Page 47 of The Golden Pecker

“Tell me what you’re doing,” Landon said. His voice was a low, raspy whisper. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve said there was a hint of animalistic need in his tone, too.

I bit my lip. “I’m holding my boob.”

“Tell me how it feels.”

I swallowed, and the sound might as well have been two cymbals crashing together in the silent room. “Good. Better than it should? Like my hand is extra warm, and it’s making little tingles go all over my body.”

“Put your other hand between your legs.”

I let my thumb rub across my hardening nipple and shivered. My other hand moved through the water, gliding across my body in a way that felt far, far too sensual to be happening while Landon hovered inches away in the dark.

“This feels so dirty,” I said.

“‘Dirty’ gets a bad reputation. One it doesn’t deserve.”

I tried to just rest my hand between my legs, but there was an invisible current running through the room—like Landon’s commands were strings that led back to an unseen puppeteer who waited somewhere in the shadows of the huge, silent room. I couldn’t stop myself from playing along, and everything felt so inexplicably good that I wasn’t sure I even wanted to stop anymore.

A moan slipped from my lips. I clamped my mouth shut, but my traitorous hands didn’t stop.

“You say it feels dirty,” Landon continued in a low, heavy voice. “You’re enjoying something, but you’re letting society make you feel guilty for it. That’s what ‘dirty’ is. Society isn’t here, Andi. It’s only me, you, and the darkness. You’re just doing as you’re told. Obeying,” he added.

His words sent another wave of heat through me. Jesus. I let two of my fingers slide into my entrance as I used the palm of my hand to rub my clit. I liked to think I knew my way around my own body, but nothing I’d ever done—solo or otherwise—held a candle to the way this felt.

And then he touched me.

My body was so overwhelmed that I didn’t even recognize what was happening at first. It was just his fingers against my cheek, then his thumb found my lips as he blindly explored. He let his finger stay there, gliding across my lower lip. Instinctively, I tried to lick my dry lips and felt my tongue flick against his finger.

Another, pitiful little gasp escaped me, and before I knew what I was doing, I was kissing his finger. It was slow at first, but I felt so uncontrollably turned on that I couldn’t stop myself.

Yellow. Red. The safe words floated into my mind like buoys in the middle of a storm—safe places I could reach out for and find shelter. Instead, I kept kissing his finger, driven boldly forward by the sharp intake of breath I heard from him. It was hot. God, it was so unbelievably hot.

I pictured his piercing eyes just inches from mine and wondered about the dark secret I knew he still hid from me. I wondered if this would change anything—if I was really foolish enough to think I could win his trust with my body. But that wasn’t even true. Nothing I was doing felt deliberate. It was all natural, like breathing when my lungs burned or trying to paddle if I found myself in the middle of the ocean.

It should have mattered. All of it should have—my questions and my lack of answers. But I was being carried by his momentum, and the current of that power was too strong to fight.

And I could get drunk on that sound I’d heard when I took his finger in my mouth. It said there was a fire of longing inside him, and every movement of my mouth against him was stoking those flames. There was power in that feeling. Intoxicating power.18LandonShit.I hadn’t meant to touch her. The decision had been more of an impulse that happened before I had time to stop it. But once I felt her silky, warm skin, I couldn’t help myself. Then I felt her lips…

And now her hot tongue was doing magic with the sensitive pad of my thumb, brushing and teasing. I could feel the wet grip of her lips circling the base of my finger and my already hard dick throbbed when I imagined how it would feel to take her mouth the way I wanted.

Worse, I could hear the gradually increasing pace of her hand churning up the water of the tub. I couldn’t see a thing, but I knew what that sound meant. I could picture her delicate fingers sliding into her tight entrance and rubbing hungry circles around her clit. I could see it all so goddamn clearly it hurt.

I needed to take control back. I knew I did. My role as her dom was to be the one in command, even if I had softened the terms of the contract for Andi. I wasn’t supposed to let myself get carried away or to let my submissive take control like this. Letting things continue like they were, even for a few more moments, threatened to unravel that delicate balance of power.