“Sidney . . . fuck.” He wrapped a hand around my hip and pressed me against the wall, his tongue circling my clit now.

I dug my nails into his scalp and closed my eyes. I’d almost reached the point of no return. But why would anyone want to return, anyway? I’d never felt sexier, and this was going to be the best orgasm of my life. It was rising fast and hard and I was dying to give in to it.Killian

She tasted incredible. I’d been ruined from the moment I saw the neat patch of dark red hair against her milky white skin, but her taste brought my arousal to a painful level.

Could I recover after this? Would I be able to look at any other woman’s pussy and feel this kind of clawing need? Considering I’d been having sex for more than a decade and I’d never felt this before, I doubted it.

“God, Killian,” she said breathlessly. “I’m gonna come.”

Her words sent a hot charge through my body. I wanted it so fucking badly—to hear her getting off, to feel it on my fingers and know that I’d been the one to give it to her.

It was painful, but I stopped.

“No,” she cried.

I hated myself. I’d brought her right to the edge and then left her unsatisfied. It was the ultimate dick move.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, confusion swimming in her eyes.

“I can’t.” I shook my head, frustrated. “I already dream about you every goddamn night, Sid. Getting you off a dozen different ways is all I fantasize about these days.”

“So you want it, but you can’t?”

I cupped her jaw in my hand. “I’m already half-fucking crazy for you. Once I make you come, once I feel your pussy spasming all over my fingers, I’ll be done for. It’ll make me possessive of you. I’ll want more. I’ll want all of you—mouth, pussy and ass.”

Her lips parted with shock. I couldn’t tell if she was scandalized or turned on.

“In the bedroom, I’d be in charge, boss,” I said. “Would you like that?”


I scrubbed a hand over my face and groaned.

“I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” I said, stepping back. “I want you so fucking bad.”

She glanced at her watch and sighed. “I’m sorry, but I’m Keri’s ride and I’m leaving her waiting. I wasn’t thinking.”

I nodded, relieved. “Good. Let’s get the fuck out of here before my dick explodes from frustration.”

She pulled up her pants and ran her fingers through her hair to smooth it.

“So you like anal?” she asked.

My single, low note of laughter indicated my surprise at the question. “Yeah. And I’m hoping the answer to this question doesn’t kill me but I have to know. Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

Her cheeks flushed. “No. But I’d consider it, with the right man.”

I groaned loudly and stared up at the ceiling. “Yeah, you just killed me. Thanks for that.”Sidney

The numbers on my treadmill ticked higher as I pushed myself into a sprint. God, I’d missed this treadmill. I loved starting every morning with a workout in my own apartment, but my Fenway condo didn’t have a place for one.

I was back in New York for two days of meetings. This was day two, and if it was anything like the first, my mind would wander to Killian throughout the day.

He’d texted me last night after a win in Louisiana. I hadn’t been able to catch the game online because of a dinner meeting. And, right now, the team bus was on its way home to Fenway.

After a few back and forth texts about the game last night, he’d taken my breath away with his last message.

Miss you, boss. Goodnight.

I missed him, too. Not that we were together all the time, but when I was in my Fenway office, I liked knowing he was nearby at practice when the team wasn’t on the road.

I was an independent secure woman, and preferring to have any man nearby was a first for me. I’d always dated mostly for sex rather than companionship. And now I’d become a woman who hoped for a glance at a man in the hallway at work.

It was pathetic, but I’d stopped trying to change it. Killian did it for me in pretty much every way possible. Trying to pretend otherwise just added to my frustration.

The memory of the way his mouth had made me a quivering mess of desperation was still very strong. I’d been grinding against his face shamelessly and I knew if given the chance to do it again right now, I wouldn’t hesitate.

I’d gotten in bed with my vibrator both nights that had passed since then, reliving the encounter in my mind. In my fantasy, he finished me and then I got down on my knees and sucked him dry.