She nods then looks up at my dad. “You know how to use a hammer?”

He chuckles. “Yeah, baby girl, I can use a hammer.”

“Can I?” Her big blue eyes seek out her mother and me.

I look at Delaney, waiting for her to answer, to find her watching me. “I’ll let you make the call, Daddy. I don’t know them, but I trust you.”

“You can trust us. I promise you that. We’ll take good care of her.” This from my dad.

“I know that. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean for it to sound like I didn’t. I just… I’m not used to new people in our lives, and well, I just met you. I know that sounds crazy since we just found each other again, but I already have a deep trust with Kent. I can’t explain it. I assume it’s our prior connection. I just wish I could remember.”

“In due time, my dear. The heart will remember in due time.”

“How’s Saturday afternoon?” I ask my parents.

“That’s perfect.”

“Great. I’ll call you, but probably around one or so.”

“Sounds perfect,” Mom agrees.

“All right, princess, time to go.” I stand, offering Delaney my hand, helping her from the couch. I then bend and take Kendrix from my dad. She comes willingly, knowing that she gets to come back. I’ve got this parenting thing down. After a few goodbyes, we’re on our way back to my place.* * *“Are we sleeping here?” Kendrix asks when Delaney tells her it’s time to get her jammies on.

“We are. Is that all right with you?” Delaney questions.


“I have a spare bedroom,” I explain.

“Can I see it?”

“Sure.” I hold out my hand and we walk down the hall. I stop at the spare bedroom and push open the door.

“Is this where you sleep?” She peers up at me.

“No. My room is the next one.”

“Can I see that one?” she asks, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Of course.” We take a few more steps until I’m pushing open my bedroom door. I try to look at it through their eyes. King-size bed, with a dark gray comforter tossed haphazardly over it. Two dressers and a nightstand on either side. The walls are white, as I’ve never taken the time to paint.

“That’s a huge bed,” Kendrix says, her eyes wide. “Can we sleep in here, Daddy?” The way she says daddy so easily has me agreeing before I even consult Delaney.

“You can.”

“All three of us? Yay, we’re having a slumber party.” She turns and rushes to the living room.

“What’s she doing?” I ask Delaney.

“My guess would be she’s getting her jammies.”

“Sorry. I couldn’t tell her no.”

She smiles. “You’re going to have to one day, you know that, right? You’re going to have to learn to tell her no.”

“Really? I was hoping you could be the bad guy, and I’d be the one who makes it all better.”

She throws her head back in laughter. “Not a chance, buddy. This parenting gig is hard.” Her laughter fades, and her face grows serious. “It’s going to be nice to have someone to share it with.”

In two long strides, I’m standing in front of her. “That man is me.” I bend to kiss her just as the pitter-patter of little feet comes barreling down the hall. Kendrix skids to a stop, her jammies on backward, with a book in her hand. “You ready for bed?” I ask, barely containing my laughter.

“Yep.” She squeezes past our legs and tosses the book on the bed. She begins to try and climb, but the bed is too tall. “Daddy! I need help.”

“I love you,” I say softly to Delaney before going to rescue our daughter. “Come here, munchkin.” I grab her and lightly toss her on the bed, making her giggle.

“That was fun. Do it again.”

“We better not. It’s time for a story and then bed.”

“O-kay,” she concedes and wiggles her little self under the covers right in the middle of the bed. “Come on, guys. I need my story.”

I look over my shoulder at Delaney. “You heard the girl. Get moving.”

“We need to change. Hold that thought, sweetie.” Delaney disappears down the hall.

“I’ll be right back. Can you keep the bed warm for us?” I ask, leaning over the bed, my hands pressed to the mattress.


“Daddy loves you, Kendrix.” I’m never going to let a day go by that I don’t tell them both what they mean to me.

Her eyes light up. “You love me?”

“I do, so very much.”

“I love you too, Daddy, and Mommy too.”

I bop her nose with my index finger. “We love you more. Be right back.” I grab some pajama pants and head to the bathroom to change. It’s not the night I was hoping for—holding Delaney in my arms—but it’s better. I get both of my girls, and nothing is better than that.