But then Erik keeps talking: “But you will be mine, Anya. If you try to break the deal your father and I made, it won’t end well for him.”
“I don’t care about him,” I blurt out without thinking.
“No?” He slides his gaze toward my father and Nadia. “Well, then, how about your sister?”
Everything inside me goes cold. “My sister?” I can barely move my lips.
“It won’t end well for your entire family if you don’t marry me right now. I think you know this. You’re a Bratva daughter. You’ve been raised in this life. I can break the deal I made with your father right this second, and all hell will break loose in a matter of minutes. But I want to enjoy my wedding day, and I think you do, too. So, just say ‘I do,’ and nothing bad needs to happen.”
I can feel the energy radiating off him, like he’s hoping I’ll disobey him so he can cause bloodshed.
Well, I can’t let that happen. I can’t risk Nadia getting hurt.
Escape is impossible at this point. It’s my duty to my sister to keep her safe, and if marrying Erik will do that, then I have no choice.
Standing up straighter, I square my shoulders. Erik’s eyes gleam with delight as I say the words that will seal my fate forever.
“I do.”
There’s a visible exhale from the priest before he says, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. It’s time to exchange your rings.”
A man hands Erik a box, and when he opens it, I see two simple wedding bands nestled inside. He takes my hand and slips my ring on my finger, silently claiming me as his.
Then he hands me a ring.
I hold onto it. I have to put this on Erik and essentially claim him as my own. But I don’t want him. All I want is for my sister and me to be safe.
My eyes flick to her worried face. I’m doing this for her, I remind myself. Marrying Erik is the only way to keep her safe.
I try to keep my hands from shaking as I put the ring on Erik’s finger, but my hands tremble anyway. Erik’s fingers skim against mine, causing goosebumps to break out on my skin.
I let go of his hand the moment the ring is on.
But it’s not over yet.
“You may kiss the bride.”
I startle at the priest’s words. It never even crossed my mind that I’d have to kiss Erik, but it should have. I’m going to have to do a lot more than kiss him soon. That thought makes a dread form in my stomach like heavy cement.
Erik takes my face between his strong hands and lowers his lips to mine. I hold very,verystill.
And as soon as the kiss begins, it’s over. It only lasts a couple of seconds.
But I have to admit—his lips didn’t feel terrible on mine. And yet, I’m left feeling ice cold.
Erik re-grabs my hand and turns us to our guests. They all cheer for us as we walk down the aisle. Erik is smiling. but it’s not an excited, happy smile. It’s a dark, mischievous smile like he’s thinking of more. More of what I have no idea, but I just know in my gut that it can’t be good.
I turn to Nadia and see tears falling down her cheeks. I try to go to her, but Erik forces me to keep walking forward.
“This is our day,” he murmurs. “Not your sister’s.”
“She needs me,” I hiss.
“She’ll be fine.” His tone is so dismissive it makes me flinch.
“You don’t know anything.”
Erik glances at me with a surprised upturn of his eyebrows. “Then enlighten me.”