“So fucking hot, Sid,” Killian said, his voice strained. “Give it up for me.”

I arched my body against him, his words pushing me into a blissful spiral. He pressed my wrists harder into the mattress, pumping his hips against me hard until he let out a long deep, guttural cry. He shuddered and held himself completely still inside me for a few seconds, and then we both went slack.

“Thanks for not letting me work out,” I said, panting and laughing at the same time.

“Baby, I will work you out like that any morning.” He lay down on his back and blew out a breath. “Damn, that was good.”

“It was. Maybe morning sex is better,” I said thoughtfully.

“Morning sex with me is better.”

“I’m gonna agree, though I have nothing to compare it to.”

Killian looked over at me, pulling his forearm off his forehead. “What do you mean?”

I sat up and reached for my phone, deliberately not meeting his eyes. “That was the first morning sex I’ve ever had.”

“You’re serious?” he said, surprise in his tone.

I stepped out of bed and reached for my T-shirt, pulling it over my head. “Yes. You’re the first man I’ve allowed to stay the night with me. I’m going to make some coffee.”

I busied myself in the kitchen, putting away dishes while I waited for the coffee to brew. My words to Killian swirled in my mind. What did they mean? Why was I so powerfully drawn to this man that I’d let him stay overnight in my bed? Wanted him to, even.

I was an expert in delivering the I-have-an-early-morning-meeting brush-off to men who’d assumed they’d be staying the night. They had all understood my message—Thanks for the lay, now get the hell out.

Yet this morning he’d made me want to stay in bed for the pre-workday sex my friends were always raving about. I’d never wanted it until now, and I was just deluding myself to pretend otherwise.

Killian wandered into the kitchen, now dressed in his wrinkled clothes from last night. “I’ve gotta go,” he said. “I’d never hear the end of it if I was late for practice. I’ve never had to put money in the can.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you’re late for practice, you have to put ten bucks in the coffee can we keep in the locker room, and then you have to skate ten laps with the whole team chirping at you.”

In the hockey world, chirping was the same as razzing, and I figured Killian was better at dishing it out than taking it.

“What happens to the money?” I asked.

“We donate it to charity.”

I nodded slightly, impressed. “That’s a good thing for Orion to do.”

Killian approached and wrapped his arms around my waist. “It’s not his thing. It’s mine. I started it when I became captain.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, his warm gray-blue eyes reminding me how much I’d enjoyed starting my day with him.

“You being charitable turns me on,” I said.

“Save it for me,” he said, leaning down to kiss me.

I covered my mouth with my hand self-consciously. “Morning breath,” I mumbled through my fingers.

“I already kissed you this morning.” He moved my hand aside and pressed a soft, sweet kiss to my lips. “Have a good day, boss.”

“You too. You want coffee to go?”

He shook his head and let go of me, turning for the living room.

“When do I get to see you again?” he called over his shoulder.

“Probably later in the hallway.”


This was starting to feel like the beginning of a relationship, which made my stomach churn nervously. I wanted it, but I still worried about the implications for both of us.

“No one can know about this,” I said. “It’d be bad for both of us on so many levels.”

He walked back over to me, sliding his arms into his hoodie. “I get that.”

“Promise me you won’t brag to your teammates about bagging the team owner.”

“I didn’t bag you, Sid. And this is only between you and me. I won’t tell a soul.”

“Not even if you’re pissed at me?”

He gave me a playful grin. “Impossible.”

I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

“Not even then,” he promised.

“I want to see you again . . . you know, when you want to see me. I know you travel a lot and I’m sure you like sleeping in your own bed sometimes, too, so—”

He put a finger on my lips to silence me. “Be quiet. I want to see you tonight after the game. Do you want to see me?”

I nodded. He brushed his thumb across my lips and kissed me one more time. “Good, then I’ll see you later.”Killian

I reached over to the nightstand to turn off the alarm. My fingers touched a vase of flowers and then a lamp. And finally, I found my cell phone. I turned off the alarm, wishing I could wrap my arms back around Sid and go back to sleep. Spending the night with her for the second time had been just as good as the first. Maybe even a little better. We were both more comfortable now, knowing we both wanted this and neither of us regretted a thing.