“Well, I guess it’s cuddles with Papaw that do the trick. I’ll send you a picture. How’s your day?”

“Going great. We went skating at the pond, and we just got back home to… warm up a little.”

“Well, you kids have a good day. Don’t rush back. We’re enjoying our time with her. I think I might take me a little nap with them.”

“Thanks, Mom. Love you.”

“I love you too, son.”

I end the call and fill Delaney in on our conversation just as my phone pings with a message. I pull it up and see a picture of my dad asleep on the couch, with Kendrix curled up in his lap. He has his arms around her holding her to him even in his sleep.

“They’re so good with her. She must be at ease to take a nap.”

“Yes. And even though I know they’re great, I mean they raised me, it’s still nice to see her so relaxed. Now we can enjoy the rest of our day.”


“Trust me, I didn’t forget.” Leaning into her, I slide my hand behind her neck and pull her into me. “I never thought I’d get the chance to be with you here, like this again. Now that I am, I never want to let you go.”

“Then don’t,” she whispers. Her voice is thick, and when her tongue darts out to lick her lips, I’m done talking.

My lips seek hers and I waste no time pushing past them, having her open for me. Her taste explodes on my tongue as I explore her mouth. Every touch we’ve ever shared, every kiss of hers I’ve tasted, it all comes rushing back to me, as if no time had passed. No one has ever affected me the way she does.

My lips trail down her neck, and I want to strip her bare and worship her body. I want to remind her with my mouth, my hands, and my cock how explosive we can be. Reining it in, I move back to her mouth, kissing her like my life depends on it.

When she pushes against my chest, I feel my shoulders drop. This is too much for her. No matter how badly I want it, want her, I need to give her time. I’m a stranger to her, essentially. So, when she climbs on my lap to straddle me, I’m shocked. My hands grip her ass as I lift my hips, pushing my hard cock into her core.

“Oh,” she breathes.

Loving her reaction, I do it again. This time, I pull her toward me, rocking her body over my erection while thrusting my hips, and she moans. It’s a low, deep, sexy sound from somewhere in the back of her throat. The sound goes straight to my cock as I thicken, something I didn’t think was possible. The pain from the zipper in my jeans is more uncomfortable than anything, but I refuse to stop. No way in hell am I stopping this. I can deal.

With my hands on her ass and my lips suckling her neck, she takes the lead and rocks her hips, seeking her release that I am all too willing to give her. Her breathing is accelerated, and her movements grow faster until they stop altogether.

“Laney?” I ask when she buries her face in my neck. “Look at me.”

She shakes her head and mumbles, “No.”

“Come on, beautiful, let me see those eyes.” It takes her a few moments, but she eventually sits up and looks at me. Her cheeks are pink, and she’s biting down on her bottom lip. “Talk to me. What just happened?”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“There is nothing you can’t tell me, Laney. Nothing. What’s going on in the gorgeous head of yours?”

“I—” She stops and closes her eyes. I watch as she slowly inhales and exhales, squaring her shoulders as her eyes slide open. “I don’t remember sex. I mean, I know what it is, I remember that, but I don’t remember the act.”

“You might not, but I do.” I hate we’re about to have this conversation, but she needs it. “We talked about everything. You want me to tell you?”

“That’s so wrong,” she says. “I can’t expect you to do that. Talk about me with other people.”

“Trust me, it’s not a picnic, but I’ll do it for you. I have your memories, and like I said earlier, I’ll give them to you. As little or as much as you want.”

She nods. “I-I assume I wasn’t sexually active until college since I have no memory of ever actually, you know.” She shrugs.

“Your freshman year.” I stop, preparing myself to tell the woman I love about her sexual experience with a man who’s not me. “He pursued you for a couple of weeks, and you met up with him at a frat party. You said he was sweet and gentle, and told you he cared about you.” I have to focus to not let my anger at how he treated her show through. I have to deliver the information. “You went up to his room. You said he was easy with you, but it was all about him. You didn’t come.” Her cheeks glow crimson. “Fifteen minutes later, he climbed out of bed and got dressed. I’m paraphrasing when I tell you that he said something along the lines of it’s been fun, you can show yourself out. You got dressed, held your head high, and left the party. You went home and cried for the rest of the weekend. Two months later, you were home on Summer break, and we met. I took you back to my place, and you were worried I’d never want to see you again. I assured you that I would. You kept telling me that it was okay, you knew the score this time and you were good with it. The next morning, you tried to sneak out of my bed, but I wouldn’t let you. We spent two days holed up here.” I look around. “I can see you here. It’s part of why I’m still here. Part of me didn’t want to give up those memories, and the other part was hoping one day you’d show up on my doorstep.”