the liability insurance for the club if we do this, Z,” Teller mutters, picking up a pen and jotting down a few notes. Already trying to work out the financial aspects. Fuck, I’m proud of him.

“I wanted the club’s approval before I got into that stuff,” Z says.

“You’re managing the place, Z. If you think it’s a good idea, that’s your call.” I glance down the table. “Anyone got a problem with that?”

“When are you gonna do it?” Ravage asks. “You can’t waste a weekend night on some arty-farty crap.”

Dex slowly turns his head Ravage’s way. “Why are you such an asshole?”

“I was thinking we’d try it out on a Monday night. She has her own PR people. Most of her shows are down in the city. I’m not sure if she even wants to branch out.”

“I don’t know if Empire is sophisticated and cultured enough for the aerial arts,” Sparky says with a haughty tone that cracks everyone up, even Z.

“Yeah, that’s why I figured a Monday night. I’ll split the door profits with her rather than giving her a flat fee. That way she’s got the incentive to promote it too. If it works out, we can renegotiate for next time.”

“All right. Sounds like you have it covered. What do you need from the club?”

“Support. An audience.” He glances at the door. “Make an event out of it.”

“You got it.”

Z blows out a relieved breath. “Thanks.”

“Anything else?”

Everyone says no.

The guys trickle out of the room, stopping to joke around and trade insults.

I turn Z’s way and stop him from leaving.

“I like this idea.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

“Something different no one else in the area has. Apparently she has the name recognition, which will appeal to some of our regulars. Yeah, it’s a solid idea.”


“That what you were talking with her about when I thought you were in there making your porn-star debut?”

He gives me a sheepish smile. “Yeah.”


“Hope, can I talk to you for a sec?” Z asks after emerging from the war room.

“Of course.”

He sits down on the couch, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “Rock told you all about the security work we did for Sway? Stella. The girl we, the actress—”

“The adult film star?” I chuckle softly. “I know who she is, Z.”

“You do?”

I give him a patient smile. “Yes, Z. You know she does more than just have sex on camera, right?”

He gives me a devilish grin. “I do. That’s actually what I was going to tell you.”

“You lost me. She writes a feminist blog.”

“I don’t have any use for that at CB. You’re a bad enough influence on my girls.”

When I stop laughing, I reach over and pat his knee. “Okay. I’m dying here. Spill.”

“She also does aerial arts—”

“Yes! She uses a Lyra right?”

He cocks his head. “You know what it is?”

“It’s like a metal hula hoop.” I draw a circle in the air with my finger. “Suspended from the ceiling.”

“Right. So, I’m setting up a night at CB for her to come do her thing. Trying to make it like a classy event, bring some new customers in and some money.”

“Sounds like a great idea.”


“Um, don’t make fun of me. But am I allowed to go too? I’d love to see her perform.”

“Really?” His eyes widen. “Yeah, that’s kinda what I wanted to ask. If you have any friends you can talk into going too.”

“Sure, I’ll ask.”

Actually, when I stop and think about it, besides Mara, I don’t have a lot of friends outside the club.

“Honestly, if you can just talk Trinity and Charlotte into going, that’d be cool too,” he adds.

“What about Swan?”

He grins. “She has an opening performance.”

“Wow. Cool.”

He chuckles at my enthusiasm. “Yeah, I’m trying to make a big thing out of it. I have one girl who does silks.”

“Oh, that’s really pretty.”

He grins. “She started using them in her act sometimes. But our regulars really aren’t there for all the acrobatics, ya know?”

My mouth twitches. “You don’t say.”

“Thanks for being cool about this, Hope. The guys think it’s stupid. It could be good for the club or a complete waste of money and time.”

“You’ll never know until you try.”


I stick my head out of the war room and spot Z talking to Hope.

Dex is out there, and I wave him to join me.

He closes the door behind him and drops heavily into Wrath’s chair.

“How you doing?”

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Feeling caged in. Thinking about a long ride.”

I figured as much. He’s done it every year around this time since I’ve known him.

“Taking anyone with you?”

He levels a cool stare my way. “Don’t go there.”

I give him a half smile. “I meant another brother. So you’re not out on the road alone.”

“Ravage said he might be up for it. If you think you can spare both of us.”

“Whatever you need, brother.”

“How’s Hope?” he asks. The change in topic doesn’t surprise me. “She feeling okay?”

“Tired,” I answer honestly. “The doctor threatened her with bed rest if she doesn’t keep her blood pressure down.”

“Shit, Prez. Maybe you’re the one who needs some time off. Maybe I should stick around. You need to take care of your girl.”

No way am I forcing him to stay back when I know how much he needs to get away right now. “We’re okay. You know Murphy hardly ever lets Hope out of his sight.”

He snorts and sits back. “Z’s been watching out for her too.” He glances around the war room as if seeing it for the first time in a long time. “This is what you always promised it would be.”

“It wouldn’t be what it is without you.”

“Every one of us,” he agrees. “You’ve built a good crew, Rock. I’m glad you pushed back at National about adding to our ranks.”

His phone buzzes, and he slips it out of his pocket, responding to the text before meeting my eyes again. “Vapor. I’ll see if he feels like g

oing with me. Dude’s turned into a fucking beast.”

I groan and sit back. “Where’d he end up?”

Dex shrugs. “Not sure. He’s always been cagey about letting people know where he is. They were talking about moving back up here, though.”

“See if he wants some work. Shit, I’d patch him right now if I didn’t think he’d gut one of us the first time we pissed him off.”

“What are you thinking of giving him? And don’t say watching the porn set next time. He’d probably terrify that poor girl.”

I chuckle and think it over. “Probably some of that action DeLova mentioned out at Stump’s place. He wanted to broker a deal with Sway, but I’m thinking Vapor might be a better man to show up since he won’t run his mouth.”

“It’s amazing Sway hasn’t been overthrown all these years,” Dex muses.

“No kidding.”

“You hear anything else from Inga? That shit’s done and over for real, right?”

The mention of the paternity bullshit squeezes my chest. I swallow down the lump in my throat. “Haven’t heard a word from her.”

“Good. That better be the last we hear from her.”

“Amen, brother.”

“Hope doesn’t need that bullshit right now.”

I want to say, “Hope’s stronger than anyone in this clubhouse thinks.” She accepted the news of Teller being my son without a second thought. Has done everything to make him feel welcomed and included while honoring his wish not to let Heidi or Murphy know the truth.

Fuck, if that’s not killing me. I want everyone to know the truth.

“She handled it well,” I answer.

“Sure did.” Dex stands. “You’re a lucky man, Prez.”

I follow him to the door, where he turns and gives me a quick embrace. “I won’t be gone too long,” he promises. “Probably be back in time for Z’s show. Let me know if you need something.”

“Will do.” I say it to reassure him, but nothing short of a fucking apocalypse could make me bother him when he’s on this run.

We step into the clubhouse, where the party’s already started. Dex bites his lip and pushes his way to the front door.