“I’m worried about him. He does stupid shit when he’s pissed.”

She gives me a no-kidding-don’t-you-all look.

Thank fuck Heidi’s busy with school and work because she takes the explanation for her brother’s disappearance at face value.

Murphy does not.

“Rock, you know I normally don’t question you, but why you sending Teller to do shit alone? Why wouldn’t you ask me to go with him?”

“You’re first instinct was correct. Don’t question me.”

But he persists. “Is he okay?”

I don’t know because the fucker won’t answer my calls or texts.

“You haven’t heard from him?”

Murphy shakes his head. “No, and that’s not like him at all.”

When I don’t answer, he gets even more agitated.

“Are you saying you haven’t heard from him either?” he asks.

My face hardens, expressing nothing.

“Fuck.” Murphy clenches his jaw and looks away. “Hope said none of us were the father of Inga’s kid, but then she wanted to talk to him after. Did she lie to give him some time to adjust? Is it really Teller’s?”

Shit, I hadn’t even considered that’s what this might look like.

“He took off right after,” Murphy says, sounding more convinced he’s on the right path.

Maybe I should let him think that for now. In a fucked-up way, it solves all my problems.

“Rock.” Wrath shoves the war room door open and raises an eyebrow at Murphy and me. We probably look ready to murder each other.

“What?” I snap.

“We got an issue,” Wrath says. “Looks like we’re making another trip to see the Demons sooner than we thought.”

I groan and drop my head into my hands. “You fuckin’ serious? What now?”

“Chaser wouldn’t say over the phone.”

I let out a string of curses. “I don’t have time for this bullshit right now.”

For once he nods with understanding and saves the sarcasm. “I’d go for you, Prez, but Chaser and Stump specifically said they want you.”

“Fuck me. When?”

“As soon as we can.”

“Hope’s got an appointment Thursday I don’t want to miss.”

He stares at me. “We’ll try to keep it short as we can, Rock. Or maybe once they talk it out with you, I can stay and finish up whatever they need so you can come home.”

“Does it have something to do with Teller?” Murphy asks, glancing between the two of us.

Why the fuck did Teller have to say he was headed to western NY of all places?

Fuck. An even worse thought occurs to me. What if Teller is the reason the Demons are suddenly so anxious for us to come visit?

I lock eyes with Wrath, and he seems to be having the same thought.

“Motherfucker,” I growl. “Get Stash’s and Ravage’s asses up here.”

“Prez, I’m going with you,” Murphy insists.

“No, you’re not.”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Murphy,” I say as patiently as possible. “I need you here to look after Charlotte while Teller’s away.”

“Her brother lives there. She’s fine.”

“Are you deliberately disobeying me right now?” I stare him down, but he doesn’t even flinch. “Do you think that’s helpful?”

He glares at me for a few seconds longer . “No.”

Z stops in the doorway. “What’s going on?”

I fill him in, and he flicks his gaze at Murphy, then me. “What’s the plan?”

“I want you here looking after Hope. If for some reason I’m not back in time for her doctor’s appointment, I want you to take her.”

“Prez,” Murphy interrupts. “I can do that. For fuck’s sake, I live there.”

“I need you to make sure Charlotte’s okay. Make her stay up here if that makes your life easier. I want you watching out for Heidi and Alexa too.”

Fuck me, if Teller stepped in shit and pissed someone off, Charlotte, Heidi, and Alexa would be prime targets to get even with him.

Murphy seems to sense my concern. The anguish on his face is clear. Help his brother or protect his girls? It’s an impossible decision.

That’s why it’s my decision. Not his.

“It’s not your call, Murphy. This is what I need you to do.”

He gives me a tight nod before shoving past Z and storming out of the clubhouse. I wait for a couple seconds, listening for either his bike or truck starting up and tearing out of here, but it’s silent.

“What’s going on, Rock?”

“No fucking idea.”


This is the worst possible time for this trip,” Rock says.

I want to reassure him that it’s not and everything’s okay. But I don’t feel like lying.

It’s not me that I’m worried about. It’s Teller. Rock wouldn’t say much. Just that an already planned trip to the Demons had been moved up. Convenient since Teller told Murphy that was the direction he was headed when he took off.

“Be honest with me, Rock. Is everything okay?”

He searches my face, and I know him well enough to see he’s considering lying to placate me.

“It will make me angrier if you lie right now.”

The corners of his mouth slowly curve up. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” I keep staring and waiting. Finally, he relents.

“I honestly don’t know. I’m not sure Chaser’s call has anything to do with Teller.”


He tips his head to the right. “Murphy’s going to be checking in on Charlotte. Maybe convince her to come stay up here until we get back?”

Murphy wasn’t allowed on this trip, something he’d been pretty pissed about.

Needless to say, our house is a little tense.

“I hate leaving you, baby doll,” Rock murmurs as we stand next to his bike.

“I know. But I’ll be fine.”

“I should be back to take you to your doctor’s appointment.” He nods at Z. “But if I’m running late, Z’s gonna take you.”

“Okay.” I’m not sure how I feel about that. I’d rather have Trinity go with me, but she has back-to-back photo shoots scheduled this week, and she’s busy promoting the grand reopening of Furious Fitness. I don’t want to bother her.

Z pats my shoulder. “I’ll take good care of her, Rock.”

Rock spends a few too many seconds glaring at Z before nodding.

“Let’s go!” Wrath yells. “Sooner we leave, sooner we get back.”

“Yeah, ’cause that’s how that always works out for us,” Rock says without taking his eyes off me.

He jerks his head to the side, asking Z to give us a minute. “I’m gonna stop by Charlotte’s office on my way out,” he says in a low voice that’s almost drowned out over Wrath’s engine.

“That’s a good idea. I’ll check on her later too.”

“Please don’t leave the property alone.”

“I won’t. Promise.” I reach over and grab Z’s sleeve. “I’ll bug Z when I need to go somewhere.”

“That’s my girl. Come here.” He pulls me in for a long, lingering kiss. I’m breathless when he pulls back.

“Don’t get me worked up and then leave.” I pout. “That’s not fair.”

He leans in close. “I left a present in the nightstand for you.”

I throw my arms around him and kiss him again before sending him off.

Chapter Sixteen


Before we leave for the Demons’ clubhouse, I need to pay Charlotte a visit.

With Z and Murphy staying behind, we decided having one more body with us wouldn’t be a bad idea. Wrath’s picking up Malik at Crystal Ball, and we all plan to meet up near the Thruway later.

I head into downtown Empire by myself.

Charlotte’s office is located in the basement of an old brownstone

right near the Capitol. It’s much smaller than the office Hope used to work out of. Charlotte’s obviously done her best to make the place as cheerful as possible with bright yellow walls and funky furniture. The box of toys in the corner reminds me that her practice mostly consists of representing children.

“Mr. North—uh, Rock. My, uh, what are you doing here? I thought you were headed out of town. Is everything okay?”