Page 19 of Baron

“Oh, that’s Frannie’s roommate and best friend, Esther. Why?”

“No reason,” he says looking over the information portion of the packet.

“Sure,” I say chuckling. “Should I leave that with you?”

“I’ll drop it by later,” he says absently. I toss the bodyguard’s card on his desk as well.

“In case you need it,” I say walking out of his office and across the open space to mine.

Laurie is not at her desk as usual. Shaking my head, I head into my office and close the door behind me. For the next four hours, I do manage to work on a new marketing campaign for Stellar Industries. They were one of our first clients. Making implements that eventually ended up on the space station. Earlier today, they ran into a bit of trouble when a very large wrench floated out of its dock and knocked an astronaut out. There is a video of the incident and it went viral. As of now, we are in damage control mode. I think I have it under control at the moment.

At 4:45 my office door bursts open surprising me. Looking up from my computer, I am surprised to see Laurie standing there. She has changed her clothes from the business appropriate attire she had on earlier, to a short black dress. At first, I think nothing of it as it’s Friday. Perhaps she has a date tonight.

“Anything else I can help you with sir?” she asks.

“No, that will be all Laurie. Have a good weekend.”

“Sir, Baron? May I be frank?”

“I wish you wouldn’t,” I reply dryly.

“She’s not good enough for you,” she responds anyway.

“Excuse me?” I ask her, confused.

“The girl from before. She’s not good enough for you. She’ll never understand the demands on your time. Not like I do.” She stands with her hands on her hips.

“Laurie, this is completely out of left field and totally inappropriate. Who do you think you are bringing up something like that?”

“I am just the girl who has done everything you have ever asked of me,” she says.

“Surely you don’t mean the job you are paid to do, do you?” I ask incredulously. She can’t be fucking serious right now.

“I love you and I know you love me, Baron,” she says. I hear someone else clear their throat behind her. I look around her and see Frannie leaning up against the door jam.

“What the fuck is going on here?” She asks. I can tell she is pissed.

“You’re early,” I say stupidly.

“Oh, should I come back after you’ve finished with her?” she asks.

“No, of course not. Laurie you’re fired.” I say matter of factly.

“What?” Laurie asks incredulously.

“You heard me. You are fired. Get your personal things and leave. A security guard will take your badge and escort you out.

“You’ll regret this Baron Roades.”

“I already regret hiring you in the first place, so I doubt it.”

I pick up my desk phone and request security to come and assist. I’ll deal with the HR nightmare later. When all that is done, I find Frannie sitting on the couch still fuming.

“What, what was that all about?” she says quietly.

“I was blindsided by that train wreck,” I answer honestly.

“If I had known you had something going on with her, I wouldn’t have let this happen,” she says.

“What are you talking about?” I ask confused.

“I thought that we could maybe have sex before dinner, but I walk into this mess instead. She gave me a bitch face whenever I came in here. She looked at me like I was encroaching on her territory, but I dismissed it.”

“I told you that I had never been with anyone before. Why don’t you trust me?” I ask.

“I do trust you, but I am falling for you and I don’t know what to do about that, Baron. I am lost.” She spews this so frantically and releases her breath after she is finished.

“I already fell, Frannie. There is nothing to do but fall.” Shrugging my shoulders, I decide being honest might be best.

“I know, but it’s hard for me,” Frannie says so softly. I am afraid she is going to cry.

“I am going to be here every step of the way. I won’t hurt you. I’d die first.” I couldn’t be more serious.

“I don’t think that will be necessary,” she says laughing.

I move closer to her and kiss her softly. The kiss gets deeper and deeper until she reaches for my belt opening it.

I manage to get her to the edge of my desk, where I lay her down on it. The dress she has on enables me to push her legs far apart. I run my fingers through her folds, finding her wet. My pants fall to the floor, I pull my cock out of my boxers, slide her panties to the side, and slide into her slowly. She moans as her fingers grip my shoulders and her pussy grips my hard cock inside of her. Leaning down, I kiss her before really starting to fuck into her. She takes everything I give her, wrapping her legs around my waist. Things are falling off of my desk with the power of my thrusts, but I don’t care.