“Aria?” he murmured. “Is everything okay?”
She shook her head.
“Hey,” he whispered, closing the distance between them. “Hey, what’s the matter?”
A tear slipped down her cheek and she brushed it away with a humorless laugh. “I’m so embarrassed.”
His brows lifted. “Embarrassed? About what?”
She shook her head, but he reached for her.
His arm slipped around her waist and he pulled her close. Brushing her hair behind her ear, he studied her face. There wasn’t as much pain as there had been yesterday. He didn’t see the mask she wore either. This was the real Aria—the Aria that she probably didn’t show to anyone. All her walls had been torn down.
There was something awfully raw and, at the same time, beautiful about what he saw. He should have kissed her when he’d had the chance.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t have come onto you like that.” She raked two hands through her hair and let out an embarrassed laugh.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for. Really.” Honestly, if he could turn back the clock, he would have relished the moment when she gave herself over to him, but he wasn’t about to tell her that.
“How are you such a good guy? All those scars…” She whispered the question so quietly he wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. But then she clarified. “With everything you went through as a kid… the emotional scars that must have caused… and you’re one of the sweetest guys I know.” She spoke so quietly it was as if she didn’t want to offend him.
While he stood there staring at her, he couldn’t help but feel a similar tug. She was a good person. But it was more than that. She was brave, determined, and, yes, strong. Aria was more than he could have expected beneath the surface.
Aria lifted her eyes and peered at him, then let out another laugh. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?” His heart tightened. “Like I’m seeing the real you?”
“Yeah,” she rasped. “Like you’re seeing the real me and you’re not sure you like it.”
His head reared back. “Aria,” he said firmly, moving to right in front of her.
She closed her eyes, and he waited for her to meet his gaze. It felt like an eternity before she finally did.
“I see a woman who has gone through more in her life than anyone should have experienced in ten lifetimes. I see a woman who is strong even when she doesn’t think she is.” His throat grew dry and his voice cracked. “I see someone who I’m starting to fall for.” Daniel’s eyes searched hers, praying he would find some indication that she felt the same as he did.
Her lips parted with surprise, and he could have sworn she leaned in closer to him. Aria lifted her hand and placed it against his cheek. From her touch, electrical sparks spasmed along his nerve endings. There was a clarity to her eyes, the way she was looking at him now. Even more than before, it was like he could see right down to her core, and the thought was exhilarating.
“Daniel…” she whispered.
Leaning into her touch, he closed his eyes. He wasn’t as good as she thought he was. He had a past—a temper. Would she still be interested in him if she knew? Without realizing where he was going to go with his next words, he said, “I’m not as good as you think I am.”
She let out a laugh. It was quiet and surprised. “I doubt that.”
He took in a deep breath and opened his eyes to meet her gaze. His hand covered hers and he fought the thundering of his heart as he spoke quietly. “You saw the evidence of what others inflicted on me, but you’ve never seen the aftermath when I discovered how to fight back.” He held his breath, waiting for her to gasp and tear away from him. Or at least fear him after learning he was capable of violence just like her dad.
She did neither of those things.
Still, his stomach twisted.
Aria’s brows furrowed and she tilted her head. Her thumb traced back and forth on his cheek. Then she shook her head. “That doesn’t make you a bad person.”
He swallowed, but the lump in his throat only grew. Daniel could beg to differ. The other people in his life wouldn’t agree with her either. He’d gotten out of control, but now he’d figured out a way to make everyone happy.
She smiled. It was a sad sort of smile, but the best part was that there was no fear to be seen. Instead, she leaned in closer, her breath grazing his face. “You’re not a bad person. You were a kid. You were protecting yourself. There’s a difference between hurting someone who can’t defend themself and being the protector for you or someone else.” Her lashes fluttered and she exhaled a shuddering breath. “I can tell you’re not the villain in this story.”
Aria’s eyes closed completely. She leaned closer and closer until her lips grazed against his own. It was the barest whisper of a kiss, an invitation for something more if only he wanted to reach out and take what she offered.
It was all he needed before he leaned closer. His kiss claimed her softly so as not to scare her. There was hesitancy in their touch, or perhaps an expectation for what might come after.