Merlin nods at me in approval.

“What did you do, Keeper?” I ask.

To be fair, I let him have a few seconds to catch his breath.

“Nothing,” he groans. “Nothing she didn’t like.”

My vision blurs red and hazy at the edges.

“You piece of shit,” Merlin growls, kicking Keeper in the side.

Holding Merlin back with a hand on his arm, I tap Keeper with my boot. “Start from the beginning.”

“Fuck,” he groans, rolling over. “I found her in one of the back bedrooms gettin’ railed. Recognized his tats. Figured she brought him to the party and snuck off with him. Always acted like she was better than us, but she’d do one of those guys?”

“And?” Merlin prompts.

“And what?”

“Don’t fucking play games, Keeper. We’re way past that now,” I warn him.

Taking out my own knife, I squat down next to Keeper and show him the eight-inch steel blade. “Start talking or I’m gonna start cutting.”

Keeper’s pleading eyes lock on Merlin. “You’re gonna let him slice me up right in front of you? We’re fuckin’ brothers.”

“A true brother wouldn’t touch my niece.”

“Christ, she’s a fucking piece of pussy, same as the rest of ’em. Needed to be taught a lesson for her disrespect. Bringing that trash into our clubhouse, then spreading her legs for him under our roof? That ain’t right. Now you’re letting her be his fuckin’ whore and busting my balls?”

I grip his hair and tilt his head back, exposing his neck. “What did you do?”

“You gonna let me go if I tell you the truth?”


Keeper looks to Merlin for confirmation. “Yeah, brother. I’ll make sure he lets you go.”

“Fine. He finished and left her to go talk to Cindy and I took my turn.”

Before I even realize what I’m doing, I drive the knife into his upper thigh and he screams.

“Shut him up,” Merlin snaps.

Clamping my hand over his mouth, I push him flat on his back. “Was she even fuckin’ conscious, Keeper?”

He shakes free of my hold. “She was moaning like a bitch in heat while I fucked every hole.”

I can’t listen to more. I’ve had similar conversations with rapist assholes before. The story’s always the same. I love Charlotte too much to hear another word. Nothing he can tell me will change the past or the outcome.

Pulling his hair tighter, I run the blade over his neck, watching with grim satisfaction as blood pours from the line across his throat. Not deep enough to kill him—that’s going to be too messy and I don’t have the time I need for that sort of clean up.

His body jerks and he gags. He wrenches his shoulders, trying to get free.

I slip my arms under his and lock my hands behind his head, bending his neck forward until there’s a snap and he stops moving. I’m breathing hard but don’t let go until he’s limp.

Merlin watches me with appreciation glowing in his ice-cold eyes.

“He done?”

“I think so.”

“I wanted to fuckin’ gut him.”

“Yeah, well, her landlord’s coming to inspect the place in about twelve hours, so I didn’t think that’d be the best plan.”

“My cage is parked in the alley.”

“We can carry him through the backyard. It’s so fuckin’ overgrown, no one should see anything. Pull your truck right up to the back gate and put the tailgate down.”

I unwrap the tape from Keeper’s wrists and ankles, wadding it into a ball I’ll take with me to throw away later. Merlin helps me roll Keeper up in the sheet and then in the tarp.

“Where you plannin’ to dump him?” I ask.

“SOS has an abandoned hardware store across the border. Gonna dig a hole, throw him in, and light it up.”

That’ll certainly destroy any evidence.

“Let’s go.”

“You’re comin’ with me?” he asks, sounding genuinely surprised. “You already did the dirty work. Least I can do is clean up.”

“Yeah, I’ll help you.”

We may have just killed a man together, but it doesn’t mean I trust Merlin not to fuck me over.


Merlin and I drive out to Vermont in his truck to dispose of Keeper.

It’s a long drive. He’s careful to stay under the speed limit and stop for every red light. Almost as if he’s done this before.

I stare out the window.

“You move her up to the clubhouse?” he asks after we clear downtown Ironworks.

I turn and glare. Any information about Charlotte is off-limits to him as far as I’m concerned. “You can stop with the attempt to bond with me. This isn’t exactly a family outing.”

He laughs. “Isn’t it?”

We’re quiet for a few more miles. “You really despise me, don’t you?”

“What do you think?”

“I came up in the club at a different time than you did, Teller.”

“Don’t use the it was a different era excuse. It’s never been okay to hit a woman.”

He nods as if he’s glad he finally figured out what about him pisses me off so much.

“You hurt my girl,” I continue. “Left bruises on her.” I jerk my head toward the bed of the truck. “You’re lucky you’re not rolling around with your bro back there.”

Should I be shooting off my mouth and making threats when we’re about to bury a body together in the middle of nowhere Vermont? Probably not.

“Everyone handles grief differently.”

I want to growl out a fuck you, but what’s the point?

“Wrath already shared his thoughts with me on hurting Charlotte. You want a crack at me too?”

He’s not being a cocky asshole. I think he genuinely means it. Underneath that, I think he’s considering the same thing I just did. Whether or not he’s safe traipsing through the woods with me tonight. The idea that we’re both wondering if one of us plans to kill the other is sort of amusing.

I stare at him for a long time before answering. “Charlotte seems to think stabbing you makes you two even.”

His mouth quirks. “I said some real shitty stuff to her. Deserved the knife in the gut.”

“Can’t argue with that.”

More silence stretches between us.

“Don’t come near her again,” I warn him. “You wanna see her, you go through me.”

“Fair enough,” he grinds out. I’m sure it’s killing him to take orders from me. After a few minutes, he snorts. “My brother would’ve liked you.” He glances over. “I don’t like you, but he would’ve.”


“Where’d Carter end up?”

“Why do you care?”

“Maybe I thought about some of the things Charlotte said.”

I seriously doubt that and I don’t trust Merlin not to fuck with Carter. Maybe decide Carter should know the truth about his parentage just to be an asshole. “He’s fine. I found him a place.”

“Feel good to swoop in and play the hero?” He sneers. “Show me up?”

“I couldn’t give a fuck less about that.” How can I break it down in words he’ll understand? “You may not have been able to look past…things, but he’s a good kid. Loves his sister. Loved his mom too, even though it sounds like she didn’t deserve it.”

“You plannin’ to bring him in as a prospect next?”

I snort and shake my head. “No. He’s definitely not interested in that.” Not to mention that, while Z and my brothers accept Carter in small doses, I don’t think they’d tolerate him as a brother. I keep that to myself, though.

“How you plannin’ to keep her safe?”

“I think you have a few stitches in your side that say she can keep herself safe.”

He chuckles then turns serious. “This life is rough on women.”

Is he for real? I turn so I can face him. ??

?Her own blood served up the worst betrayal a woman can survive and you’re worried about my club?”

“Fuck.” He shakes his head. “I never wanted her to know what her mother did.”

“Yeah, if I’d known that’s where it was gonna lead, maybe I wouldn’t have pushed so hard.”

“I tried to warn you.”

He’s right and I have to live with that. Worse, Charlotte has to live with the truth. “I’ll do everything I can to keep her safe and so will my brothers,” I finally say.

“I believe you.”

“I don’t really give a fuck what you believe.”

He sighs and flips on his turn signal. The road narrows and the tires kick up gravel. My hand strays to my pocket—just in case.

“I loved Cindy, but fuck did we bring out the worst in each other.”

I keep my mouth shut, sensing he has more to say.

“Before you, I don’t think Char ever woulda thought to fuckin’ stab me.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Maybe you bring out the best in each other.”

A low, stone building comes into view and Merlin guides the truck around back.

“You’re sure no one’s here?” I ask, surveying the area.

“Shouldn’t be.”

“That’s reassuring.”

He puts it in park and jumps out. I slip my gloves back on before sliding out and meeting him at the back of the truck. He already has a shovel in one hand and a small LED lantern in the other. “Grab the other shovel and the gas can.”

I nod. “Let’s get this done.”


It’s late when we finish erasing all traces of Keeper from this world. Merlin pulls up in front of Charlotte’s building and we stare at each other for a few seconds.

“You plannin’ to kiss me or kill me, Teller?”


“Figure, you’re gonna run home and tell your prez, but I’d rather it not go much further than that.”

Both of us have a lot to lose if his club finds out. Rock will understand my actions and I don’t think I’ll be punished for moving without taking it to my club first.

Merlin on the other hand—conspiring with me, someone from another club? Killing a brother? Without even attempting to discuss it at the table? Yeah, Merlin has a lot to lose.

“We’re square. I got no reason to burn you, Merlin.”

It’s a poor choice of words, considering what we just finished doing, but he doesn’t react.

“Where do you go now?” I ask.

He stares at the street ahead of us. “Maybe nomad for a while. Whisper will be a good president. He doesn’t need me looking over his shoulder.”

Before I step down, he holds out his hand and I shake it. He doesn’t offer some lame “take care of my girl” banality. His brief chin lift says it all.

After he leaves, I clean up in Charlotte’s bathroom, then roam through each room of the apartment carefully. Making sure there’s no evidence of what took place tonight.

I glance at the wall in the bedroom. The landlord’s gonna have to take it out of her deposit. I’ll cover whatever it is.

Collecting the remaining stuff, I give the place one last inspection before locking up.

Outside, I run into her upstairs neighbors.

“Hey, Charlotte move out already?”

“Moved the last of her stuff out today.”

“Sorry. We were camping all weekend or we would have helped,” Brad—or Brian? I can never keep the two of them straight—says.

“No problem.”

“Have her call us and we’ll go out for drinks or something.”

“Will do.”

I shake hands with both of them before heading to my truck.

After tapping out a quick text to Charlotte to let her know everything’s okay at her apartment, I head to the clubhouse.

Rock and Wrath are in their office when I arrive and I shut the door behind me.

“What’s up?” Rock asks. His smile fades as he takes in my serious expression.

There’s no need for a long, dramatic explanation. “Merlin and I took Keeper out.”

Wrath sits back in his seat, speechless for once in his life.

“It was Keeper?” Rock asks. “You’re sure?”

“He admitted it.”

He stands and pulls me into a brotherly hug, patting me on the back. “You’re sure you’re covered?”

“I went with Merlin to take care of it. He was straight with me. He doesn’t want anyone knowing either.”

Rock nods, understanding the situation. “Anything else I should know?”

“What’s left of him is on a piece of property owned by SOS.”

Wrath smirks. “Nice touch.”

“Charlotte know?” Rock asks.

“Not yet. Not sure she needs to.” I think Rock realizes it’s a matter of not wanting to bring up bad things for her, not a matter of not trusting her.

“What’s next for Merlin?” Wrath asks.

“Says he’s going on the road for a bit.”

Wrath snorts. “Yeah, getting’ stripped of his president’s patch has to sting. Probably better for him not to be here buttin’ heads with Whisper.”

“He’s gonna stay away from Charlotte?” Rock asks.

“We came to an understanding.”

Wrath stands and gives me a quick hug. “Good job, little brother.”

I head upstairs to shower and change. The clubhouse is quiet tonight, but I don’t give it a lot of thought. All I’m worried about is getting home and holding my girl in my arms.

“Are you sure he was leaving right after you?” I ask again.

Carter squints as if he wants to tell me to fuck off, but can’t quite bring himself to do it.

“He was staying behind to fix some of the damage in your apartment—which I’d rather not give a lot of thought to since they were dents in your bedroom wall—then he said he was coming straight home.”

Marcel sent a text a while ago. He should’ve been here by now. I hate being the annoying girlfriend keeping track of her man’s every move, but I’m worried. What if this stuff with my uncle’s club isn’t finished? Keeper’s threat to Marcel the other day has bothered me ever since. What if my uncle decided he didn’t care for Marcel’s disrespect and decided to come after him?

The alarm chirps, letting me know someone’s coming down the driveway.

“It’s your man,” Carter says, checking the monitor. “I assume you’re either about to fuck or fight, so I’m leaving.”

I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out, but don’t bother explaining I’m not in the mood for sex or arguing.

Carter slips out the side door and a few minutes later Marcel parks in his usual spot. I meet him in the yard.

“Where have you been?” I call out, instantly cursing myself for my shrill tone.

“Get over here,” he says, closing the short distance between us in seconds and wrapping me up in a ferocious hug. “Missed you.” A shiver of fear works down my spine at the intensity of his raspy voice.

“Is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine,” he murmurs against my hair.

My racing heart calms with his touch and I bury my nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling his clean scent.

His soapy, freshly-showered scent and damp hair.

“Where were you that you needed to take a shower before coming home?”

He sighs and pushes me back. “Let’s go inside.”

Far from satisfied with that answer, but unsure of what to do, I follow him into the house.

This feels like a conversation I should sit down for, so I pull out a chair at the kitchen table. “Marcel, you’re freaking me out.”

“I’m not trying to freak you out. I didn’t want to discuss this at all tonight.”

“Discuss what?”

He blows out a long breath and runs his hand over the back of his neck.

Ice swirls in my stomach. Maybe I d

on’t want to hear whatever he has to tell me.

“Keeper showed up after Carter left.”

“He did? Why?”

“Your uncle started asking questions and I guess it made him nervous.”

The implications of what he’s saying slam into me. “He had something to do with it?”

He swallows hard and then nods slowly. “Merlin was on to him. He called me and when I told him Keeper was at the apartment, he met us there.”

“He did?”

“He wanted the truth too.”

I absorb that for a second before prompting Marcel to continue.

“And, what did Keeper have to say?”

“He admitted what he did to you.”

“Tell me.”

“What?” I sense that he’s dodging my question more than he needs clarification.

“What did he say exactly? What did he do? Tell me everything.”

“Charlotte, please.” He moves closer, taking the chair next to me. “You don’t need this in your head.”

For years, I’ve wondered what happened that night. If the horrifying flashbacks I’d occasionally have were real or products of my imagination. “I don’t want to know, Marcel. But I need to know.”

Beyond that need, I can’t stand him holding a truth I don’t have.

He sighs, slowly his hands slide over the table and cover mine. “It sounded like he thought the guy…your mom’s dealer…was your boyfriend. That you brought him to the party and…snuck off with him. He found the two of you in one of the private rooms.”


“When the dealer left…Keeper went in—” his voice breaks and he shakes his head. “I didn’t get any more details from him.”

That means whatever Keeper said was probably disgusting. “He didn’t realize I was unconscious?”

“I think he did, but he didn’t care.”

I squeeze my eyes shut tight. “Chuck heard this too?”

“Yes, but no one else ever will.”

I gasp and sit back. “You…and Chuck?”

“Keeper won’t be hurting anyone again, Charlotte. I promise.”

“But…Chuck? A brother?” Surely he’s joking. My uncle going against a member of his club? Over me?

“Maybe he felt guilty. Maybe it was his ego. Or maybe somewhere deep in his twisted soul he really loves you. I don’t know. We did what needed to be done and I didn’t ask what his reasons were.”