“Why not?” she snapped. “Clearly you don’t want me.”

A growl rumbled through his chest. “You will never understand how much I want you—how much I want to pull your lips to mine so I can finally taste you.”

“Then do it. Kiss me,” she demanded.

Slowly, he shook his head. “That’s not what you need right now. No matter how hard it is—how much it hurts—I’m going to be there for you in the way that counts.”

There was something in his words that once again made her defenses shatter. And all at once, she collapsed against him, giving in to the emotions that still sought to overthrow her.



She was beautiful. The way her long lashes rested against her cheeks as she slept seemed to soften her features, making it appear as though she’d never been hurt before. Daniel brushed a strand of hair from her face, and she released a shuddering exhale. He’d lost track of how long he’d held her like this, worried if he moved she’d wake up.

Aria had been through so much—too much in her short life.

They both had.

He rested his head back against the couch and stared at the ceiling. The worst part was that he didn’t know if she was still hiding something from him. He didn’t know what might happen if they were to get closer and she was triggered by something only to leave him.

Thinking that way wouldn’t do him any good.

A quiet groan slipped from his lips, and he shut his eyes against the fury and the guilt. She’d practically thrown herself at him, and he’d pushed her away.

He’d done it for her own good. He had a clear conscience when it came to his reasons. It was the look of disappointment in her eyes that made him wonder if he hadn’t just put their relationship another step back.

The desire to kiss her had been so strong it nearly ripped him in two. He’d wanted nothing more than to capture her lips with his own, to steal her breath and erase the memories of her past.

A sigh rumbled out of him and he lifted his head to stare down at her sleeping form once more. He’d be the kind of man she deserved. He’d promise it to himself and God. She needed someone who would show her how much she was worth.

A whisper of a moan escaped her lips and she snuggled against him. After a few moments, she shivered. As much as he liked being able to hold her like this, it would be better if he could get her under some warm blankets.

Inching his arms beneath her knees and around her back, he cautiously positioned her against his chest until he could get the leverage to climb to his feet. Another sigh whispered between them, but she didn’t stir further.

Carefully, he took her through the door to his bedroom and placed her gently on the queen-sized bed. Then he tucked the covers around her body. She must have been exhausted—either that or she was a heavy sleeper. Aria didn’t stir after he’d gotten her situated.

He gave her one more fleeting look before he grabbed a spare comforter from the edge of the bed and left the room.

The couch wasn’t nearly big enough for his tall frame and he’d be hanging over the edge no matter which way he tried to use it. Daniel couldn’t bring himself to care. He was getting closer to her. Aria was finally starting to let him in.

Daniel should have known betterthan to believe he was going to get any sleep. It wasn’t only because of the couch—though it was incredibly uncomfortable. It was all the racing thoughts he’d had about Aria. She seemed to sleep soundly enough.

He couldn’t stop thinking about what her father had done to contribute to her life. He already knew he hated the boyfriend who manipulated her and made her feel as though she was nothing.

If he could get his hands on that miscreant, he’d make that sorry excuse for a man understand what it truly meant to be nothing.

By the time light started filtering through the windows, he’d given up on sleeping. He moved to the kitchen and pulled out the coffee can from the cupboard only to realize it was empty. Rats. He was going to need some coffee if he had any hope of getting his work done today.

Daniel glanced toward the closed bedroom door where Aria still slept. He wasn’t about to wake her just to tell her he was going to get them some breakfast. Hopefully she’d stay sleeping until he got back.

The trip to town was uneventful. It took a little longer than he’d anticipated at the coffee shop. Apparently, several people in Copper Creek got their early morning coffee before seven.

When he returned and pushed open the door to the cabin, he froze. Aria stood by the fire, her arms wrapped around herself. She stared into the low flames until she glanced over her shoulder toward him and blushed.

“Good morning,” Daniel said. He lifted the cardboard cup carrier and the paper bag. “I brought coffee and bear claws.”

When she turned back to the fireplace, he frowned. Daniel kicked the door shut and moved to the food on the counter before moving toward her.