Page 48 of The Golden Pecker

And then there was a sound that didn’t belong. The lock I’d engaged on the door clicked, then there was the faintest hint of light.

Two loud claps rang out and all the lights in the room exploded to life.

I was already looking toward the source of the sound, so I was able to see the green fingernails and a pair of feminine hands before they slid back out of the door.

Without thinking, I looked back to Andi. That was a mistake.

The fraction of a second before she hurried to cover her naked body burned itself immediately into my memory. I could practically feel the edges of the image etching themselves into my brain, burrowing into my subconscious. Perfectly perky nipples on her modestly sized chest—wide hips and a narrow waist… And her hand. I could see the two fingers she still had inside her tight, gorgeous entrance.

Within the blink of an eye, one of her arms was covering her nipples and her legs were crossed with the other hand covering as much as it could. I quickly clapped my hands twice, returning us to darkness, but we both knew the damage was already done. Except I was sure she had no idea how much that moment was going to torment me.

My dick was so painfully hard I thought it might burst.

“Here,” I said hoarsely. I reached blindly under the tub for the towels I knew were stowed beneath. “Take my hand and I’ll help you get dried off.”

A wet hand pressed against my face a moment later. One of her fingers slid up my nose. I flinched back, laughing in surprise. “Uh, that was my face.”

“Sorry,” she said. “I was trying to find your hand. And I guess I hadn’t had enough sticking my fingers in holes for one night. Please tell me I didn’t say that out loud,” she muttered.

I smiled freely because I knew she couldn’t see it. I took her hand in mine. It wasn’t lost on me that just a few moments ago, the fingers wrapping themselves around mine had been inside her.

I helped her to stand, then somewhat clumsily extended the open towel. She took it from me, then clapped her hands twice. I was surprised to see her standing there with the towel wrapped around herself. Her long legs were still glistening with water, but only the tips of her hair had gotten wet.

She gave me an expectant look, then gestured for me to turn. “I didn’t feel like falling off this bridge in the dark while I tried to get dressed. But if you turn around to peek again, I’m going to Sparta your ass into those little black spikey things down there.”

I smirked. “They’re actually very soft. I think I’d survive.”

I could sense her glaring at my back. “Don’t you dare peek.”

I already saw enough to ruin me. Don’t worry. “I won’t.”

“Was that part of the experience?” she asked.

I heard the towel drop to the ground. My stomach clenched. All I’d need to do was turn around and that intoxicating body would be right there for the taking.

“No,” I said. “I have a feeling I know who that was, and why. Planning that would’ve been a violation. It’s not something I would’ve done to you. Ever.”

“Because you didn’t want to see me naked, you mean?”

I took some time to formulate my answer. Her tone was unreadable. I couldn’t tell if she was playfully searching for some validation, or if she was mad and the anger was just now setting in. I wouldn’t have blamed her for either.

“Because you wouldn’t have had a chance to safe word out of that situation,” I said. “I don’t want to blindly force you into uncomfortable situations. I want your submission. I want you to know what’s coming and then agree to participate.”

“I see,” she said. “You can turn now.”

I was relieved to see she was fully dressed again. Even though my cock still felt like an over-filled balloon about to pop at any moment, I could at least regain some semblance of control.

“Do I get credit for that on the list?” Andi asked.

I couldn’t be sure, but I thought she was probably forcing her casual tone. Her chest was still rising and falling a little too fast and I didn’t think I’d seen her blink yet.

“Yes,” I said. Take back control, Landon. “I’ll walk you out. But you need work on being a submissive before I can say you actually checked that one off.” I paused to search for the right words. As much as I didn’t want to offer her an out, I knew it was the least I could do, considering I was still too much of a coward to come clean about everything. “I meant what I said, Andi. Whether you do the list or not, I won’t keep your share of the hotel.”