And yet he knew there was a small part of him that wouldn’t be willing to let this go no matter how hard he tried.

Daniel closed his eyes briefly and took in a deep, settling breath. He wanted to protect her—to prevent this from happening again. That was what he’d focus on. He could be that person for her.

Surging with new determination, he marched down the steps and wove back through the house until he came outside to find Aria sitting on the porch. It didn’t appear as though she was staring at anything specific. There were no tears on her face. That was a good sign. Eventually, she’d open up to him. He had to believe that.

But for now, he’d be the one to offer the olive branch.

A groan slipped from his lips as he settled beside her.

“I was bullied.”

Slowly, she turned her eyes to him. He couldn’t bear to meet them, so he kept his focus straight ahead. “I know it might not look like it, but once upon a time, I was the scrawniest, smallest kid in my grade. Coupled with the fact that my parents had abandoned us and there were twelve of us kids, I became a target.”

She gasped, and he vaguely noticed the way she covered her mouth with her hand.

He took in a deep breath and exhaled. “My brothers didn’t really know about it. They knew that there were kids who picked on me, but they didn’t know that sometimes they cornered me on the way home and… hurt me.”

“The scars…” she whispered.

He nodded. “The scars.”

“Oh, Daniel?—”

“It was a long time ago. I grew up. I got big enough to take care of myself…” There was no way he’d tell her everything. He wasn’t sure he could handle it if she judged him for how far he took his ability to protect himself. One time he’d actually broken a bone. Brett had been one of his tormenters, but he’d long since stopped by the time Daniel knew how to defend himself. Running his hand through his hair, he expelled another pent-up breath.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Those scars are the only evidence of the torture I had to endure before I came out on the other side.” Finally, he turned to look her over, not surprised to find that sorrow in her eyes like before. “I know you’ve dealt with your own demons. I think it’s like our souls recognize it in the other. You can deny it if you like, but maybe you have some scars you’re trying to hide, too.”

She blinked several times, and a tear slipped down her cheek. Inwardly, he grimaced as he lifted his hand and brushed the tear away with his thumb. He’d made her cry. Rats! He’d only continued to make things worse.

Aria pulled away from his touch, and the guilt tore him apart even more.

“I’ll take you home,” he said, getting to his feet.

She stood, and he got the sense that she might say something to him, but only more silence met him. The conversation was over. The date was over.

But it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to keep trying.

He made it to her door and pulled it open for her, waiting for her to climb in. When she did, he rested his forearm across the top and leaned slightly toward her. “I don’t care how long it takes, Aria. I know you have a story to tell. And when you’re ready, I’ll be here to listen.” With that, he shut the door.



Aria tossed and turned. She lost track of how many times she’d glanced at the clock only to find that morning was approaching. Daniel had been perfect last night. He’d taken her on a unique date, shared a part of himself that he probably hadn’t shared with anyone, and she’d gone and spit in his face.

The guilt was worse than the fears that continued to crush her.

She shut her eyes tight, the pounding in her head getting worse. When her father had abused her mother, she’d promised herself that she wouldn’t allow anyone to treat her that way. When Cayden had thrown her to the ground, she moved out.

Cayden had been a knight in shining armor—letting her move into his spare room. He’d been sweet and understanding. He had told her that he wanted to protect her from what was waiting at home.

But then his true side started to show. He’d get mad and blame her for things that she couldn’t control. He’d put her down and made her believe she wasn’t good enough.

By the time her father had been convicted of domestic violence, Cayden had done his damage. He’d made her question her own ability to judge people.

What if she was wrong about Daniel?