Completely drained, I sit back and absorb what Marcel just shared.

“I’m not trying to tell you he’s suddenly a good guy. And I still don’t ever want you alone with him, Charlotte. But yes, he finally came through for you.”

Heat creeps over my face and tears prick my eyes. Marcel didn’t have to tell me any of this. He could’ve lied and said he did it all himself. Or tried to make himself look better. Or not told me at all, I suppose.

“Thank you.”

He brushes his fingers against my cheek, prompting me to meet his eyes. “I love you more than anything in this world and I’ll protect you until the day I die, Charlotte.”


We don’t talk about Keeper again.

After a few days, Charlotte seems much more like herself.

No, even better. Lighter and happier. It fills me with peace. Even if I’d gotten caught, it’d be worth it to know she finally has the truth and justice for what happened.

True to his word, Carter’s been helping me with stuff around the house. In return, I’ve helped him out with a few things as well.

In my arms, Charlotte murmurs and her hair tickles my chest.

Several times throughout the night, I think she tried to extract herself from my embrace, but even in sleep, I held on tight.

My right arm’s curled over her hip, resting on her stomach and my left arm’s completely numb under her head.

Wiggling my fingers, I attempt to get some blood circulating through the limb when she stretches, arching her back, and yawning.

All hope of my arm waking up disappears as my blood rushes somewhere else.

“Marcel,” she pats my hand resting over her stomach. “I need to turn over. Move,” she mumbles.

I shift back a few inches and she twists around, tucking her face against my chest. I brush her hair from her face and run my finger over her soft cheek.

“Stop staring at me. It’s creepy,” she murmurs. Her hot breath against my skin makes the situation in my shorts even more critical.

“How do you know I’m staring at you?”

“I can tell.”

“What if I want to do something else?”

She rolls to her back. “Do what you gotta do. I want more sleep.”

Now she’s just messing with me. “Careful, Sunshine,” I tease, running my fingers under her shirt. “You give me an invitation like that, you know I’ll take it.”

She cracks open one eye. “You’re horny this morning? Really?”

“Charlotte, if I’m breathing next to you, I’m horny. I only get to actually stick my dick in you about twenty-five percent of the times I think about fucking you.”

“You’re so romantic. I bet most guys average about two percent. You’re lucky your girlfriend’s so awesome,” she says, rolling over and shoving her head under the pillows.

That’s it.

Ripping the sheet off, I expose her plump little ass barely hidden by tiny hot pink lacy underwear.

Muffled laughter from under her pillows cranks me up even more. My hand lands on her left ass cheek and she yelps.

“Don’t you dare,” she warns a second before I lay a good smack on her right cheek.

She bursts out of her pillow cocoon and tackles me, pushing me flat against the bed. Her smaller hands pin my arms above my head—for now—and she stares down at me. “What did I tell you about waking me up on the weekends?”

My mouth quirks and I raise an eyebrow. “Do it with my dick in you?”

She glances down the length of our bodies. “And yet, here I am dickless.” The last two words barely make it out of her mouth she’s laughing so hard.

She trails one hand down my chest and pushes her way under my shorts, wrapping her fingers around my cock. “If you want the job done right, a woman’s gotta do it herself.”

I groan as she strokes her hand up and down my dick a few times and she hums with approval. “That’s some impressive morning wood, Marcel.”

“All yours.” I close my eyes and let her have her way with me.

Her fingers tighten, squeezing hard. “Don’t you fall back asleep on me.”

“Couldn’t if I wanted to.” I slip my hands out of her hold and tug at her underwear. “Take these off.”


I pull a little harder, but the material won’t give. Opening my eyes, I pin her with a look. “What’re they made of, indestructible fabric?”

She chuckles and spreads her legs, rubbing the soaked crotch of her panties over my eager cock.

Giving up on ripping them off, I slide the inch of fabric out of my way and run my fingers over her slickness. Her breathing hitches when I slip one finger inside her, then draw her wetness up to circle her clit. She scoots down, pressing herself against me.

“Oh, fuck. Stop teasing, Sunshine.”

My hands grab her ass, holding her still and spreading her wider so I can thrust up inside.

Her nails rake down my chest and she throws her head back, moaning as she takes every inch.

She rolls her hips, trying to lift herself and I grip her tighter. “No. Stay there and take your punishment for being a bad girl.”

“Me?” Her jaw drops with amused outrage. “You woke me up.”

Releasing one hip, I fist my hand in her shirt and tug. “I want your tits. Take this off.”

“What a caveman,” she mutters. Slowly, she eases the shirt up and over her head. It lands on my face and while I’m distracted, she removes my other hand from her hip and rocks herself up and down faster.

“Fuck. I give up. Just don’t stop riding me.” I groan, closing my hands over her breasts and flicking my thumbs against her nipples.

Her head falls back and I press my thumb against her lips. “Suck.” When my thumb’s nice and wet I reach down and drag it over her clit, making her jump.

“Faster, Sunshine. Need you to come so bad.”

“Uh, I, so close. Harder.” She moans louder and I lightly pinch her clit, setting her off.

When her screams die down, I buck her off and sit up. I grip her legs behind her knees spreading her wide.

“Marcel, what—”

I cut her words off by shoving my face against her pussy, sucking and kissing in greedy mouthfuls.

“That’s how you should’ve woken me up,” she teases, running her hands through my hair.

“Tomorrow,” I promise, sitting up and yanking her closer.

Sliding into her feels like absolute heaven. I fall down over her, kissing her cheek and she loops her arms around my neck. “I want to do this the rest of the day.”

“Fuck?” she asks.

“Make you come.”

Her laughter turns into moaning as I grind myself into her, hitting the spot that makes her eyes roll back. My hand closes around her neck and her lips part.

“Charlotte.” I barely recognize the harsh rasp coming out of my mouth. Her eyes pop open, dreamy and unfocused. My fingers squeeze the sides of her neck then release. A faint smile curves her lips and that’s when I lose it.

Pumping into her one last time, I pull out and cover her stomach in my cum. She’s so out of it I don’t think she notices right away. After a few seconds, she opens her eyes.

Her lips quirk. “Your aim is off. My tits are up here,” she says, squeezing her breasts.

Out of breath, I fall down next to her laughing. “I’ll keep that in mind next time.”

She curls her fingers around mine and we lay side by side, staring at the ceiling while we catch our breath.

I roll over and kiss her cheek. “Stay there.”

She waits while I run into the bathroom and grab a towel to clean her up with. “You’re beautiful all naked and sticky.”

“Get back in bed with me,” she demands, tugging the towel out of my hands and tossing it toward the bathroom.

I’m about to crawl in next to her when my phone goes off.

“Noooo,” she cries. “Don’t answer it.

You promised me a day in bed.”

I glance at the phone and if it were anyone else but Murphy I’d probably ignore it. “It’s Murphy, let me see what he needs.”

“You’re lucky I like that big ginger,” she grumbles, rolling away from me.

“What’s up, big ginger?” I answer.

“What?” he says.

“That’s Charlotte’s new name for you.”

She slaps my leg and giggles.

“I’m afraid to ask,” he says. “You’re needed up here.”

“Can’t. I got a hot date all afternoon.”

He blows out a frustrated breath. “It’s not a request, man. Rock wants you up here now.”

“You fuckin’ serious?”

“Yeah, whatever you did just blew up, so get your ass here right now.”

“Fine. I’m on my way.”

“What’s wrong?” Charlotte asks when I slam the phone down.

“I don’t know. Rock wants me up there.”

“Did you…Do they know?”

“Yeah. I had to tell Rock…in case something happens.” I brush my hand over her cheek and down across her chest. “It’s okay.”

“I understand. He’s not mad at you, is he?”

“No,” I answer, even though after Murphy’s ominous phone call, I’m not really sure.


Marcel ran out so fast I can’t help but worry. To keep myself occupied, I shower, dress, and run over to annoy my brother.

Although, as I open the downstairs door, it occurs to me maybe I should’ve called him first.

I walk in totally unprepared for the scene in front of me.

My brother’s sitting on a stool with a sketchpad in his lap, drawing his friend, Bianca.

If Kate Winslet had been a goth girl, she’d look like Bianca. Her soft milky skin is set off by long, curly hair dyed jet black with streaks of cobalt blue and royal purple that falls to her waist.

Before today, I only knew about the piercings in her nose, lip, and eyebrow. Today, I notice silver rings glittering from a few other locations. Something I really didn’t need to know.

She’s been “friends” with my brother for years, but apparently their relationship has changed in the last few days. Currently, she’s posing nude on a black velvet chaise lounge while my brother sketches every inch of her curvy body.

She waves when she sees me, but doesn’t cover up or seem weirded out.

I must be turning into an old prude.

Carter turns around. Bright red lights up his skin from neck to forehead. At least someone besides me is embarrassed.

“A word, little brother,” I say, jerking my thumb over my shoulder.

“Be right back, B.”

She shrugs and picks up her cell phone, but still doesn’t cover herself.

“What’s up, sis?” he asks, leading me outside.

“I always knew I let you watch Titanic one too many times when you were a kid.”

He blushes an even deeper red.

“So, I thought you two were just friends?”

“We are. I told her I needed to sketch some nudes and she offered to be my muse.”

“Please tell me you’re not using this as some weird way to get in your friend’s pants?”

“Aren’t you always hinting that we should get together?”

Yes, I have suggested that in the past, but Bianca’s always kept my brother squarely in the friend zone and I can’t stand the thought of him getting his heart broken.

“I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all.”

“I’m a big boy, Charlotte.”

“You’ll always be my little brother, though.”

“It’s not like I’m a virgin,” he grumbles.

I slap my hands over my ears. “La, la, la, I did not hear that.”

He rolls his eyes. “You’re nuts. Can I get back to the hot, naked girl, I was sketching now?”

“Use a condom!” I shout over my shoulder as I run back into the house.

Not one brother lingers in the living room when I arrive at the clubhouse. The war room door is shut and I listen outside for a second before opening it.

Rock’s at the head of the table—naturally. Wrath, Murphy, and Z are the only other brothers at the table.

“Where’s everyone else?” I ask, rounding the table to take my seat.

Rock pins me with a hard stare. “This is officers only.”

That doesn’t reassure me.

Z stands and moves to the closet, but Rock snaps his fingers, drawing my attention to him. “We have some serious things to discuss.”

“Okay.” I glance around the table again. “I thought we were good last night? Do you need me to fill Z and Murphy in?”

“Nah, Rock told us while we were waiting for you.”

“It didn’t take me that long to get here, Prez, did it?” Christ, I sound like a whiny bitch, but I’ve been worried someone would complain I’m slacking now that I’m not living at the clubhouse.

Next to me, Murphy smothers a laugh, and oddly that relaxes me. If I were in trouble, he wouldn’t be laughing.

“Christ, can’t you keep a straight face for five minutes?” Wrath bitches at Murphy.

Now that he’s been called out, Murphy really lets loose. “Did I take too long to get here, Prez?” he mimics in a high-pitched voice that sounds nothing like me.

Without turning my head, I punch his arm, which only makes him laugh harder.

“Jerk. What’s going on?”

“How’s Charlotte?” Rock asks.

“Fine. Why?”

“You talk to her?”

“I had to. I didn’t give her details though.”

“And?” Wrath asks.

“She was worried about me. And surprised Merlin finally did the right thing. Told her I still don’t ever want her alone with him again.”

“Good call,” Rock mutters. He turns and jerks his head to Z who approaches me with a brown paper package.

“We got you something,” Z says.

My heart thumps a little faster. I know that wrapper. Know what should be inside.

Z sets the package in front of me.

Patty’s Patches is stamped in the top left corner. I run my fingers over it before looking up. First at Rock, then Wrath. “I didn’t ask for another vote yet.”

Wrath lifts his broad shoulders. “We took it for you.”

Fuck me. We did the same thing for Murphy. But that was different. The two of them ending up together was inevitable and none of us could deny her commitment to the club or would ever vote her down.

Wrath already voted Charlotte down once before.

“You voted yes?” I ask him.

He nods. “I needed to know more about how committed she was.”

“He just wanted you to move out of the clubhouse and get your own life,” Z says, shaking his head.

Wrath snorts. “You give me too much credit. I’m not that deep.”

I’m not so sure about that. If anyone’s been telling me to get out of my sister’s business and worry about taking care of myself, it’s Wrath.

Too impatient to wait any longer, I open the package and check out the black leather vest.

Property of Teller

Lost Kings MC

The patch of each officer is sewn into the side while my dollar sign patch rests over the upper left side with “Sunshine” stitched underneath. I glance at Murphy who would’ve been the one to know to add that.

“Thanks,” I say, nudging him with my elbow.

Meeting Rock’s eyes, I lift an eyebrow. “You need me here?”

“No. Go give it to her.” He stands, dismissing all of us.

I receive quick hugs from Z and Murphy. Rock pulls me in for a hug and slap on the back. “I like her. She’s good for you.”

“Thank you.”

Wrath’s a little rougher in his congratulatory hug. “I like her too. She’s mouthy. Hope she gives you hell for years

to come.”

I huff out a laugh, because fuck, I hope so too. “Thanks.”

I almost knock Heidi down on my way out of the war room. “What are you doing…” her voice trails off as she eyes the package in my hands. “No way! Really?”

“Don’t you dare say anything. I want to surprise her.”

Heidi runs her fingers over her lips. “Won’t say a word.” She reaches up and gives me a hug. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

I race home, parking next to our house. I glance at Carter’s place. He said his friend Bianca was coming over this weekend. Although I’d love to know if my suggestion to offer to sketch her nude worked, I’m way too eager to see my own girl.

Naked wearing my patch.

“Get naked. I have a present for you,” Marcel calls out when he returns home.

Of course, I ignore the “get naked” part because it seems like he orders me to get naked in our new house fifteen times a day.

“Why aren’t you naked?” he asks when he finds me in the kitchen.

My eye roll doesn’t stop him this time. He stalks closer, setting something next to me on the counter.

“Your man wants you naked, you’re supposed to be naked.”

He’s not fooling around. Sliding his hands under my shirt, he tugs it up and off.

“What are you doing? I’m cold.”

“I’m gonna warm you up in a second.”

I giggle as his rough hands brush my belly trying to unbutton my jeans. He finally gets them loose and tugs them down my legs, stopping to kiss my mound. “You can leave the pink lacy panties on. They’re sexy as fuck.”

“Gee, thanks.”

I’m left standing in my bra and underwear in the middle of our kitchen, wondering if my old man has lost his damn mind, when he hands me a thick, black leather vest.

“Oh my God.” I reach out with one shaky hand and unfold it.

Property of Teller.

Lost Kings MC.

The patch of each officer is sewn on the side. Even Wrath’s.

“This is why they called you up to the clubhouse?” I ask, my voice shaking with emotion.