Page 20 of Baron

“We are going to be late,” she moans but doesn’t make a move to get out from under me.

“We have time, Red,” I assure her, continuing to chase our pleasure.

I feel her pussy clench around as she screams my name, I fill her yet again with my seed. There is no way I haven’t bred her at this point, but one thing at a time. Finally, we are on the road headed to my parents’ house, only about twenty minutes late. At least we can blame it on Chicago traffic.Chapter TwelveFrannieWe’ve been in the car for almost an hour heading towards the suburbs where his parents live, and it is definitely not a good thing. The no talking is giving my mind time to think about all the differences and making my nerves worse. Looking at him from the corner of my eye, I can't help but to feel things. Things I never thought I would feel.

For instance, I have always considered myself to be independent. The type of person who never asks for help and doesn’t allow anyone to help me past a certain point. So, can someone please tell me what the hell I am doing in this car with this gorgeous beautiful man, who basically wants to pay for everything in my life and take care of me? No screw that. What is happening to me that I want to let him?

“You doing ok, over there, baby?” He asks, putting his hand on my lap. Immediately goose bumps form on my thighs and I have the urge to open my legs and slide his hand up the middle so he can ease the ache building just from his hands.

“I’m fine. Just thinking. You know. Trying to prepare myself for what I am walking into.” His hand moves a bit and I have to swallow the moan threatening to leave my mouth.

“Look at me Red.” I turn to look at him, my legs moving as a result. His voice leaves no room for argument, and to be honest at this point all I want is for him to fuck me right here and now.

“I would never bring you into a situation that would cause you any type of pain. Even when it involves my family. Do you understand?” I gulp. My nipples are hardening as his voice caresses every inch of me with his forcefulness.

“Yes,” I whisper. “I understand.” It isn’t until he responds that I note we have stopped driving and his hand is right where I want it.

“Good. Now, let’s go inside, get squeezed by my mom, eat, and leave so I can have dessert.” He says all of this while his fingers flick back and forth inside of my pussy, causing my breathing to pick up.

“Baron.” I squeak out as my eyes are rolling to the back of my head. I am about to tell him not to stop, when he pulls his fingers out of me. My eyes pop open and I see him sucking his fingers like he has found his favorite cotton candy.

“So fucking sweet.” he says shaking his head before he winks at me and opens the door.

‘Asshole.’ I think as I am huffing and puffing to calm myself down. This is not how I pictured being when I met his mother. He opens the door, holds his hand out, and though I am pissed at him, I can’t help but smile and go wherever he leads. Hand in hand we walk up the driveway. About three quarters of the way up, I have to stop and blink.

Holy shit!!! Fuck. What house? In fact, I wouldn’t even call this place a mansion. No. This is a castle. It's huge. The house. The grounds. Hell, walking up the driveway is like walking down a normal street, and he grew up here?

“Stop. Whatever you are thinking I want you to stop it. It is just a house.” I look at him and roll my eyes.

“Are you crazy? This is more than a house, Baron. I knew your parents were rich and your dad is a senator, but this?” I gesture to the house and try not to turn and run.

“Baby, look at me.” He turns me towards him. “Calm down. Don’t judge a book by its cover. This house often gives people one impression and then you realize my family is nothing like what you see on the outside. Come on.” He kisses me on the forehead and pulls me behind him. We barely make it up the stairs before the front door opens.

“My baby boy.” A beautiful tall willowy woman, who is wearing a pair of jeans and a silk blouse, stands in the doorway holding her arms open. I can’t help but smile, simply because something about her is bright and warm. I can feel it from here.