“Did you hear what I said?” Wolf asks, interrupting my thoughts of sliding my dick into my sister’s ass. I could do it without lube… The pain would scar her, she’d remember it each and every time after. “King?”

I shake the pleasant daydream out of my head and look at Wolf.


“I said there’s a helicopter coming in and landing outside. It looks like one of your brother’s.”

I turn and look outside and see it coming in for a landing. It’s not close to the house, I’m surprised it’s so quiet in here. It must be all of the stone. I definitely should buy this place. I make a note to contact a realtor once everything is done.

“He’s early,” I respond, my lips spreading into a thin smile. “That will make this easier. Contact Delgada and let him know the target has arrived in Tennessee earlier than expected and I will need his instructions carried out sooner.”

“I will do that once we get back in,” Wolf says, walking to the door. He holds it open for me and I frown when I get to him.

“You will do it now. I will see to my brother alone.”

“You don’t want a man at your back?”

“There’s no need. I’m just going to see my brother. He’s too simple to see how vulnerable he is. Just carry out your orders Wolf and stop questioning me.”

“As you wish,” he says, frowning.

Yes. He definitely doesn’t like it when one points out his shortcomings. I’ll make note to do it more often.57WolfI stand at the door and watch as King descends down the steps to his stepbrother’s helicopter. The man is an idiot. I have no idea how he’s stayed alive as long as he has. Unless I miss my guess, I would think Chul is about to remedy that now. Men like Chul don’t just show up unannounced two days after their brother hired a hit on him. King might be too arrogant and full of himself to see that, but I sure as hell am not. I don’t like it, because he’s been good cover for me. While being in King’s employ I could stay out of the Savage crew’s reach while I decided what I’m doing next. There’s no fucking way I wanted to come back to Tennessee. I did it, thinking King’s thugs and my position here would give me protection and I’d be with the men when they went in and decimated the Savage MC Clubhouse. While King grabbed his sister and that bratty kid, I’d grab Torrent. I even fantasized of killing her while Devil was forced to watch and then putting a bullet in the eye I left him. Now, thanks to King, that dream is gone.

Still, just to make sure, I make my way out the back of the house, and use the hedges to hide my presence. I’m going to watch and see what happens between King and Chul. Maybe I’ll get lucky and be wrong. Maybe Chul is just making a brotherly visit—but I fucking doubt it.

“Chul, you are early,” King greets him, bending down to kiss his brother’s ring. I’m sure that hurts the bastard. It could almost make me grin, but I see Chul’s face and I’m more convinced than ever that King is about to draw his last breath.

“I had some things brought to my attention that I needed to see to,” Chul says, and to be of his descent and the fact that he lived in South Korea most of his early life, the man speaks English impeccably. He’s dressed all in black, a collarless shirt under his blazer, his dark hair professionally cut and his angular cheekbones tight. He’s angry. I can see it, I just wonder if King can.

“Nothing bad, I hope,” King says, and maybe it’s my imagination, but I think King is nervous, maybe he’s not so arrogant that he can’t detect a threat.

“Annoying more than anything. Now I’m forced to take time away and deal with it all. My time is valuable,” he says. His men move away from him and walk towards King. I see King take a step back. He’s definitely aware that there’s a problem now.

“Is there… What is going on here, Chul?” King asks, but he doesn’t much more than get the question out when Chul’s men grab him. Two are holding him, and the bastard is trying to pull away, but they subdue him quickly with a gun pointed at his temple. I’m well hidden inside the six-foot hedges that are used as a privacy fence around the main yard. I’m peeking out only through a small hole in the greenery, but even I know this is my cue to back away. Still, morbid curiosity has me staying just a moment longer.

“Tell me, brother, how were you going to kill me? Like you killed our father, perhaps?” Chul asks.