
“What can I bring?”

“Just your sunny disposition.” He sniggers.

“Fuck you,” I say with zero heat, which has him laughing even louder.

“Friday. Seven. Don’t be late,” he says, his laughter is the last thing I hear before he ends the call.

Not able to wrap my head around work, I save the document I’m working on and close down my computer. I need food, a cold beer, and my bed. In that order.Chapter 7SawyerI’m nervous. I don’t know what I was thinking when I accepted this invitation. I even ran it past Gail, needing to make sure I wasn’t breaking any kind of unwritten rules. I’m paranoid, and she told me so. Sam technically no longer works for Riggins Enterprises, and even if she did, there is nothing wrong with dinner.

That’s why I’m standing on the front porch of what I’m sure is the largest house I’ve ever or will ever step foot in. My hand that holds the bottle of wine is sweating, and I’m afraid I might drop it. I can do this. I can have dinner with a stranger and her husband. Besides, we’ve talked on the phone so much the last two weeks that I feel as though I already know her. Shoulders back, head held high, I push the doorbell.

I hear footsteps, and then the large wooden door opens, and a very attractive man is standing there. Not just any man. Jase Andrews. I open my mouth to speak, but no words come. I like sports, and I grew up watching football with my dad. Jase Andrews was the best quarterback the professional league has seen in a long time. That is, according to my father. He retired about a couple of years ago. The league hasn’t been the same. If Dad were here, I’m sure he would agree with me. Sadness washes over me. I miss them.

“Hey,” Sam says, appearing next to him. I recognize her from our video chats. “Come on in.” They each step back to allow me to enter. Not that they need to. The front door is massive, and we could all three easily walk through it at the same time. “This is Jase.” She smiles up at him.

“Future husband,” he says, offering me his hand. I quickly rub mine against my thigh before shaking his. “And this one isn’t supposed to be on her feet.” I watch as he bends and scoops her up in his arms. “This way,” he calls out, not bothering to look back to see if I’m following them.

I push the door closed and follow their voices to a huge living room. Sam is settled on a couch that looks more like a long bed, surrounded by pillows, and next to a small table with her laptop and phone.

“Have a seat,” she says, pointing to the various seating options around the room. I choose the small loveseat. “I’m so glad to finally meet you in person.”

“This doesn’t feel like our first in-person meeting at all.” It doesn’t. Sam and I have been talking multiple times a day, and she has been incredible with her training. She’s made sure that I have all the little things that the guys prefer to make my job and theirs much easier. So far, the only one I’ve yet to really crack is Royce. He’s hot and cold with me at times, and I don’t understand it. The other four are friendly and pleasant all the time. Sure, they’ve had bad days and their irritation shows, but never at me. Royce, on the other hand, I don’t know if it’s me, the job, or something else entirely that has him being short and broody.

“I know. I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

“Do you ladies need anything?” Jase asks, stepping back into the room.

“Sawyer? Would you like something to drink?” Sam offers.

“No, thank you. Do you need help with anything?” I ask her before my eyes dart to Jase.

“Nope. I ordered Italian from Sam’s favorite restaurant. It’s in the oven warming now.”

“What are we waiting on?” she asks him.

“Oh, I wanted to give you ladies a few minutes to chat. I’m going to go set the table.” He bends over the back of the couch, pressing his lips to hers, and saunters off to I assume the kitchen.

“How are things going?” Sam asks.

“Great. At least I think great.” I chuckle. “Conrad, Marshall, Grant, and Owen are a breeze. They barely need me for anything. I send them daily reminders for their schedule for the next five days each morning like you suggested, and they’ve all thanked me for it.”

“And Royce?” she asks.

“He’s not as easy. One minute he’s nice and friendly. The next, he’s all growly CEO. Is it just me, or is that him?”

She smiles. “That’s Royce. He’s a complicated man, but I promise it will get easier. Don’t let him intimidate you.”