Even though I’d gotten two better than average orgasms out of the fantasy, I still woke up with an ache between my thighs. It wasn’t enough. Not when I knew what the real thing felt like.

The treadmill flashed its congratulatory message when I finished my workout and I jumped onto the sides, panting. Time for a quick shower and a long day at the office.

Was Killian as frustrated as I was? His words about taking my mouth, pussy and ass had me almost as hot as his exceptionally talented mouth had. I wasn’t a compliant woman in bed, so why was I so turned on by the thought of him marking his territory by fucking me every which way from Sunday?

I had a nagging worry in the back of my mind that he’d pound out his sexual frustration on a random like Celia. It made my stomach twist with anxiety. He couldn’t be mine, but I didn’t want him to be anyone else’s, either. I’d been told many times I thought like a man, and my irrational, possessive thoughts made me feel like one right now.

On the outside, I’d be Sidney Stahl, no-nonsense businesswoman. But on the inside, I was all nonsense. Crazy, happy, lusting nonsense for the man I couldn’t wait to see again.Killian

Barb no longer asked if I needed to see Sid when I walked into the office.

“She left ten minutes ago,” Barb said. “But she asked me to give you this.”

I couldn’t help a small smile. How had Sidney known I’d come by at the end of practice? Maybe she missed me as much as I missed her.

“Thanks,” I said, taking the envelope from Barb. “Have a good night.”

“You too, Killian.”

I took it out to the hallway, just looking at the envelope as I walked to the elevator. The Stahl Enterprises, Inc. logo reminded me that I didn’t just have it bad for a woman, but for a self-made millionaire. There was nothing ordinary about Sidney.

I tore open the envelope and pulled out the piece of Stahl letterhead. She’d handwritten a message.Killian,

If you’re free, I’d love to see you. My place.

SShe’d written her address beneath the message. A surge of excitement made my blood pump hard. If I was free? As though anything but work would take precedence over her.

I’d already showered, so I decided to go in my jeans, T-shirt and hoodie. My old Jeep Wrangler was cold in the winter, but I didn’t feel it on the drive to Sid’s downtown address. I’d missed her voice, her smell and her skin. And finally, we’d be spending time together like normal people. Not sneaking into a supply closet, or hoping no one would catch us leaving her office together.

When I got to the condo, I decided to park a block away and walk. I was concerned about someone finding out Sidney and I were getting together outside of work. The shit talk from my teammates wasn’t my worry. It was Sidney’s mention of her possibly getting in trouble that had me feeling vigilant.

I pulled my hood up over my head and jogged the block to her door. She answered the bell wearing gray sweats and a T-shirt, her hair back in a ponytail.

“You came,” she said, smiling.

“’Course I did.” I stepped in, glancing around at the dark wood floors and the walls adorned with modern, abstract art.

“It came decorated,” she said, closing the door behind me. “I’m not into abstract art.”

“No, I was just thinking you can’t ever come over to my place. It’s a dump compared to this.”

“Maybe you guys need better housing.”

I reached for her hips and pulled her close to me. “Men don’t give a shit about that stuff.”

She tipped her face up and I kissed her. It wasn’t like the hot, desperate kisses we’d shared before. It was more me telling her I missed her and was happy to see her without saying the words.

“Mmm, you smell good,” she said softly. “But your hands are freezing.”

I pulled my hands away from her waist and blew on them.

“Come on,” she said, taking my hand to lead me toward the open kitchen. “Some wine will warm you up.”

The kitchen was all stainless steel and dark wood, with light pouring in from the pot lighting.

“I’m making a great stir-fry for dinner,” she said. “Hopefully you’ll want to eat because I’m making a lot.”

“I’m starving.” I watched her turn a corkscrew and open a bottle of red wine. “And I’m good at chopping if you need help.”

“I do.” She poured wine into two glasses and held one out to me, pulling it back at the last second. “I didn’t even ask if you wanted this. Do you want this?”

“Yeah. I’d have said so if I didn’t.” I reached for the glass and took a sip. “That’s good. I’m guessing you didn’t buy it from a gas station.”