“This is his home.” Surely, he wouldn’t just pack up and leave just like that. Would he?

She points to where Kent is sitting on the floor with Kendrix in his lap. “She’s his home, his heart, and her momma too. Just… consider your options and his. What each of you would be leaving behind.”

“We don’t have the results back yet,” I say, trying to stall my mind from going into overdrive to decipher our conversation.

“We don’t need them to know the truth. He’s adamant, and she looks like him. She’s the perfect mix of the two of you. You all make pretty babies,” she teases.

“Look at them.” Mara joins us with baby Ryder in her arms. “A bunch of softies.” She motions to where the men are sitting in a circle, kids on their laps as they play with building blocks.

“He’s adorable,” I say, reaching out to run my index finger on the top of Ryder’s little hand.

“Thank you. He’s our miracle baby.” She stares down at her son.

Had Reagan not filled me in, I wouldn’t have understood that statement, but I get it. The bond of this group is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

“Would one of you mind holding him? I need to use the restroom.”

“Babe!” Tyler calls out. “We need help.” He points to one of his sons and waves his hand in front of his face.

“We’re still potty training. Looks like I have an accident to attend to.” Reagan rushes off to help her husband.

“I’ll take him.” I hold my arms out for Mara to transfer Ryder to me. “Oh, my. It’s been a long time since I’ve held a little one. Hello, handsome.” I smile down at him. He’s wide awake, looking all around and taking in this raucous bunch.

I make my way to the other side of the living room and settle on the couch. Ryder and I snuggle. “What do you think about all of this, little man? Won’t be long and you’ll be joining in on all the fun.”

“God, what I wouldn’t give to be able to go back and see you like this with her, with our little girl.” Kent takes a seat next to me on the couch.

“Where’s Kendrix?” I glance up and at the group.

“She’s showing Kendall and Everly her birdhouse in her room.” He leans in and taps Ryder’s chin and he wiggles his little arms and legs, obviously recognizing his uncle Kent.

“I hate that you missed it all. We missed out too, you know. We could have had you all this time.”

“You want more?” Kent nods to the baby in my arms.

I nod in response. “Although I wasn’t sure it would even happen for me again. My life has revolved around Kendrix for so long. Between her and finishing my final year of college one class at a time, and working full-time as an independent graphic designer, there’s not exactly a lot of time to meet someone.”

“That’s the universe’s way of telling you you’ve already met him. It brought you here to me.”

“Do you smooth talk all the women like this?”

“What women?” He raises his eyebrows, challenging me.

“You know, the women you date.”

“We’ve talked about this. There hasn’t been anyone for me since you.”

“Surely you’ve, you know, hooked up, had a one-night stand, whatever.”


“How is that possible?”

“I’ve dated, flirted, drove a couple of girls home from the bar, but I never slept with any of them.”

“What? Come on now. What happened to all that honesty stuff you were spewing at me? Does today not count? Or are you already dropping the ball on that one?” I regret the words as soon as they are out of my mouth. “I’m sorry,” I rush to add. “That was uncalled for. I’m just… you’re a lot to take in, Kenton Baldwin, and this is intense. You’re intense.”

“I made a vow to you and to myself and now to our daughter. All of me, 100 percent open and honest, no matter what. I won’t risk losing you again over something stupid.”

“I don’t live here,” I state the obvious, but Reagan’s little chat has been rolling over and over in my mind since I sat down.

“I know. We’ll figure it out.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means we will figure it out. Together.”

I don’t press him for more. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m ready for his truth serum. We just need to get past the next few days and get these results. The more time I spend with him, the more I want to. In the back of my mind, there is “what if.” What if we’re wrong? What if he’s not her father? Then what? There will be more pain for him, and for me. The fewer plans we make, the better off we are. Just in case.

What are the odds that fate brought us together? Then again, was it fate or my father? I block it out as best as I can and just try to enjoy the moments—all of the moments, soaking them up like a sponge. Regardless of what those results say, Kenton Baldwin is not a man you ever forget. I know I will never in my lifetime ever meet anyone like him, so I’m taking all the moments I can get and storing them away. Just in case.