She moaned a little in her sleep and turned toward the spot where I’d been laying. I pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead. Damn. No time for morning sex today, unfortunately.

I dressed in the semi-darkness. The sun wouldn’t be all the way up for a while, but I had to catch the bus for our next road trip, which was to Columbus, Ohio.

Last night I’d brought an overnight bag with me so I could clean up and go catch the bus without going home. I crept into the en-suite bathroom, closing the door before I turned on the light. Hopefully I wouldn’t wake her up. I’d only slept about three hours between the late night, the early morning and an hour of hot sex. The sex had been even better the second night, which was a first for me. I’d been fired up from our win last night and we’d barely made it through the front door before I had my hands all over her.

After we had exhausted ourselves in her bed, I went into the kitchen and found the ingredients to make one of my mom’s famous omelets. As we shared it, I told her about my mom making me and my teammates ham and vegetable omelets after games when we were in high school. Strangely, telling that story hadn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.

I brushed my teeth, careful not to splash water all over the place. The marble counter was spotless. I’d commented about how clean her place was last night, and Sid had told me a housekeeper came daily to take care of everything from laundry to grocery shopping. She confided that she was a neat freak and I sure as hell wasn’t going to mess with that.

We were so different. I’d never cared too much about money, and what it could buy. Probably because Mom and I had never had that much. I’d never given it a second thought until now. Sid had things I couldn’t afford on my salary. She had a fancy apartment and expensive-looking clothes, and she hired people to take care of life’s mundane shit. I didn’t even have a washer and dryer; instead I used the laundry room shared by the guys who lived in team housing.

She probably liked expensive vacations. She struck me as the type of woman who didn’t really want for anything and she had earned all of it. She worked very hard, and she deserved to spend her money on the things that made her happy.

The only travel option for me was a ride on the team bus, and I sure didn’t spend much money. I tried to save as much as I could and I’d had the sense to let a financial guy manage my meager savings. I didn’t even know how much money I did have, come to think of it.

This thing with me and her was crazy. She belonged with some rich guy who could buy her jewelry and fancy wine. How long would it be until she figured out I had nothing to offer her but hot sex?

I honestly didn’t know, but until then I planned to keep pretending I could actually be with her. I’d never wanted this with a woman before, and it felt good and it felt natural. I’d deal with reality when it caught up to us.Sidney

Killian dropped to his knees and slammed his fist into the ice. He punched it several more times before finally getting to his feet.

He was frustrated, and I knew why. The guys on the team were sluggish tonight and it was as if they had lead weights in their skates. Orion and Bruce were both stone-faced behind the bench, their arms crossed for the entire game, other than when they were throwing their arms in the air and yelling at the players. I’d learned a while ago that crossed arms were not a good sign. It meant they were inwardly furious.

The guys had been playing their hearts out. The travel schedule was grueling and they were tired. We had an 8–1 win versus loss record for our last nine games. No team won every game. But apparently I was the only one who wasn’t that upset about the loss that was thirty seconds away.

“Are you seeing him tonight?” Keri whispered to me.

I looked around the owner’s box, confirming what I already knew. We were alone and the door was closed.

“Why are we whispering?” I whispered back.

“I don’t know. It just seems like secret stuff should be whispered.”

“I don’t think so,” I said in a normal tone of voice. “We’ve seen each other every night this week except when they were on the road. I’m sure he wants to go out with the guys.”

“Liam’s not going out tonight.”

I arched my brows, giving her a knowing look. “Oh, really?”