Inch by torturous inch, his head lowers until finally, his lips press against mine. The kiss is slow as he takes his time, parting my lips and exploring my mouth. Leisurely, he kisses me as if we have all the time in the world. That’s when it hits me—that we could have. I don’t have to leave him or this town. My job as a graphic designer allows me to work from anywhere, and with my inheritance, I don’t have to worry about a salary that will support me and Kendrix. We’re covered.

“I could kiss you for hours,” Kent says breathily against my lips.

“Yeah? Maybe we should go somewhere a little warmer and test that theory.”

“Don’t tease me, woman.” He kisses me one more time then pulls away. “You ready to go?”

“Will there be more kissing?”

“That wasn’t in the plan, but we can make that happen. Nothing is set in stone for today. I just wanted to spend some time with you, and I thought maybe, just maybe doing something that we used to do, might jog your memory.”

“I think it worked. I don’t really know, but the moment was oddly familiar as it played out in my head.”


“Hot chocolate and back to your place?”

“As you wish.” He helps me off the ice, then carries me to the truck. Pulling the keys out of his pocket, he hits the remote start then opens the door, and sets me on the seat, helping me out of my skates. “Hand me my boots, will you?”

I hand them over. He kisses me, grabs my skates, and shuts me in the cab of the truck. I hear the tailgate lower, and I know he’s taking his skates off and putting his boots back on outside. He’s so tall I’m surprised he was able to get them on in here. A few minutes later, he’s back in the truck, and I hand him the hot chocolate I poured for him.

“Thanks, babe.”

I watch as he chugs the hot liquid. He’s even sexy when he drinks. I’m not sure what this man is doing to me, but he has me doing and thinking things that are out of my comfort zone. Although, from what he tells me, it didn’t used to be. I want so badly to get back there. I know he wants it too, but he’s worried. If what he tells me is true, if my memories ever come back and they match up to what he’s told me, I forgive him. How could I not? He’s shown me over and over again how sorry he is and that he’s changed. People make mistakes, and I, for one, am not going to make the mistake that I feel would be the biggest of my life.

Leaving him again.

I won’t do it.Chapter 18KentI had planned to take her to an early dinner, but bringing her back to my place—at her request to see if I can live up to the challenge of kissing her for hours—is a plan I can get on board with. It’s not like it’s something we haven’t done before. There were times when I would keep my lips fused with hers for hours on end. Never taking it further, just enjoying her taste and the feel of her in my arms. I didn’t want to tell her that though. She remembered a little today at the pond, or really, it’s just a huge water hole, but it’s all the same. I don’t want to tell her this time. I want to see if she remembers anything on her own.

“I’m going to call Mom and Dad and check on our girl.” I push open the front door and allow her to walk in before me.

“Good idea.”

We kick off our shoes and strip out of our coats before getting comfortable on the couch. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial Dad’s number, but he doesn’t answer. I then dial Mom, and she answers right away.

“Hello,” she whispers.

“Mom, why are you whispering? What’s going on?” I can feel panic start to rise that something might be going on with my daughter.

“Because your father and our granddaughter are sleeping next to me.”

My shoulders relax. I look over at Delaney and smile, letting her know everything is okay. I know she could hear the worry in my voice, and I refused to look at her as I questioned my mother. “Has she been good? Is she okay? Asking for us?” I fire off questions.

“She’s an angel, Kenton. She’s so precious and she’s not asked for you once.” She chuckles. “I know as a parent that hits the heartstrings, but that’s a good thing. She feels safe and comfortable with us, as she should.”

“No, I agree with you. I’m glad she’s having a good time. I can’t believe you got her to nap. She doesn’t do that for us.” I look at Delaney and she nods her agreement.