That thought continued to tear into her, stealing her sleep. She wanted to believe that Daniel was as good and kindhearted as he seemed to be. More than anything, she wanted to keep chasing the happiness he brought into her life.

And yet she was terrified to do so—but not for reasons she had expected.

He hadn’t shown any signs of being physically violent like her father. He had never torn her down. The only sign that he might be hiding that sort of personality was how controlling he could be at times. Occasionally he’d disregarded her preferences and insisted his way was better.

But was that really a problem? Or was she looking for flaws when Daniel had been nothing but a gentleman?

Groaning, she rolled over onto her side and stared hard at Sophia’s wall. She’d gotten a text late last night. They were wrapping everything up with the hearing today. Then they’d decide if they would stay a few more days. After Sophia and Mateo returned, Aria would move back to the cabin.

Daniel would move back home.

His handsome face filled her thoughts, and she sighed. Her head said to take it slow. She needed to be sure he wasn’t going to hurt her. But her heart argued that she already knew the kind of man he was—and she wanted him. The hesitation didn’t make any sense.

The fact that he hadn’t explicitly told her he wasn’t interested was a good sign. Right? He still wanted to try. A smile tuggedat her lips despite the turmoil churning within her. He’d been patient, and she was determined to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Fidgetingin her seat as she sat across from him, she waited for him to bring up their date last night. He’d told her that he’d be ready to talk when she wanted to, but did that mean he’d push the issue? She wasn’t ready now, but she couldn’t help wondering what came next.

“This is really good.” Daniel took another bite of the enchiladas she’d prepared for dinner. “I know you never officially picked a major at college, but maybe you should consider going back and focusing on something in the culinary field.”

Her brows lifted, but she didn’t respond.

He chuckled. “I mean it. I don’t think I’ve eaten this well in a long time, and my sister is a pro.”

She warmed at the compliment, picking at her food as she attempted to pretend it didn’t matter. “What about you? Have you reconsidered going to school for your interest in architecture?”

Daniel’s smile faded and he shook his head.

Great, she’d ruined any sort of moment they might have had going. Aria cleared her throat, hoping to get it back. “I like these dinners.” It was a lame comment, but it was all she could come up with. “It’s gonna be too quiet here when you go back home.”

One side of his mouth tilted upward. “Just because I leave doesn’t mean we have to stop having dinner together. I’m more than happy to come here for your cooking.”

She let out a soft laugh. “You’re just saying that because you like me.”

His expression grew serious. While her statement had been flippant and flirtatious with the expectation of him cracking a joke in response, he’d surprised her with something different. “I do like you. Quite a lot, actually.”

Aria blinked. The facade of her personality she’d created to avoid getting close to people kept crumbling whenever he was around. She was having the hardest time not letting him see her true self.

Would he leave when he realized just how broken she was?

She ducked her head and stared hard at her food.


Daniel was better than that. He was a good man. She had to stop comparing him to men like Cayden.

“Aria?” His soft voice dragged her from her thoughts, and she lifted her eyes to meet his. Before he could say what he was thinking, her phone rang.

She jumped and her eyes shifted to the lit-up screen. Sophia’s name was clearly visible. They’d spoken last night. The decision was supposed to be made today, but she hadn’t reached out before dinner.

That could only mean one thing.

Aria’s father was dragging out the hearing.

“Do you need to get that?”

Her stomach had bottomed out. She didn’t know if she wanted to answer the phone. The longer this whole thing took, the harder it became to remain calm. While her father wouldn’t be able to reach her out here, her mother and her sister were at risk. Could she really stay here in Colorado when her family was in danger?

Hands clammy, Aria glanced from the phone to Daniel. The tightness in her chest wasn’t only about her father. It wasabout Cayden, too. It was about the feeling she got regarding the control she had over her own life—the fact that it was nonexistent. Or at least that was how she saw it.