“I’m fine. Let’s get this over with.” The tightening sensation worsens as soon as I’m in the truck and Rock shuts the door.

I rub my hand over my belly. “It’s way too early, Grace,” I whisper, closing my eyes. “Please, please be okay. We love you so much, and can’t wait to meet you. But you’re not done baking yet.” I’m sure I sound like a lunatic talking to the baby. Really, I’m trying to calm myself.

Rock’s door swings open, and he jumps in the truck. “You okay?”

“I’m afraid to say. Every time I say I’m fine, one hits me again.” I refuse to call whatever it is a contraction. It’s not. It’s too early.

It can’t be.

Chapter Fourteen


If this doctor says it’s “only” Braxton Hicks to Hope one more time, I’m going to shove my fist in his gut and tell him it’s a tickle.

I saw the pain on Hope’s face. Saw how scared she was.

My heart’s still hammering.

“Thank fuck he’s not your regular doctor,” I growl as he walks out of the room, not giving a fuck if he hears me or not.

“Rock, calm down. I’m okay.” She holds out her hand to me. “Help me get dressed.”

“Yeah, let’s get you out of here.”

After an additional hour of bullshit to get her released from the hospital, we’re finally free.

“I’ll be right back.” I kiss the top of her head before walking out to get the truck.

My phone buzzes and I yank it out to find a dozen or so texts from Wrath and Teller. I shoot them a quick line to let them know we’re okay and on our way home.

It’s a relief to finally have Hope in the truck.

“Well, at least I know what those feel like so next time I won’t freak out.” How she’s so calm and cheerful after all of that, I don’t know.

“We need to talk about something.”

She glances over with wide eyes and I reach over to take her hand. “Nothing bad. Sorry. I’m tired.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“The drive to the hospital is way too long for my comfort.” I point to the new hotel across from Empire Medical Center. “I think the week you’re due, we should come stay here.”

Her mouth twitches. “That’s not the vacation I had in mind.”

“I’m serious.”

“What if I’m late? We could be there for weeks waiting for—”

“Then we’ll be there. It’s not far from downtown. Or Crystal Ball, my shop, or the property, so I can still get done whatever I need to do.”

“While I hang out there by myself?”

“No. Someone will be with you.”

She hesitates and groans as I stop at the third red light in a row. “Honestly, I was thinking the same thing last night. It felt like it took forever to get down here. It’s a good idea.”

“Thank you. That way we won’t have to worry about forgetting anything at home. We’ll have whatever you need packed and with us.”

“So kind of like a babymoon.”

“Sorry it’s not more romantic.”

“Actually, it’s a little romantic. And sexy as hell that my husband thinks of everything.”

I glance at her out of the corner of my eye. “You heard the doctor when he said sex can bring on those contractions again, right?”

“So? You’re not going to touch me again until the baby comes?” She gives me her own sideways glance. “I highly doubt that.”

Of course, she’s right.

Everyone’s waiting at the clubhouse for us when we return. “You want to go rest?” I ask.

“No, let’s talk to Teller. I don’t want him thinking this had anything to do with him… with the news.”

How can she say that? Based on what the doctor said, stress absolutely could have triggered this episode. And what’s more stressful than finding out your husband has an adult son he never knew about?

“Hope, you heard what—”

“Rock.” She cuts me off and reaches over to squeeze my arm. “It had nothing to do with it. I’m fine. Grace is fine. I will not let Teller think he caused us any distress. He’s dealing with enough right now.”

I can’t answer, so I lean over and kiss her. When we part, I rest my forehead against hers. The full weight of her gaze on me forces my eyes open. “Promise me,” she insists.

“Thank you.”

She jerks her head toward the door. “Now come help me out of this thing.”


“Jesus, Hope. You scared the shit out of us.” Trinity hugs me as soon as she sees me. “Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

“Everything’s fine. It was false labor pains. The doctor kept acting like it was no big deal. I wanted to squeeze his nuts in my fist.”

Behind me, Rock growls.

“Blanket party?” Wrath asks, lifting his chin at Rock.

Rock laughs. “No.”

I squint at Wrath. “I’m not sure what that is. Are you starting trouble?”

“Who me?” He raises his eyebrows and touches his chest.

I poke him in the side. “Yes, you.”

He wraps an arm around my shoulders. “We were worried about you.”

“Well, now I know what they are and how to monitor them to make sure it’s not preterm labor.”

I can tell I’m losing Wrath’s attention and I pat him on the back. “Everything’s okay.”

My gaze searches the room. “Where’s Teller?”

Z scowls. “He took off after he got Rock’s text that everything was okay.”

“Where’d he go?” Rock asks.

“Home, I guess.” Z shrugs.

“Want me to get him up here?” Wrath asks.

“No, that’s okay. I’ll call him,” Rock says. He touches my shoulder briefly. “You all right?”

“I’ll take care of her, Rock,” Trinity promises. She slips an arm around me. “I bet they didn’t feed you at the hospital.”

“No, they did not.”

Trinity grills up two fat cheeseburgers in the kitchen, and we sit at the table. I eye her plate when she sets it down. “Did you think both burgers w

ere for you?” she asks.


She snorts and sits down. “I’ll make you another one if you’re still hungry.”

“Oh my God,” I mumble around the best burger I’ve had in a long time.

“So, tell me what happened.”

I leave out the stuff about Teller for obvious reasons and give her an abbreviated version.

“The doctor said I need to drink more water. Dehydration can bring them on too. But dammit, I already guzzle water like a damn camel and pee fifty times an hour.”

“Hmm.” Trinity taps her nails against the table.

“Oh no. I know that look. You’re going to try to feed me something gross.”

She rolls her eyes. “I was thinking watermelons, strawberries, cantaloupe, cucumbers—stuff with a high water content.”

“Oooh! What about popsicles?”

“I can make some. None of those nasty sugar-riddled, artificially colored nasty store-bought ones.”

What would I do without Trinity always looking out for me? She may not want to be a mom, but she’s going to be a wonderful aunt to Grace.

I reach over and give her a big snuggle-hug. “You just love to suck the fun out of everything, don’t you?”

Chapter Fifteen


I watch Hope constantly for the next few days, but she seems fine. I’m still anxious every time she moves, which I think is thoroughly grating on her nerves.

Teller disappeared, and we haven’t seen him since the night we went to the hospital.

Apparently he told Murphy and Heidi I gave him some business to take care of out in western New York. I would’ve appreciated the heads-up about the lie he told, and I send him a few texts expressing that opinion.

And get nothing in return.

“I’m going to kick his fucking ass for making me worry,” I fume, stalking back and forth at the end of the bed.

“Rock, let him have some time to adjust.” Hope’s been patient with my bullshit, but it’s starting to wear thin.