Chapter 17DelaneyAll day long yesterday the only thing Kendrix talked about was going back to Kent’s parents’ house today. She asked me no less than twenty times what kind of cookies they were going to make, and if she could take her pink hammer with her. Something else, she’s been thrilled about, is staying at her daddy’s house. The last two nights we’ve stayed at his place, the three of us snuggled into his big bed. I told her no, but Kent said yes. I’m going to have to talk to him about that. She’s going to expect it. She’s going to get used to it, and we’re never going to get her to sleep alone again.

He’s spoiling her, and while I understand it, I still feel like we need to keep her grounded, as in, she doesn’t get everything she wants. I know he feels guilty, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to be a pushover parent. I’m going to have to broach the subject lightly. He’s new to this parenting thing, and while I want him to feel comfortable, I also don’t want her to be a spoiled brat.

“You ready?” Kent asks as he enters the bedroom, his bedroom.

“Yes. Where’s Kendrix?”

“She’s in the living room, bag in hand ready to roll.” He smiles at me and it warms my heart.

“She’s excited.”

“She is, and what about you? Are you excited for us to spend the day together?”

“I would be more excited if you told me what we were doing.”

“It’s a surprise.”

I shake my head and smile. I’ve never been one for surprises. But coming from this man, I’ll take what I can get.

“I’m weady!” Kendrix yells for us.

“We better get moving.”

“Kent, you know you have to stop giving in to her demands, right? And we need to make her sleep in her own bed.”

“I know, but her room isn’t set up here, and I need to do that. I’ll get started on making her the room deserving of a princess this week.”

“She doesn’t need that. She just needs you to love her, spend time with her, and to know that she can’t get anything she wants so easily.”

“I know, but I think about all that I missed, and when she bats those long eyelashes at me, I’m toast.”

“Suck it up, buttercup. Trust me, you’re going to thank me in the end. She’s smart, and she’s already figured out that she can get her way when it comes to you. And before you say it, and if you’re not going to say it, I know you’re thinking it. She’s going to love you no matter what. She might say otherwise in anger or trying to get her way—believe me, I’ve been there—but she will love you unconditionally. I promise you that.”

“Just like I love her, and her momma.” He bends to kiss me, and I accept his lips against mine eagerly. “Now, let’s get moving, woman.” He swats my ass and saunters out of the bedroom yelling out to Kendrix, letting her know the train is leaving.* * *Twenty minutes later, we’re pulling into his parents’ driveway. Knowing Kent is going to be carrying Kendrix, I reach around the seat and grab her small backpack before climbing out of the truck. I meet them in front, where he laces his hand with mine as we make our way to the front door.

“I’m hewear!” Kendrix yells as soon as we’re through the front door.

“I’ve been waiting on you forever,” Gordon says, taking her from Kent’s arms.

“I know. My mommy and daddy tooked fowever.”

“Took,” Kent corrects her.

“There’s my sweet girl.” Georgia joins us. “We’re getting ready to make lunch and then we’ll make cookies.”

“I gets to make lunch?” Kendrix asks, eyes wide.

“Of course you can.”


“Kendrix,” I say her name, and she turns to look at me. “You be good, okay?”

“I’m always good.”

What can I say to that? She’s right. She’s such a good kid, and her sassiness has no limits. “Can Mommy have a kiss?” I step forward, and she leans out of Gordon’s arms to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Daddy too,” she says, pulling away and leaning toward Kent. His dark eyes sparkle every single time she calls him daddy. I think she notices too, because she’s stepped up her game. It’s Daddy this and Daddy that. Then again, this is all new to her as well. I’ve been Mommy for almost five years. She’s new to the Daddy gig, just like Kent. To see her so happy, to see them both happy warms my heart.

“Call us if you need anything,” Kent tells his parents. “We’re going to be around.”

“What are the two of you getting into?” his mom asks. She looks at me and smiles, and it’s a mix between “thank you for bringing us this precious gift of a girl,” and “I have a secret.” I wonder if she thinks we’re going to run back to his place and hop in bed. I look at my feet to ward off the blush I feel coming on. I don’t want his parents to think that of me.