“It’s a damn good thing you covered up this pussy, and I’m in a good mood because I now have the drop on this fucking bastard who has done his best to ruin our lives. Otherwise, I’d be spanking your ass until it was red.”

His voice is dark, loaded with a mixture of things and his fingers press against my pussy, torturing my clit even through the thin fabric of my panties. His declaration makes me tremble with desire.

“Christ, every time I think you can’t get better, you do. Hold that thought, Gorgeous. I got a rat to go trap,” he says. He grabs his cut, putting it on without his shirt obviously, since I’m still wearing it. Then he grabs his socks and boots, putting them on so quickly that I didn’t think it was physically possible.

“I’ll just get—”

“You don’t fucking move, except to take your clothes off. I get this done, I’m coming back here and I want you naked and waiting for my dick.”

“But… Ryan and…”

“He’s with Dani and her crew tonight. You’re mine and you best be ready,” he announces, before bending down to kiss me so intensely that it steals my breath. It takes me minutes to recover and by the time I do, I’m just left staring at the door he just slammed.

…Every time I think you can’t get better, you do…

His words are ringing in my head and then I do what any normal girl would do when the guy she loves says something like that.

I curl up in a joyful half-circle and I giggle.56King“Why would one of Diesel’s men be sniffing around an orphanage in St. Augustine, Florida?” I ask Wolf.

“No clue. Is it Devil?” he asks, and hate drips off the name when he’s forced to use it. It’s a delicious sound and it could be why Wolf has risen up my ranks so quickly. He and I understand one another. We feed off of the same things. Of course, he’s always going to be an underling his whole life. He has no ambition. It’s a shame really. Then again, I don’t have to worry about him slitting my throat while I sleep… that’s a definite plus.

I look him over. It is possible he’s filled with more hate than I am. I wonder if I should have hired him to kill Chul? Of course, if he had messed it up, I wouldn’t have got a second chance. No. It’s much better I pay a professional. I can’t afford for there to be any screw ups now.

“No, it’s one of the others. I have my people watching them all electronically for movement. This one was… Charlie? Charles?” I shrug. “Something along those lines. His name was flagged when he purchased an airline ticket with a direct flight to Florida. I was mildly interested because these insects usually use motorcycles. So, I called a few of my stepbrother’s connections there and had his movements there monitored. That seems to be all he’s doing in Florida. I was hoping the idiots were ignorant enough to think I was in Florida. I don’t want to make my moves and get my son and sister back until I have my rightful throne. I want my stepbrother’s firepower at my disposal.”

“Do you think that’s a wise move to make? If he finds out and it backfires on you…” Wolf trails off and I smile.

“And that’s the difference between you and I. You let fear hold you back. If I did that, I wouldn’t be behind this desk. I would be standing where you are, taking orders from my father for eternity, because there’s no way the miserable bastard would have died on his own. He would have clung to life and power until he was one hundred and fifty and pissing himself.”

I can tell by the tightening on his face that Wolf doesn’t like my answer. Some men can’t handle the truth. They don’t want to look at their own shortcomings. Perhaps that’s why it is so pleasurable to remind them.

“I think I need to have a party, to celebrate my rise to power,” I tell him, looking out the wall of windows across from my desk. The castle has a picturesque view. It overlooks a large patio of stone and block that sits regally above the hill. Steps descend like a runway for royalty, down the rolling hills to the driveway and off to the right is a private helipad, which is large enough to accommodate not one, but two helicopters. The back of the estate is just as impressive with a private driving range, pool and tennis courts. Once I’m in my brother’s seat, I may purchase this place. I don’t play tennis, but I might take it up. Perhaps I could hire a pretty little redhead with hair the same color as Rory’s, and slam her into the concrete and fuck her until she begs me to stop…. That idea definitely has possibilities. Maybe even Rory herself… I don’t have to adhere to society rules. A ruler always makes his own.