“I told you about how he was short with me about hanging out with the others, right? I pretty much told him he couldn’t tell me what to do. I was so afraid that I was going to get fired. Gail told me not to let him walk all over me. He didn’t seem to be mad that I stood up to him, more… dismissive, I guess.”

“Hmm,” she says.

“Hmm? What do you mean, hmm?” I watch her closely to see if her facial expression can tell me what she’s thinking.

The doorbell rings, taking our conversation off course. “Jase!” Sam calls out. “Babe, there’s someone at the door.”

“I’ll get it,” he says, appearing in the doorway.

“Are you expecting someone?” she asks him.

“Yeah. I told Royce to stop by for dinner.” Jase grins at his wife like his idea was the best in the history of ideas. Too bad I don’t agree with him.

My shoulders tense, and my stomach flips. This was not part of the plan. To have dinner with my boss. The one who scolded me earlier this week for this type of thing. This isn’t good. Not good at all. “Maybe I should go.” I start to stand, and Sam holds up her hand to stop me.

“You will do no such thing. You are a guest in my home. I invited you to be here. We’re friends. I don’t give a rat’s ass what Royce Riggins has to say about it.” Her tone of voice is what I imagine her mom voice will be like. I give her a subtle nod, and she turns to look over the back at the couch at her husband. Jase smirks at her. I have to admit it would be hard for me to be mad at him with him looking at me like that either. “You.” She points her finger at him. “I’ll deal with you later.”

“Love you, baby.” He leans over the back of the couch and kisses her forehead. The doorbell chimes again, and he walks away to answer it.

“I’m so sorry, Sawyer. I’ll handle Royce and my husband. You were invited here. Don’t let him make this into a big deal.”

I don’t have time to reply before Royce and Jase are walking into the room. He’s looking at Sam, which gives me time to look at him. I’ve only ever seen him in a suit. Even on the plane, he had on dress pants and a dress shirt. So to see this side of him, his tattoos on display, I can only come to one conclusion. Royce Riggins is by far the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

And he’s my boss.

He’s in a pair of well-worn denim jeans, and there are rips at the knees. His T-shirt is black and tight-fitting, and the ink that adorns his arms is on full display. I’ve only ever seen the evidence on his hands, and this… this is so much hotter. He looks nothing like CEO Royce or even plane Royce. I cross and uncross my legs to ward off the feelings seeing him does to me. I can’t be attracted to my boss. I love my new job. Sure, there has been a small amount of drama, but the actual job, I love it. I don’t want to lose it. I need to get over this feeling of… lust. That’s what it is. It’s been too long since there was a man in my life. I need to change that. Losing this job is not happening.

“And you know Sawyer, right?” Jase asks.

I’m not looking at him, but I can hear the smirk in his voice. My eyes are trained on Royce’s face as he turns and gets his first look at me, sitting on the loveseat staring at him. I want to fidget with my hands, but I hold his stare and offer him a smile. “Good to see you, Royce.”

“Sawyer,” he replies, his voice gruff.

“Well, dinner’s ready,” Jase says cheerily. “Baby, you need me to carry you?” he asks Sam.

“No. Sawyer can help me.” Her irritation is evident.

“Sam—” he starts, but the look she gives him shuts him up. “All right, come on, ladies. I’ll just grab everything from the kitchen. I’ll meet you in the dining room.”

“I’ll help,” Royce mumbles as he ambles along behind him.

“Sawyer, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Jase was inviting him. I promise you.”

I nod, swallowing hard. “It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine. I don’t know what he’s up to, but I’m going to find out.”

“I should probably go,” I say again, side-eyeing the door, ready to run.

“No. You’re staying. You are a guest in my home. We’ve had this planned all week. If anyone is leaving, it’s Royce. Now, give me a hand, would ya?” She holds her hand out, and carefully, I help her stand from the couch.