Chapter 14KentToday has been one I’ll never forget. Not ever. And tonight, well, it’s one for the books too. After everyone left, I stayed behind. I couldn’t seem to leave them. Kendrix asked me to watch a movie with her, and no way could I tell my little girl no. Delaney took care of pulling it up on her laptop and handed it to me. I took a seat on the couch, and Kendrix, she crawled right up on my lap and snuggled close to see the screen. When she called for her momma to come watch, well, that’s how we ended up where we are now.

My back is against the arm of the couch, Kendrix is on my lap and Delaney is snuggled in close to my side. We’re watching the movie on a laptop, so yeah, we have to be close in order to see it. Not that I’m complaining. I slipped my arm around Delaney’s shoulders about twenty minutes ago without reservation or complaint from her, and Kendrix, I’m holding her with the other. I have both my girls in my arms where they belong. So, as amazing as today was, with all my friends here, with my girls. Tonight, it’s just for us, and it’s not only a moment I will never forget but one I will cherish until the day I take my last breath.

“Again,” Kendrix says sleepily as the credits roll.

“No can do, little lady. It’s bedtime.”

“No. I’m not tired,” she says as she covers a yawn with her hand.

“Hey, I was thinking. I’d like to take you and your mommy somewhere tomorrow. Somewhere really special. How does that sound?”

“We go now?” she asks.

“No, sweetheart. We have to get a good night’s sleep so we can go tomorrow.”

“Okay,” she concedes easily enough. “Will you read me a story?”

My chest tightens and a lump forms in my throat. “Yes,” I croak.

“Kendrix, why don’t you go get some jammies on and we’ll be there in a minute.”

“Don’t forget, Mr. Kent,” she tells me as she jumps off my lap and rushes down the hall.

“I-I couldn’t tell her no. I’m sorry. I know you didn’t want me— I couldn’t tell her no.”

“It’s fine. There’s no harm in you reading a bedtime story.”

I nod, suddenly nervous. I’ve done this reading gig to my nieces and nephews so many times, but tonight, it’s different. It’s more. It’s my little girl I’m going to be reading to. This is surreal, and really hits home that I’m a father. She’s a part of me, and always will be. That’s… incredible.

“Mr. Kent!” Kendrix yells out for me. “I’m weady.”

I smile. “I’ll be back, or do you want to come too?” I stand from the couch and ask Delaney.

“No. You go ahead.” She doesn’t say it, but I can see it in her eyes she’s giving me this moment. This special time with our daughter.

Leaning down, I place a kiss on the corner of her mouth. It’s the closest I’ve come to actually kissing her, and although I want that, I crave that connection with her, it’s going to have to wait. Not just because my little girl is waiting for me, but she needs to see it in writing. Delaney doesn’t remember, and she’s been told so many things, she needs to see it. I know she says she believes me, but she needs that hard evidence that what I say is true. Once we get that, all bets are off. I’m not staying away from either of them. I want them both in my life. Permanently.

With each step I take that carries me down the hall, the more nervous I become. My palms are sweating, and my knees, they’re a bit wobbly as I stand in the doorway of her room. The overhead light is off, and there is a dim glow from the bedside lamp. “Somebody need a bedtime story?” I ask.

“Me.” She raises her hand. “Come lay with me.”

Slowly, my feet carry me to the side of the bed. It’s a queen or maybe a full, and she’s so tiny sitting there all by herself. “This is a big bed for such a little girl.”

She giggles. “I love it. My grammy said it was extwa when she lived here.”

“Extra,” I correct her.

“That’s what I said.” She nods as if I need her agreement to believe her. “Lay with me.” She scoots over and pats the bed next to her.

Not needing to be told twice, I climb on the bed and rest my back against the headboard. She curls up next to me, resting her head on my chest, and we start to read. I change my voice, which makes her giggle, and I read slow, never wanting this moment to end. When I finally reach the last page, I look down, and she’s sound asleep. Without thinking, I press my lips to the top of her head and then carefully slide out from under her. I sit on the side of the bed and watch her sleeping. She’s peaceful and looks like a little angel. I don’t know how long I sit here and watch her sleep, but my phone vibrating in my pocket pulls me out of my trance.